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Recommendations Status

Recommendations originating from maestro*MOBILE fall into one of three statuses:

  • Entered: the Recommendations window defaults to the Entered status; it is the only one that allows creating and modifying a recommendation;
  • Ongoing: this status combines recommendations that are in progress (or processed);
  • Completed: this status only groups closed recommendations.

Once selected, the status appears in blue to ensure users know if they are seeing entered, ongoing, or completed recommendations. Recommendations are listed from the most recent to the oldest.

Status Description

Displays recommendations added from the Recommendations interface that have not yet been processed in maestro*. An “entered” recommendation can be modified or improved upon at all times.


Displays recommendations created in the maestro*MOBILE Recommendations interface that are currently followed up upon, but for some reason not yet completed in maestro*. It is impossible to modify an “ongoing” recommendation in maestro*MOBILE.


Displays recommendations originating from the maestro*MOBILE Recommendations interface that have been processed by the main office and are now closed. Of course, “completed” recommendations cannot be modified.

A recommendation’s status can be modified in maestro*. A recommendation whose status is Entered and whose topic is Equipment can be set to the Completed status in the maestro*MOBILE Recommendations interface (even by another user than the one who created it).


+ Add a Recommendation

When the window displays the Entered status, the first available button at the top of the page is named + Add a Recommendation. This option enables users to create new recommendation which, once saved, will also appear in maestro*. Recommendations added from this interface are not linked to a project, service call, or work order; they can be about three possible topics: human resources, equipment, or other.


Brief Description of Recommendations

The Recommendations page displays the list of recommendations.

The user can display either the recommendations they have created (My recommendations, which is the default choice) or All recommendations of all users. The system will keep the last choice made by the user for the next time.

A brief description is displayed for each of the recommendations visible on the page. The following information is available:

Information Description

Number generated automatically by maestro*MOBILE when adding a new recommendation.

NOTE: The numbers assigned to the recommendations created from the Service, Project and Field Work Orders interfaces are part of the same number sequence.


Recommendation’s status; can be one of the following three:

  • Entered
  • Ongoing
  • Completed

Topic of the recommendation: either Equipment, HR and Other if the recommendation has been created from the Recommendation interface, or Service Call, Work Order , Project and Field Work Orders if it has been created in one of those interface.


Code and description of the equipement (for recommendations whose topic is Equipment).

Recommendation Type

User-selected recommendation type (must be previously configured in maestro*).

Customer Name

Customer’s name, as entered in maestro*.


Snippet of the recommendation’s description.

Follow-Up Date

Follow-Up date indicated in the recommendation.

Created by

Number and name of the user who created the recommendation.


See also


Last modification: février 19, 2025