Employee Profile


The Employee Profile option allows viewing the information entered in the current employee file and modifying the employee's personal information if the company has given them the rights in their employee file. If they have been noted in the employee's HR file, the employee's certificates and skills will also be displayed.

We can access the Employee Profile through the right-hand menu in maestro*MOBILE.


Employee Photo

  1. Press on the Replace the Photo.
  2. Then press on Take a Picture to activate your mobile device's camera.
  3. If needed, write a comment.


Contact Information

If this information has been entered in the employee's file in maestro*, the employee's current work cell phone, as well as their work email, are displayed.

By pressing on the phone number or the email address, displayed in blue, the user can directly open the default call or messaging application on their phone.


Personal Information

If the company has given them the rights in their employee file, the current employee can modify their personal information (except their date of birth and marital status) in this section:

  • Phone (main and other)
  • Personal Email
  • Address
  • Date of Birth
  • Marital Status
  • Name and phone number of the person to contact in case of an emergency


Certifications and Skills

This section displays the current user's certificates and skills, as defined in maestro* (Human Resources File option).


Add a Non-Availability

  1. Press on + Add a Non Availability.
  2. Select the non-availability Type.

The non-availability types come from the Define Non-Availability Types option in maestro*.

  1. Indicate a start date and time.
  2. Indicate an end date and time.
  3. Add a comment if needed.
  4. Press on Save.



This section displays the documents linked to the user's employee file and classified by document category in a tree structure. Access to document categories is granted through maestro*'s Security Management option.


Categories are displayed in alphanumeric order. Within a category, documents are ordered from the oldest to the most recent, with uncategorized documents displayed first.

Users can search by file name or by the date the files were added to the system.



Last modification: février 27, 2025