
Last modification: February 21, 2025


A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z




Accrued Costs

French: Frais courus

The term "accrued" makes reference to a product or service received, but for which the supplier invoice has not yet been obtained and charged to the accounting books. The products' or services' cost has however been applied to the project or inventory, thus the creation of the accrued cost.

Accrued costs are therefore a supplier's committed costs.



Activity / Project Code

French: Code d'activité / projet

Code that allows to enter on the timesheet the different work types performed, as indicated on the schedule or work order.




French: Allpriser

A company which provides Canadian builders with a database listing all plumbing and electrical products on the market, allowing them to quickly obtain suggested purchase and resale prices.



Applet, Mini-application

French: Applet, applette, appliquette

Applet comes from the merging of the term "App" which stands for application and the "-let" suffix, which means of small size. It is a software or mini-software that is launched in another application's window.




French: Assemblage

In maestro*, an assembly groups the required items, resources, subcontractors, and sub-assemblies to perform a part of a project's work. For example, an assembly can be created to perform a meter square of a conventional roof. An assembly allows to standardize and speed up the estimation and quotation process, as well as help avoid oversights and omissions.




French: Asynchrone

Applied to the IT context and an antonym to synchronous, asynchronous refers to the processing of data carried out in delayed time and the use of communication modes that do not require a simultaneous connection.



Auxiliary (or Auxiliary Account)

An auxiliary account is a subdivision of the general account. It allows third parties of the same nature to be grouped under a same general account number.





The BAI file format allow to generate electronic cash management balance reports. It has been developed by the Bank Administration Institute. The BAI format is used by banks to transfer data to customers, such as NSF (non-sufficient funds) cheques.

The Bank Administration Institute (BAI) is a non-profit organization that focuses on improving banking standards (in the operations and auditing areas) while analyzing risks and promoting productivity-enhancing technology solutions.

Source: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/b/bank-administration-institute.asp, November 12, 2021




French: Ballpark

At Maestro, ballpark is used to refer to the estimate cost to carry out a development requested by a customer.



Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD)

French: BDD

"[...] Behaviour-driven development (BDD) is an agile software development process that encourages collaboration among developers, quality assurance testers, and customer representatives in a software project. It encourages teams to use conversation and concrete examples to formalize a shared understanding of how the application should behave. Behaviour-driven development combines the general techniques and principles of TDD (test-driven development) with ideas from domain-driven designs and object-oriented analysis and design to provide softrware development and management teams with shared tools and a shared process to collaborate on software development." (Bellware, 2008)

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Behavior-driven_development, November 15, 2021




French: BI

Business Intelligence. Used by those who make the decisions and company managers. It refered to the means, tools, and methods used to collect, consolidate, model, and restore a company's data to help make decisions and give an overall view of the current activity.

Source: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Informatique_d%C3%A9cisionnelle, february 6, 2020



BSDQ (Bureau des soumissions déposées du Québec)

As indicated on their website, the mission of the Bureau des soumissions déposées du Québec (BSDQ) is to receive and forward quotations from specialized contractors in the constuction industry, working in Québec, to allow general and specialized contractors to enjoy the benefits of healthy competition and efficient markets, to the benefit of owners.



Builders' Lien

French: Dénonciation de contrat

Name of the contract that must mandatorily be sent to property owner by the subcontractor to have access to the legal construction mortgage. The Builders' Lien must be given in writing to the owner prior to the start of the construction work, when the contractor does not contract directly with the owner of the property.

Source: https://www.cmeq.org/entrepreneurs-electriciens/questions-du-jour/fiche-de-question/2230/, December 23, 2019



Business Software

French: Progiciel

A business software is the product of the words product, professional, and software. It is also known as an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning).

A business software is an application software offered by a business that offers multiple functionalities for professionals. It is designed to meet the most common uses and different needs of the company. It therefore allows to perform various different tasks, but all linked together by an activity field. A business software can thus be made up of multiple softwares.

We also call it an application software. Unlike solutions developed by in-house companies to perform specific tasks, the company chooses the modules it needs.

A business software is designed for a particular use. It is therefore quite complicated to design since each field has very specific methods. It includes all IT systems that can provide significant assistance to users in carrying out their activities. It can thus include softwares that can be used for sales, purchases, salaries, financials, production and distribution, stock management...

Source: https://archipelia.com/progiciel-logiciel-difference/, on March 10, 2022




Calendar Year

French: Année civile (also called année calendaire)

The calendar year is made up of a 12 months period, beginning on January 1 and ending on December 31. The calendar year may differ from a company's financial/fiscal and taxation years.



Commission de la construction du Québec (CCQ)

The CCQ is the organization that oversees the application of the Labor Relations, Vocational Training, and Workforce Management Act in the construction industry, the regulations made under it and the agreements collective agreements enforce in the construction sector in Quebec. In addition, it administers the complementary benefit plans with regard to the needs of the clientele.



Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CSST) or Commission des normes, de l'équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST)

The Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CSST) is a former Quebec government body created in 1979 to administer certain government compensation programs. Its main mandate was the administration of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, but it was also responsible for compensating victims of crime or good citizenship.

The CSST was abolished on January 1, 2016 when the Commission des normes, de l'assurance, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST), which has since been the body to which the government of Quebec entrusted the promotion of labor rights and obligations. The CNESST now administers the occupational health and safety regime in Quebec.


Committed Costs(when calculating projection)

French: Coûts engagés

Committed costs in maestro* refer to project expenses to which the company has already committed itself: orders, stock orders from catalogue, subcontracts, etc.




French: Comité

In maestro*, a committee refers to a group of employees that have similar characteristics when performing payroll, such as payroll periods, variables to print on the paystub, contributions and remittances to the Commission de la construction du Québec (CCQ), etc. It is mandatory to set up committees to process payrolls. There are usually, in Quebec construction industries, at least two committees: one for CCQ employees and another for administration employees.

In maestro*, committees (Define Committees) differ from groups (Define Groups) since the latter are used to group or sort employees to "separate" or "sequence" the payroll process or print cheques* by employee groups.

*The employee grouping setting is particularly useful when paycheques have to be given physically to the employees and it is therefore useful to group employees by worksite to eliminate having to sort the cheques. Direct deposit for employee payroll has, in many cases, eliminated the need to create employee groups.



Compliance Audit

French: Attestation de conformité

When referring to construction work monitoring, a compliance audit is a document which generally confirms that specific contractual or regulatory requirements have been met. To generate this audit, the supervising engineer must make sure they have inspected said construction work during their supervision.

Source: http://gpp.oiq.qc.ca/attestations_de_conformite.htm, October 25, 2022



Consolidated Company

French: Compagnie consolidée

A consolidated company regroups the financial data of two or more companies in which the consolidated financial statements will be available. In other terms, the data of all the companies will be pooled.



Consolidation of Financial Statements

French: Consolidation comptable

The consolidation of financial statements is the preparation of financial statements for a group of companies. It aggregates the accounts of each of the companies that make up the group and makes restatements in order to make it look as if it were a single entity.



Construction Management

French: Gérance de construction

Construction management involves a project manager or general contractor managing a project on behalf of a client. The mandate may include the preliminary planning of the construction work, schedule management, cost management, execution of the construction work, compliance with construction and occupational health and safety requirements, supervision, management of subcontractors and suppliers, etc. The client remains responsible for expenses, even though payments can be performed by the contractor or client themself. The financial performance of the project manager or general contractor is sometimes the subject of an agreement that a potential share of savings will be added to the project management costs.




DDF Files

French: Fichiers DDF

"Dictionary" type files used in the Pervasive technology.




French: Domaine

A domain is a group of companies defined in maestro*. It is associated to a user group. The domain can group companies defined in multiple directories.



Drawer Cheque

French: Chèque tiroir

A drawer cheque is a cheque which, for accounting purposes, has been issued but which, for reasons known or unknown, has not been debited to the recipient's account.

Some users may therefore wish to assign a particular status to cheques that will not be deposited in the short-run; i.e. because the cheque was issued during the construction break, because cheques must be mailed from another location, etc.



Dynamic (Filter)

Français: Dynamique (filtre)

A standard search using a dynamic filter will search for an alphanumeric value regardless of whether it is upper or lower case and regardless of where it falls in the nomenclature of the item being searched for. For example, letters, numbers, and/or a word or words can precede or follow the value entered in the filter. Maestro* will display, as results, all data, including the value entered in the filter.




EDI (Electronic Data Interchange)

French: EDI (Échange de données informatisé)

Electronic Data interchange is the exchange, from one computer to another, of commercial documents in a standard electronic format between commercial partners.

Source: https://www.edipourtous.fr/ce-qu-est-l-edi/ , January 28, 2020





Key on the keyboard - Name that we give to maestro* procedures (or help guides) since, to be able to read them, the F1 key must be pressed.



Fédération des coopératives du Nouveau-Québec (FCNQ)

Founded in 1967, the Fédération des coopérative du Nouveau-Québec (FCNQ) belongs to a group of 14 member co-ops on the Inuit communities of the Hudson and Ungava coasts of Northern-Quebec (or Nunavik, as this region is now called).

Ther co-op movement is now the largest non-government employer in the region with over 400 full-time and 140 seasonal employees in Nunavik and 160 full-time employees in Montreal.

Source: http://www.fcnq.ca/en/qui-nous-sommes, November 25, 2021




French: Second œuvre

Finishings are the work which consist in turning a carcass into a complete building. Finishing work includes all the elements that are not part of the load-bearing structure of a work and that make a structure habitable. These are the finishing touches that equip and furnish the house. This includes electricity, plumbing, waterproofing, insulation, partitions, cladding, fireplaces, fittings, equipment, etc.

Source: https://www.constructeurs-maisons.org/second-oeuvre.php, on February, 20, 2020



Fiscal Year (also called Financial Year)

French: Année financière (also called année fiscale ou comptable)

A fiscal year is a one-year period that companies use for financial reporting and budgeting. A fiscal year is most commonly used for accounting purposes to prepare financial statements. Each company decides what their fiscal year is, therefore also choosing on what date the fiscal year ends. At the end of the fiscal year, the manager prepares the documents and declarations required by the government for the company's taxes. The fiscal year may be different than the calendar year.

Source: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/fiscalyear.asp, January 16, 2023



FOB (Free On Board)

FOB is a term in international commercial law specifying at what point respective obligations, costs, and risk involved in the delivery of goods shift from the seller to the buyer under the Incoterms standard published by the International Chamber of Commerce.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FOB_(shipping), on March 9, 2022



Foundations and Main Walls

French: Gros œuvre

All of the structural components of the building: It includes every component insuring the strength and stability of the building, more particularly, the foundations, load bearing walls, floors, posts, beams, etc.

Source: https://en.condolegal.com/condolegal/glossary/foundations-and-main-walls/foundations-and-main-walls/450, January 3, 2022



Fringe Benefits

French: Bénéfices marginaux

Fringe benefits are employer costs or expenses that are added to the salary, to benefit the employee. They correspond to what is often called social benefits or non-wage labour costs.




General Ledger

French: Grand livre

The general ledger, also known as a nominal ledger, is the grouping of all accounts used by a company for their finances.




Hired Trucker

French: Artisan

That is how bulk carriers, hired by quarries and concrete plants, are called. They are self-employed and have their own equipment to perform various deliveries.




Urgent update of the maestro* software to integrate corrections mage to the latter. These corrections address issues that affect the clients' day-to-day business process.




French: Comment faire

Document type, available through the Guide portal and on the maestro* Knowledge Base, that is shared with users and that explain, step by step, how to perform certain operations in the software.




French: CVCA (CVC)

The heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) is a set of technical fields grouping the trades dealing with aeraulic comfort. It brings together specialists in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning.

Source: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chauffage,_ventilation_et_climatisation, March 11, 2022




French: Hyperviseur

In software, a hypervison if a virtual platform which allows multiple operating systems to work on the same physical machine at the same time.

Source: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperviseur, March 30, 2021




Integrated Management Software

French: Logiciel de gestion intégrée

An integrated management software is a system used to manage and monitor on a daily basis the financial and operational data of a company. The latter reduces, among other things, the volume of entries that need to be made, as well as the risk of errors - users do not have to transfer information from one system to another.

Maestro* is composed of modules dedicated to managing financial data, modules dedicated to managing operational data and, finally, intermediate modules dedicated to bridging the gap between financial and operational data. The data is systematically shared between the different maestro* modules - i.e. the data is systematically shared between the material requisitions (maestro* operational module), inventory management (maestro* intermediary module), and the accounting inventory management (maestro* financial module). A transfer is the act of pushing information from one option or module to another, through the means of a transaction.





French: Juste-à-temps (JAT)

" [...] Just-in-time is a set of logistics techniques aimed at improving the overall productivity of a company by reducing inventory and the costs associated with that inventory. The organisation of a JIT production system is based on a series of visual signals: the absence of a product on a shelf, or on a card table, must be synonymous with the ordering of the missing product. [...]"

(A Translation) Source: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juste-%C3%A0-temps_(gestion) September 4, 2020





French: Clé

The key is an encrypted file installed in the customer's directory, that allows to acess and open the door to the functionalities purchased by said customer.




French: Kit

New software version released every two weeks.




Legal Construction Hypothecs in Quebec

French: Hypothèque légale de la construction

"While most construction projects have their challenges, sometimes the biggest challenge is simply getting paid when the work is completed.

In such a case, the Civil Code of Québec provides a very effective mechanism for contractors, sub-contractors, architects, engineers, material suppliers and workers who have participated in the construction or renovation of an immovable: the Legal Construction Hypothecs.

The main strength of the legal construction hypothecs lies in the fact that it allows, in the event of non-payment, to have the building sold in court or even to take possession of it by way of payment, while at the same time offering the unpaid creditor priority over any other published mortgage up to the amount of the increase in value brought to the building by the construction work. ..."

A translation of part of: https://www.millerthomson.com/fr/publications-fr/communiques-et-dernieres-nouvelles/a-propos-juridique-construction-fr/septembre-2016-fr-2/lhypotheque-legale-de-la-construction-en-4-etapes/, February 3, 2022



List Generator

French: Générateur de liste

The List Generator is a maestro* functionality and option that is used to create simple and complex lists using variables from different tables of maestro*.

Lists created by the list generator are accessible from the Maintenance menu’s option (under File Maintenance, File section), but also through most options via the Print icon’s drop-down menu, Generator option.

List created in the list generator are also available through the main menu by clicking the Print Lists and Reports icon, under the Custom Lists. The lists are available depending on the security defined for options and based on whether the list’s visibility is set to public or private. Users who do not have access to an option cannot see the lists created using the option in question, even if they are public. Private lists are those created by the current user.

For example, the simple lists created in the generator allow users to export data in Excel, produce labels used to post mail (by transferring the information from the list to Excel), or get information to make the daily operations run smoother (i.e. the list of coordinated of a client or supplier).




French: Localisation

It is possible, for every catalogue item, to indentify a localization, in addition to a site. The localization refers to the aisle or shelf where the item is stored, in a site.





French: Macro (macro-définition)

A macro (short for "macro instruction"), in computer science is a rule or pattern that specifies how a certain input should be mapped to a replacement output. Applying a macro to an input is macro expansion. The input and output may be a sequence of lexical tokens or characters, or a syntax tree. Character macros are supported in software applications to make it easy to invoke common command sequences. Token and tree macros are supported in some programming languages to enable code reuse or to extend the language, sometimes for domain-specific languages.

Macros are used to make a sequence of computing instructions available to the programmer as a single program statement, making the programming task less tedious and less error-prone (they are called "macros" because a "big" block of code can be expanded from a "small" sequence of characters). Macros often allow positional or keyword parameters that dictate what the conditional assembler program generates and have been used to create entire programs or program suites according to such variables as operating system, platform or other factors. The term derives from "macro instruction", and such expansions were originally used in generating assembly language code.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macro_(computer_science), April 8, 2022



Maestro and/or Maestro Technologies

Name of the company.




Name of the software developed by Maestro Technologies.



maestro*CAFÉ #FR

Previous web portal where clients could open support tickets, download updates, find documents, and manage accesses. Has been replaced by the Guide portal.




Reference documents, available through the Guide portal and the maestro* Knowledge Base, that give information on a specific subject (such as changes to the payroll).




App developped by the Maestro Team that, combined with several maestro* modules, allows a user to manage resources, calls, projects, and so much more from a smartphone or tablet.



Maestro* Administrator

French : Administrateur maestro*

Each company needs to have a designated maestro* user administrator. This administrator has all rights and accesses in the software, hence the term administrator rights. This person is responsible of creating other users' security profiles and is generaly the one to perform most of the configurations in maestro*.



Magnetic ink character recognition code (MICR)

French: Code de reconnaissance de caractères à l'encre magnétique

Magnetic ink character recognition (MICR) is a technology used primarily to identify and process cheques. The MICR on a cheque is the string of characters that appears at the bottom left of the cheque. It consists of three groups of numbers, including the bank routing number, the customer's account number, and the cheque number.

The MICR includes, from left, a nine-character routing number, a 12-character account number, and a four-character cheque number.

It is called a magnetic ink character recognition line in reference to the print technology that is used to enable a machine to read, process, and record information.

Key takeaways

  • Magnetic ink character recognition is the string of characters at the bottom left of a personal cheque that includes the account, routing, and cheque numbers.
  • MICR numbers are designed to be readable by both individuals and sorting equipment.
  • They can't be faked or copied, due to the use of magnetic ink and unique fonts.
  • The benefits of the technology include enhanced security against fraud and mechanization of cheque processing.

Source: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/magnetic-ink-character-recognition-line-micr.asp, August 26, 2022




French: Masque

Masks allow to filter, select, and/or limit the use of data. Applying a mask makes sure that only the data associated to the selected codes or code combinations are taken into account. For more information on the types of masks and combinations, read the appendix of the online help (F1) document Financial Statement Column Formats.



Master Customer

French: Client maître

A general contractor is someone who works for a customer. When specialized contractors work for a general contractor and act as subcontractors for the latter, the name master customer is is given to the general contractor's customer who, in turn, is the customer of the specialized contractors.



Master Files

French: Fichiers maîtres

By master files, we mean the files which contain relatively permanent and/or referential data. The following is a non-exhaustive list of such files:

  • Client list and contact details
  • Supplier list and contact details
  • Employee list and contact details
  • Chart of accounts
  • Item catalogue
  • Fixed assets list
  • Etc.



Mining (or Data Mining)

French: Forer (forage de donnée)

Mining, also known as data mining, is the semi-automatic or automatic analysis of large quantities of data to extract previously unknown, and interesting patterns.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_mining, December 7, 2021




An MRP can be defined as a software solution that helps companies calculate more precisely what items and materials they need, when and in what quantities.

The maestro* MRP, an option that:

  • facilitates the ordering of materials by consolidating all requisitions;
  • feeds the inventories, taking into account the minimum and maximum quantities to be kept in stock;
  • allows to group stocks and validate quantities;
  • etc.




Database management system used at Maestro.

Microsoft SQL Server (MS SQL) is a relational database management system developed by Microsoft. As a database server, it is a software product with the primary function of storing and retrieving data as requested by other software applications—which may run either on the same computer or on another computer across a network.





French: ROC

Optical character recognition (OCR), or optical character reader, are the processes for the translation of printed or typed text images into text files.

To perform this task, an OCR software has to be installed on the computer. This allows the text in the image of the printed text to be retrieved and saved in a file that can be used in a word processor for enrichment, and stored in a database or other medium that can be used by a computer system.

Source: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reconnaissance_optique_de_caract%C3%A8res, March 11, 2022




French: À pied d’œuvre

Close to the place of use, on the building site, in the immediate vicinity of the place of use. Example: Bringing materials to the site: bringing them close to the building being constructed.

Source: Fiche terminologique de l'Office de la langue française - Website https://gdt.oqlf.gouv.qc.ca/ficheOqlf.aspx?Id_Fiche=8889422 on February1, 2022



Operating System

French: Système d'exploitation

In computer science, an operating system is a set of programs that direct the use of a computer's resources through application softwares.

Source: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syst%C3%A8me_d%27exploitation , March 9, 2022




Relational database management system.




Paperless Office

French: Bureau sans papier

The name Paperless Office refers to a maestro* feature that allows users to create partial transactions from invoices or documents included in an e-mail box. When used in conjunction with the Outlook Add-in, the functionality not only allows a user to attach documents to a transaction in maestro*, it also allows a user to initiate the transaction in maestro*, thereby eliminating the need to print certain documents before being able to enter them. Thus, initiated transactions can simply be retrieved and completed in the software. The Paperless Office functionality is currently available for receipts of goods, invoicing, project purchases, concrete and quarry tickets.




French: Partition

With SQL Server, the data in partitioned tables and indexes is horizontally divided into units that can be spread across more than one filegroup in a database. Partitioning can make large tables and indexes more manageable and scalable.

Source: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/relational-databases/partitions/create-partitioned-tables-and-indexes?view=sql-server-ver15, February 8, 2022



Password Managers

French: Gestionnaires de mots de passe

Ces outils, aussi appelés “coffre-forts” de mots de passe, permettent de centraliser ceux-ci de manière sécurisée (les fichiers sont cryptés). On peut accéder à ces fichiers à partir d'un super mot de passe.

Les gestionnaires de mots de passe les plus connus sont KeePass, ZenyPass, et Password Safe. D’autres outils sont également bien notés par les sites spécialisés, comme Dashlane ou encore LastPass.

Il importe toutefois de se souvenir de son super mot de passe et de bien le protéger en évitant les connections Internet mal sécurisées!




French: Paie maître

The paymaster is the employee responsible for managing a company's payroll and ensuring that all payroll-related tasks are completed. This person is usually under the responsibility of a controller.




French: DMSRB

Electrical contractors holding a subclass 16 licence must submit, on a regular basis, a Project Base Burden Report to the Régie du bâtiment du Québec (PBB). This base burden is used to determine the contribution amount to be made to the RBQ. This contribution acts as a compensation to Hydro-Québec for the construction and connections to the network. This being said, all electrical work is subject to the PBB with the exception of fire/intrusion alarm installations.




French: Période

A financial year is divided in periods for each months of the year. Added to these is a thirteenth period corresponding to the closing of the financial year.




Data engine software used at Maestro and using Btrieve, a transactional language, to perform transactions in the database.

Maestro* versions are found in Pervasive up to 3.05.




French: NIP

PIN stands for Personal Identification Number (NIP in French). A PIN is a confidential code composed exclusively of numbers that can be used to authenticate the holder of a chip card (e.g. payment or withdrawal card).



Pivotal Analysis

French: Analyse dynamique vectorielle D/V

The pivotal analysis can be compared to an Excel pivotal table. Contrary to a report's data, which is static, the data of a pivotal analysis can be grouped according to one or more table categories (columns or fields) and the necessary transactions can be performed between the corresponding amounts



Pop-up Menu

French: Menu contextuel

In maestro*, a pop-up menu is a menu displayed when a user makes a right-click in a grid. More generally, the term pop-up menu is used to indicate menus that appear when a user makes a particular click on an object in a graphic interface, thus offering a list of options that vary according to the type of the targeted object.



Prefix (company prefix)

In maestro*, prefixes are used to identify a division to which are attached transactions or data. The term "identification" used in maestro*, or the term "tag", also refers to a prefix.



Prevention Mutual (CNESST)

French: Mutuelles de prévention

A prevention mutual is a group of business owners who choose to commit to a process to help promote the prevention of occupational injuries, and the rehabilitation and return to work of injured employees, in order to benefit from an occupational health and safety rate that reflects their efforts.




French: Provision

In financial accounting, a provision is an account which records a present liability of an entity. The recording of the liability in the entity's balance sheet is matched to an appropriate expense account in the entity's income statement.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Provision_(accounting), May 28, 2020






The Régie du bâtiment du Québec (RBQ) is responsible, among other things, for the professional qualification of contractors and the application of laws and regulations in the construction field.



Relational Database

French: Base de données relationnelle

A relational database is a database where all the information is organized in two dimensional tables, oftentimes called relations.




French: Quittances

"A release is a document in which a creditor declares that they have received a sum of money from their debtor in payment of all, or part of, the debt owed by the latter. It discharges the debtor of the sums they have paid to the creditor." - A translation

Source: https://www.dictionnaire-juridique.com/definition/quittance.php, February 12, 2020




French: Réquisition

In Maestro's popular language, a requisition is synonymous with a request to supply goods. More specifically, it is a request (of any form) made internally, usually to the company's buyer, to communicate a need for some materials.

A requisition must not be confused with a reservation. The objective of a reservation is to reduce the amount of stock available, even if those are present in the warehouse. Reservations are usually a feature of large companies that manage an inventory and have a buyer.

Finally, a project order is also different from a requisition, since it consists of an order placed to an external supplier.



Return on Investment (ROI)

Anglais: Return on Investment (ROI)

A return on investment is a ratio that allows to calculate the percentage of the amount of income derived from an investment with the cost of the investment. The general formula for a return on investment is: (income - investment costs) / investment costs. The payback period is the time required for the initial investment to be recovered (return on investment equal to zero). The ROI is also called return on invested capital (ROIC).

Source: https://www.l-expert-comptable.com/a/52676-le-retour-sur-investissement.html, on February 6, 2020

Source: https://www.btb.termiumplus.gc.ca/tpv2alpha/alpha-fra.html?lang=fra&i=1&srchtxt=RETOUR+INVESTISSEMENT&codom2nd_wet=1#resultrecs, on March 2, 2022




French: Contre-passation

A reversal, also called the reversing process, is an accounting term for a method of modifying an accounting transaction by making an entry of the same amount as the one to be corrected, in the opposite column. In other words, aa reversal allows a transaction to be erased by means of a new transaction of the same amount, carried out in the opposite direction: the general ledger accounts initially debited and credited, and vice versa.

Definition inspired by: https://droit-finances.commentcamarche.com/faq/23687-contre-passation-definition, March 11, 2022






French: Emplacement

In maestro*, a site refers to the physical location where a catalogue item can be stored. This site can either be fixed or mobile, and therefore be a warehouse, a garage, a container, a technician's truck, etc. Since companies usually have more than one site, maestro* takes them all into account; multi-location is therefore synonymous to multiple physical locations where items can be stored, one of which is designated as the main location. A user can therefore follow inventory movements in maestro*, from one site to another, without having to place another order.



SL1 and SL2

Designates the two agent levels in the Software Support Team at Maestro: Software Support level 1 and Software Support level 2.




French: Logiciel

A software is a tool that runs an IT program created to perform automatic processes and carry out several tasks simultaneously. A software includes an operating system that is used to drive the various accessories (keyboard, mouse, screen...) to a particular machine (computer, tablet or smartphone). This operating system allows software instructions to be implemented using the binary language, a language that facilitates communication between machines.

It facilitates the use of computers through very precise programming. It gathers series of data and information to provide them to digital tools such as computers, smartphones, or tablets so that they can process them correctly. However, it should not be confused with an application that is used to perform a single task. It can therefore be said that a software is an application, but the opposite is not always true.

Source: https://archipelia.com/progiciel-logiciel-difference/, on March 10, 2022




French: SP

Abbreviation of the Implementation Specialists Team's name.




Specific to the Development team at Maestro, a sprint is a two week period in which specific developments are worked on and finally released.



SQL Engine (SQL Search)

French: Moteur SQL

SQL engine is defined as software that recognizes and interprets SQL commands to access a relational database and interrogate data. SQL engine is also commonly referred to as a SQL database engine or a SQL query engine.

Source: https://www.heavy.ai/technical-glossary/sql-engine, on March 2, 2022



SQL Language

French: Langage SQL

In very general terms, SQL is a domaine-specific language used to operate and query relational databases using queries. More specifically, it allows any batch of information to be synthesized by exploiting the contents of the various tables in the database.



SteerCo (Steering Committee)

A steering committee is the group of leaders responsible for ensuring the smooth running of a project within a company. To improve the monitoring of a project and to validate the strategic choices, a transversal team is formed: the steering committee.

A translation of: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comit%C3%A9_de_pilotage, April 7, 2022




French: Excédent

By surplus, we refer to the amount which exceeds the fixed limit. When it comes to health and safety in the workplace bonus, we mean the salary amount that is not subject to the premium, once the maximum allowable salary amount has been reached.




Taxation Year

French: Année d'imposition

For a company, the taxation year corresponds to their fiscal one and may end on any date of the year. The taxation year cannot exceed 53 weeks.

For an individual, the taxation year generally corresponds to the calendar year and may differ from the company's fiscal year.



T5018 (Form)

The T5018 form is a form that must be sent to the federal government usually once a year to declare amounts paid to subcontractors. This form can also be sent to subcontractors for monitoring purposes.

Maestro* allows to generate to T5018 declaration of payment as an XML file.

For more information concerning the T5018 form: https://www.canada.ca/fr/agence-revenu/services/services-electroniques/produire-declarations-renseignements-voie-electronique-t4-t5-autres-genres-declarations-apercu/annee-venir-t619/t5018.html




A relational database is a database where the information is organized in a two-dimensional table, commonly called a table. A table is a set of data organised in the form of a table where the columns correspond to categories of information and the rows to records, also called entries.

Source: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Table_(base_de_donn%C3%A9es), July 6, 2020



Test Company

French: Compagnie test

All companies that work with maestro* must create a test company during the Go-Live. This test company is an exact replica of the real company used in maestro*. The test company allows, as its indicates, to perform tests, train new maestro* users, etc. All transactions performed in the test company are fictitious.



French: Ticket

Ticket or query representing a task to complete. There are various type of tickets: a problem which was called in to the software support team by a client, software improvement request, a request to review a procedure or F1, etc.



Transactional Data and Static Data

French: Données transactionnelles et Données statiques

By transactional data (in the context of data management), we mean "the information saved from a transaction. A transaction, in this case, is a sequence of information exchange and related work (for example, the update of a database) which is processed as a single unit, to respond to a request. Transactional data can be financial, logistical, or professional and encompass everything, from work orders to insurance costs and benefits, to a shipping status and hours worked by an employee."

Translation of: https://whatis.techtarget.com/fr/definition/donnees-transactionnelles, September 16, 2020.

On the other hand, static data are generally fix and more stable through time. For example, a list of clients, suppliers, addresses, phone numbers, etc. Static data does not come from transactions but from configurations and settings.




Value-Added-Network (VAN)

French: Réseau à valeur ajoutée (VAN)

A communications network in which the services purchased from common carriers extend the "value" of the network beyond the traditional transmission and switching capabilities that are normally provided.

The service offered is called a "value added network service". Indeed, companies who offer services add value to data files by adjusting the format, but also by converting some of the data. For example, they may convert data from a client's software into the corresponding data required by the target software.

Source : https://www.btb.termiumplus.gc.ca/tpv2alpha/alpha-eng.html?lang=eng&i=1&srchtxt=VAN&index=alt&codom2nd_wet=1, February 4, 2020




French: Variable

A symbolic entity belonging to a process, which refers to a memory location whose content can successively take different values during the execution of the program.

Source: http://www.granddictionnaire.com/ficheOqlf.aspx?Id_Fiche=8350844, on February 6, 2020



(maestro*) Viewer

French: Visualiseur (de maestro*)

A tool (in maestro*) that allows to read the content of a file to either display or print it, but that doesn't allow to make any modifications.




Wire Transfer

French: Virement bancaire

A wire transfer is an operation to send and receive money between two bank accounts: either at the same bank or at two different banks.

Source: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virement_bancaire, March 10, 2022



Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

French: Organigramme des tâches du projet (OTP)

A WBS structure is the essential foundation of any project. It breaks down the overall work to be done into manageable chunks - more specifically, it breaks down the work to be done hierarchically into specific deliverables. For more information, visit https://www.workbreakdownstructure.com/.

Example of a WBS structure for the three first level of a contsruction project

Source : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organigramme_des_t%C3%A2ches_du_projet, December 17. 2019




French: BT (Bon de travail)

Abbreviation of Work Order. Document in maestro* that allows to bill a client or at Maestro to enter the time worked.





Tool that allows a client to make requests to the software support and that allows to manage tickets internally at Maestro.