Maestro* Overview and Customization

January 31, 2023 version


Unit MAES02

Printable Version

Whatever version of maestro* you're using, its principles remain the same. This document introduces the software's struction, but mainly how to access maestro*, how to browse through it, its main menu, shortcuts, some display customization, performing a search, etc. The general structure of maestro* options and the concept of tranfers, which generates accounting entries, are also explained. Finally, since the implementation of a new software requires much information, a section of this document is dedicated to explaining the importation of data from an Excel file, a functionality that is available in multiple modules and options. This content will help you get familiarized with maestro* and make it easier for you to explore and use it. This document acts as an introduction to the software and its composition. Happy discovery!



  • Full maestro* installation
  • Companies in maestro*
  • Initially created username and password





Accessing maestro*

  1. To access the software, click on the maestro* icon on the workstation's desktop - a user id and password are required. When logging in for the first time, the password is the same as the user id. However, maestro* will then ask to change the password for a new one.

  1. Then click on Accept.
  2. If the Modify Password window appears, enter a new one, twice, and click on OK.


For the best practices on how to use passwords, see the concept - Security and Access Management in maestro*.



The maestro*CLOUD user will first have to log in to the Cloud service before being able to access the maestro* software. The following windows will be displayed and the Username and Password for maestro*CLOUD will have to be entered.

  1. First open the maestro*CLOUD portal:

  1. In the menu on the left, click on Maestro.

  1. Thanks to the single sign on (SSO), maestro* will launch without asking you to log in again.

For more information, please view document Configuring Users in maestro*CLOUD.

Selecting the Display Language

Maestro* can be displayed in English or French. It is possible to change the display language before logging in or once the software is open.

  1. To change the display language before logging in, click on the Language tag in the upper right corner of the window and select the desired language.


To change the display language once in maestro*, see the Language section of this document.

It is also possible to set a default langue. See document SEC02 for more information on this subject.

Using the Authentication Options

In the maestro* login window, some actions can be initiated by clicking in the Option button. The following table explains these actions.



Keep the Last Username Used

Tells maestro* that the name of the last user must be saved to avoid to have to enter it again the next time the user logs in.

Modify Password

Used to request a password modification and access the window to do so.

Login as Another User

Makes it possible to log in as another user.

NOTE: This functionality is reserved for users with an administrator profile. It allows to validate, as well as other things, access given to other employees.

Debug Mode

Allows a user to log in in "Debug" mode.

NOTE: This functionality is reserved to Maestro Technicians.

Ignore User's Configurations

Allows to log in to maestro* using the default settings, and without those set by the user being active (column width, search, display settings, etc.).

NOTE: This functionality sometimes allow to find the cause of a display problem that a single user might have.

Selecting a Company

Once the connection is established, the user must select the company in which they wish to work. To do so, click on the company to open and click on Accept.

Maestro*'s multidimensional allows, when it is applicable to the company, to use a singular chart of accounts, share common resources, etc. (see concept - Maestro*'s Multidimensional Mode for more information). When used, this mode lists all companies in the window. Furthermore, maestro* allows and envourages the creation and use of a test company (that only a single user with an administrator profile can create). The latter, created from a production environment, allows to test and validate transactions, configurations, as well as allow new employees in training to practice. Test companies are particularly useful when first beginning to use maestro*, following the implementation. In short, most companies are offered more than one company in th Company Selection window.

Screenshot of a the Company Selection window with a standard user profile

The left section of the window offers these additional functionalities and action. They only appear if the use has administrator access.



Open the Selected Company

Used to open the selected company in the right section of the window.

NOTE: This functionality is the one selected by default if the user simply clicks on the Accept button, without selecting any functionality beforehand.

Create a New Company

Allows to create a company from scratch.

Create a New Test Company

Allows to create a company test from a source company, to either experiment, train, or for a user to perform different tests.

NOTE: For more information on the creation of a test company, click HERE.

Copy of Company

Allows to update the test company's data by copying the data of a source company ot by creating a new company from a preexisting company.

NOTE: This functionality allows to fully copy a source company, including the transactions, the chart of accounts, the suppliers, customers, project templates, etc. For more information on copying an existing company, click HERE.

Create a New Consolidation

The Create a New Consolidation option allows to create a new company in maestro* to consolidate companies when necessary and applicable.

Modify Company Settings

Allows to directly have access to the company setting modification window.


Allows a user to go back to the Login to maestro* window and, if needed, to login as another user, login with the default settings only, or change their password.

Quit to Windows

Allows to quit and close maestro*.

Modifying the Display Order of Companies

In the Company Selection window, it is possible to change the company display order. They can be filtered by name, number, or most recently used. Furthermore, the display order can be reversed by clicking on the arrow.



Browsing Through maestro*

Once the company is selected, maestro*'s general menu opens. The latter will be more or less loaded, depending on the intended use of the software and, consequently, the number of modules purchased.

The information visible in the window includes:

  • The maestro* version, which is displayed in the lower left corner of the white portion of the window

This number indicates the number of the last update downloaded. It also shows how maestro* is used, either in classic or URI1 mode.

  • The working date in maestro*

This date is the current one by default. It is possible to modify it by double-clicking on it to enter a new default date that will automatically be displayed when entering transactions. When the user will log in again later, the work date will once again be the current calendar date.


For example, changing the working date allows to perform transactions on a previous date, for which the financial period is still open, without having to constantly change the date.

  • The active company and user

The active user and company selected when maestro* was launched.

  • The display language

In the vertical bar at the top-right corner of the window, the displayed language is indicated in abbreviated form.

Menu Ribbon Icons

A toolbar is displayed at the top of maestro*'s main menu pas. This toolbar is the same for all users, independent of the version or modules used. Each of its icons are described below.

Browsing Arrows

The browsing arrows in the menu ribbon allow to display the previous or next window in the right section of the screen.

My Dashboard

The maestro* dashboard is, as its name suggests, a set of indicators and measures designed to provide quick data on the company's activities and profitability, a management tool that summarizes data or reports. It provides a quick overview of the company's results and various indicators.

It is the user who determines the content in the maestro* dashboard. They can add:

  • maestro* lists (previously created using the List Generator2);
  • indicators (created using the Indicator Management option);
  • applets3, which display modules or specific options.

The maestro* dashboard is more precisely made up of separate tables, also created according to the user's wishes and needs. If desired, content items can be grouped and integrated into sub-dashboards. In the My Dashboard window, each of these sub-dashboards are presented as tabs, which the user can name as desired.

The How To - Using maestro*'s My Dashboard Option gives more information on how to use the Dashboard option.


The Find field, followed by an icon of the same name, allows to search for two things: 

It is the downwards arrow, to the right of the icon, that allows to select which element to search for.

Searching for an Option

When a string of characters isn entered, whether or not the "word" is complete, all maestro* options matching the searched label will be displayed in the results, to the right of the window. For each resulting option, maestro* also displays the access path (module, sub-module, section, and option).

Some option names may appear twice, even three time in the results. It can sometimes be the same option, which can be accessed through more than one location (since not every client has all the modules), or it can be a different option with the same name. Finally, it may happen that the same option is displayed twice, but for different entities: for example, the Certification Management option allows a use to create certifications for suplpiers (and subcontractors), customers, and employees. It is therefore linked to the Purchasing module (for suppliers and subcontractors), the Invoicing module (for customers)' and to the Time Management module (for employees).

Company Selection

The Company Selection option allows to come back to the company selection menu to select another one, without the user being logged out, and so the user does not have to enter their username and password a second time. Of course, the selection and access to another company depends on the access rights of the user.


The Logout icon allows the user to go back to the Login to maestro* window and, if needed, to log back in using another user name, use the default settings, or to modify their password.

Contact Management

The Contact Management icon allows to centralize contact information in one place, in maestro*: employees, suppliers, customers. Moreover, we generally speak of individual contacts, company contacts, and, finally, location contacts.

The Contact Management option is accessible through the main maestro* menu, but also through some of the software options where contact access is quite useful. The Contact Management option in the main menu also gives access to:

  • the Contact Group, which groups together all contacts indicated in a project or quotation;
  • the Distribution List, i.e. the lists containing several contacts from the Contact Management option for mass mailing purposes;
  • the Send a Message option, which allows to send one or more document(s) to one or more contact(s) in the maestro* address book and keep a history of those communications in the Transmittal Log.

Finally, the Contact Management option also allows you to send communications to contacts that are in an address book external to maestro* (Outlook for example). For more information, please read the F1 - Contact Management.

Events Calendar

The Events Calendar functionality was first designed to display employee birthdays and hiring dates. Afterwards, Maestro added the Document Management functionality5 (and the possibility to join them to calls) to make it easier to collect accounts receivable. Since then, some users have enhanced the potential of this option and use it, for example, to notify other users that their orders have been received, following a requisition, or to ensure that the deadlines of various documents to be transmitted are met. The DOC02 course will explain, in more detail, how to use the Event Calendar functionality.

Customizing the Events Calendar

The Events Calendar's Configuration icon makes it possible to customize the former:

  • The Data to Display section lists and allows to determine the information types that can be displayed in the calendar.
  • The Work Categories Selected section allows to select the work categories for which you want to know the anniversary and hiring dates. For example, you could decided to only see employees at the office instead of employees on the field that you only see once in a while.
  • Finally, the Colour Selection section allows to select the background and text colours that will be displayed in the calendar when there is anniversary or an assigned document.

Print Lists and Reports

The Print Lists and Reports icon gives access, as its name indicates, to the different maestro* lists. These lists are of varying complexity and are based on the use of variables from different maestro* tables. They may have been supplied with the software (Maestro* Lists) or have been created by a user using the List Generator6 option (Custom Lists). The lists are available according to the security set on the options, and whether or not they are public or private. A user that foes not have access to an option will not be able to see the list created in the option, even if they are public. Private lists are those that were created by the current user.

Whereas the Cutom Lists and Maestro* Lists display their respective lists, the Lists Explorer option allows to limit the lists displayed (public or private) and the modules and/or sub-modules they come from. Simply click on the + sign to open the tree-like structure and see the lists hidden within.


For more information on the List Generation et lists in general, please read the course document GEN01.

Transaction Transfer


Introducing Transfers

The different transactions created and saved in maestro* are not automatically taken into account. To do so, it is necessary to transfer those said transactions. That is also the case for all transactions created in the software.

Once transferred, the transaction is taken into account - it then become impossible to modify the transactions, as well as the accounting entry. If there is a mistake, the transaction must be reversed and reentered correctly.

In general, transactions can be transferred from the option where they originated from or by clicking on the Transaction Transfer icon in the maestro* main menu toolbar.

The Transaction Transfer option in maestro*'s main menu allows authorized users to transfer one or more transactions created in maestro*, whatever the option the transaction was created in. Remember that the action of transferring operations performed in maestro* consists of generating accounting entries linked to those operations. Thus, simply making a project purchase or a disbursement in the software does not automatically created an accounting entry. It is the action to transfer this project purchase or disbursement, initiated by the user, that makes the transaction official by charging the appropriate general ledger account.

As previously mentionned in the introduction, transaction transfers can always be done from the transaction's original option, if the user has the authorization. The Transfer Transaction option of the maestro* menu offers the advantage to be able to simulate a transfer and, therefore, view the accounting entries without having to actually create them. The user can also (if they have the necessary rights and authorizations) transfer multiple transactions in a single operation, including transactions created by other users, even if these transactions come from different options. Also, some companies integrsate the transaction transfer step in their workflow, so that an employee always checks the transactions of a colleague before transferring them all at the end of the day ,for example.

To transfer one or more transaction(s) using the Transaction Transfer icon in the general menu:

  1. Click on the Transaction Transfer icon.
  2. In the Transaction Tranfer window, open the hierarchical structure of the option and sub-option from which the transaction originated, in the left-hand section of the window, by clicking on the + signs.

  1. In the right side of the window, use the + sign to open the tree structures, if needed, and select the transactions to transfer by checking their boxes.


Of course, transactions from different modules and created by different users can also be selected for transfer at the same time (if the Security Management allows this for the user).

  1. At the bottom of the window, pick a Transaction Layout, either Detailed or Summary.


Whereas the Detailed format first displays the accounting result and the PAG specific to each selected transactions, the first page of the Summary format limits the display to the total amount of each transaction.

In both cases, the last page of the transaction transfer report groups transactions to only display the cumulative accounting entry.

Example of a transaction transfer report using the Detailed format:

Example of a transaction transfer report using the Summary format:


  1. Check, or not, the Simulation box, in the top right section of the window, to display, or not, an accounting entry simulation.

If the Simulation box is checked, the maestro* viewer 7 will display, after clicking on the Transfer button, the accounting entries without actually creating them in maestro*. The user will be able to make changes in the option where the transactions was created, if needed. However, whether or not modifications are made in the transaction, the user will once again have to check (select) the transactions to transfer, without checking the Simulation box, to officially transfer them.

If the Simulation box is not checked, the next step, clicking on the Transfer button, will generate the accounting entries, as well as display them in the maestro* viewer. If there are some mistakes, the user will have to reverse the transactions and redo it again, correctly.

  1. Click on the Transfer icon.

The maestro* viewer appears and displays the transfer report, that can be printed and saved, or not, by the user.

  1. Click on the Close icon.

If the transfer was made in simulation mode, the Test and Transaction Transfer (Simulation) labels are displayed at the top of the report. If the accounting entries are accurate, the user must once again click on the Transaction Transfer icon in the main menu, select the desired transactions, and click on the Transfer icon, without checking the Simulation box this time around, to officially transfer the transactions.

Once the transfer is done, the transactions will now be referred to as "transferred transactions" and will disappear from the Transaction Tranfer window.


A transaction is assigned during the transfer and allows to find the accounting entry and other details from the transaction number. To do so, (and if the Security Management allows it), open the Journal Entry Inquiry option using the following path: maestro* > Accounting > Analysis and Inquiry > Accounting > Journal Entry Inquiry. All that's left to do is enter the transaction number in the field to this effect and press on the Tab key!





The Configuration icon, as its name indicates, gives access to many configurations and functionalities.


The Language option allows, if needed, to modify the display language in maestro* once the user is connected to the software. To do so: 

  • From the maestro* main menu, click on the Configuration icon displayed in the toolbar. Choose the Language option then slide your cursor to select the desired language.


The display language can also be modified simply by sliding the cursor on the top of the vertical scroll-down bar on the right side of the maestro* main menu window, then by clicking on the abbreviation of the desired display language when the latter appears.

It is impossible to change the display language when in a maestro* option window.

To modify the maestro* default display language, please read course document SEC02.


As for the user's Preferences, they allow to define, for a given user, their work preferences, display preferences, etc.

To define the user's preferences:

  1. In the Preferences window, enter the user number8 in the field to this effect.
  2. Select or check the boxes in the Data Entry tab, using the information given below.



Action on Focus


Allows to adapt and/or facilitate data entry in a grid by selecting the method that best suits the user.

ClosedAvailable values.

Action on Focus (Date)

Allows to adapt and/or facilitate data entry in maestro* by selecting the method that best suits the user.

ClosedAvailable values.

Project Selection

Identifies how the user wishes to make the project selection in all the reports of maestro*.

By pressing the Apply button, the new configuration will be applied to all the screens in maestro* where a project can be selected.

NOTE: By default, the project selection is performed based on Treelike project.

Display method for company selection

Allows companies working in multidimensional mode to select the display method to identify their company when entering a transaction in a breakdown grid.

This display mode is used when entering a transaction in a breakdown grid and in the drop-down list of companies in the lower left corner of the screens.

ClosedAvailable values.

Mode for multiple selection

Allows you to choose the operating method with multiple selection, by using checkboxes to select in all reports.

ClosedAvailable values.

Normal Selection

Makes it possible to use the Windows selection with Ctrl + click or Shift + click.

Check Selection

Used to make selections using checkboxes.

Use AutoComplete

Activates IntelliSense mode in certain modules to keep the values entered in the field that are not linked to a maestro* table, but that can repeat. For example, the field Province.

NOTE: To access the list of values, press the F7 key.

Automatically adjust description cells

Automatically expands the description fields if using a catalogue items with three lines of description. Maestro* adjusts the description column accordingly.

Delayed Transfer

Sends the transactions to be transferred to a queue in the Delayed Transfer option if the box is checked.

NOTES: When the user clicks the Transfer icon in the various transaction screens, maestro* displays the transaction in the transferred transactions file and assigns a transaction number at -1000 to indicate that the transaction will be posted at the time of the deferred transfer.

The deferred transfer option does not work with the batch transfer of transactions.

Distance Unit

Allows user to identify the distance unit to use to find a resource (employee) nearby.

The distance unit is used in the following places:

Human Resources Module

  • Personnel Selection Tool.

Service Management Module

  • Call Dispatch to locate employees.

NOTE: The proposed unit by default to a new user depends on the language of the user defined in Security Management. For a user whose language is English (United States), the unit of distance suggested is Miles. For all other users the unit will be Km.

Quick entry of quantities in cart mode

Allows the entry of the quantity of a catalogue item by double-clicking on it on in cart mode (in Add multiple items from catalogue) in the Stock Order from Catalogue option.

  1. Check, or not. the Display tab's boxes according to the information in the following table.



Display inactive suppliers

If the box is checked, maestro* displays inactive suppliers in the following options:

  • Searches
  • Reports
  • Define Supplier Pricing

Display inactive customers

If the box is checked, maestro* displays inactive customers in the following options:

  • Searches
  • Reports
  • Define Customer Pricing

Display inactive projects

Displays inactive projects when entering a new project, in searches and reports, if the box is checked.

Display inactive employees

Displays inactive employees when entering transactions involving the selection of an employee, in searches or reports, if the box is checked.

Display warning on temporarily laid-off employees

Show supplier notes

Displays the notes entered in the Notes field in Supplier Management when selecting a supplier in a maestro* screen if the box is checked.

If the box is checked, supplier memos will be displayed in the following options:

  • Purchase
  • Batch Project Purchase
  • Regular Order
  • Stock Order from Catalogue
  • Invoicing

Show customer notes

Displays the notes entered in the Notes field in Customer Management when selecting a customer in a system screen if the box is checked.

Show employee notes

Displays the notes entered in the Notes field in Employee Management when selecting an employee in a maestro* screen if the box is checked.

Show service contract notes

Displays the notes entered in the Notes tab in Contract Management of the Service Management module when selecting a contract, if the box is checked.

If the box is checked, notes in the service contract will be displayed in the following options:

  • Contract Management
  • Enter a Service Call
  • Return from a Service Call (Contract No. field)
  • Service Contract Inquiry
  1. Check, or not, the boxes in the Reports tab according to the given information and desired behaviours.



Keep print setup window open after closing a report

Tells maestro* to return to the print options for the report after printing to allow the user to make additional selections for the same.

Enter = Tab in print setup screen

Allows user to use the Enter key with selection criteria to move from one field to another in a report.

Do not print transfer reports

Prevents the display of transfer reports if the box is checked.

NOTE: If checked, no reports are created when a transaction is transferred, even if errors are created during the transfer. The transfer transactions report cannot be printed afterwards.

  1. Select the desired preferences in the Appearance tab, according to the information given in the table below:




Allows to modify the appearance of maestro* windows.

NOTE: The Custom style allows to modify the appearance of windows and grids, and thus select the desired style parameters and colours.


Used to select among Panel, Input Grids, Inquiry Grids and Window; the element customized by the user.

Header color

Can be modified if the Customized style is selected. The selected text color applies to the element selected in the Element field.

Background color

Can be modified if the Custom style is selected. The selected background color applies to the element selected in the Element field.


Identifies the font used for text. The font applies to the element selected in the Element field.

Show the vertical gridlines

Used to remove vertical lines in grids.

Show the horizontal gridlines

Used to remove horizontal lines in grids.

Apply this style to each Grid element type

When checked, tells maestro* that the user wants to apply the background color, text color and font to all grid types, including the entry grid and viewing grid.

  1. Finally, complete the Email tab.




Allows the user to select the font used in emails.

Use the signature in e-mail messages

If checked, tells maestro* that the user’s signature must be added when using the Send a Message option.

NOTE: The formats supported for signatures are Plain Text or HTML.

Select emails signature

Used to select the default signature to be used by the user when sending a form or through Send a Message with maestro* if the Use signature in email box is checked.

Management of My Account

Used to enter a new password and to confirm it for the displayed user.

  1. Click Save.
General Settings

The maestro* General Settings option groups together all the content of the Configuration options throughout the software. Indeed, we find in every Maintenance module and sub-modules one or more Configuration options. These have been duplicated and combined in a single option, the General Settings, available through the Configuration option of the maestro* main menu toolbar, thus acting as a shortcut. All modifications made in a Configuration option will automatically be replicated in the General Settings, and vice-versa.

The General Settings therefore group together all the necessary configurations and parameters to using the different maestro* modules and options. IT allows to identify the general ledger accounts to use, the employee forms, as well as the default behaviours and values of the software. Also, they specify the management modes and methods used by the company (works in progress management, methods for calculating holdback taxes, applying credit, etc.).


The General Settings fields and parameters are completed when the maestro* software is implemented, as the various modules are used and training for them is done.


Security Management

The Security Management option, available through the Configuration icon in the maestro* main menu, is actually a shortcut that leads to the option, which is very important. Indeed, it is also possible to access the Security Management option using the following path: maestro* > Maintenance > General Maintenance > Processing > Security Management. This option allows a user with maestro* administrator rights to manage the accesses and authorizations of all users, and thus insure the confidentiality of certain data. As much for available reports, accessible option, and various information, the Security Management option defines viewing, modification, creation, approbation, and deletion rights, as well as much more. Please view the document Security and Access Management in maestro* and the following F1s for more information: Security Management, Security Management - User Group Management, Security Management - Area Management, Security Management - Access Configuration Table, and Security Groups. The security management is also discussed in another specific training document, for course SEC02.

Installation Options

The Installation Options allows users with administrator rights to view the installed options, the number and nature purchased and used maestro* licenses. We generally access this option at the beginning of the implantation, to import the maestro* key, or when modules/options are later acquired and installed. Indeed, the key is an ecrypted file, sent by email to the client after they purchase the software and install the directory of the latter. It is the key that makes it possible to access and activate the functionalities and options purchased by the client.

Modify Company Settings

The company's Modify Settings option allows to specify information about the maestro* company in which the user is located, such as contact details, the directory where data is saved, the company number, the Régie du bâtiment du Québec (RBQ) tax numbers, the company logo, and, if applicable, all information linked to the multidimensional mode in maestro*. For more information about on each field in this window, please read the help document to this effect by clicking HERE. The settings in this window are generally completed during the creation of the company in maestro*. Once again, its access can be limited to certain users only.

maestro* Task Manager

As any task manager of an operating system, the maestro* Task Manager allows to view the list of programs, executable files, and apps that are currently running in maestro*. It also displays information on the performances and use of resources associated to the programs or user accounts.

The task manager can be particularly useful when an option, or even a maestro* window, is not responding or to close a session without logging out. Indeed, it allows to send itteruptions to force windows/options to close quickly.


The Help icon offers three uses:

  • First, access the maestro* online help (Maestro Help option);
  • Then, an option which leads to Maestro Technologies' company website (Maestro on the Web option);
  • And, finally, access to the software's information and properties (About ... option).
maestro* Online Help

Maestro offers its users a help document for the majority of the software's options. When a user clicks on the Maestro Help button, they access a window that lists all modules, sub-modules, sections and options, structured to represent the maestro* display. They can therefore select the help document linked to the desired option. This document generally explains in detail each field found in the option's window. A second tab, named Knowledge Base, not only allows to search for a help document linked to a maestro* option, it also gives access to software usage procedures, maestro*MOBILE documentation, technical references - all in all, to the same documentation website as referred in Guide.


Note that the F1 key allows contextually displaying the online help or, in other words, the one linked to the option currently in use.

Software Properties

The About... section allows to display information, such as the installed version of the software, as well as the company's licenses.

The Properties label, in the bottom-left corner of the window, makes it possible to display the system's properties, as well as those of the client's workstation. This information can be useful for an IT technician called to fix a problem, for example.


As its name indicates, the Quit icon allows to close and quit the software.


With Cloud



Modules, Sub-Modules, Sections, and Options

The different maestro* options are distributed in a four-level tree structure, as shown in the image below.

In the following example, we will enter what is highlighted in the documents to guide the users toward this option: maestro* > Purchasing > Analysis and Inquiry > Catalogue > Catalogue Inquiry.

The modules, the top level of the tree-structure, appear in the left-most section of the maestro* main menu, except for two additional groupings specific to the user, My Menu and My Recently Opened.

When the tree-structure of a module is opened, using the thin blue arrow displayed to the right of the name, the different sub-modules are displayed in this section (and in the right section if the user clicks on the name of the module). These sub-modules are generally made up of grouping specific to the options linked to the module. We will also find the Analysis and Inquiry and Maintenance sub-modules, which group the options used to generate reports, view data, and set configurations, always linked to the nature of the module at their head.

The content of a sub-module can be viewed in the right part of the window. This content is grouped in sections (or groups). Some section names use the names of sub-modules.

Finally, under each section are displayed the options. These options vary according to the purchased and used maestro* modules and sub-modules, as well as the set security parameters for the active user.


Only modules, sub-modules, sections, and options purchased and owned by the company are displayed in the maestro* main menu.

Furthermore, it is important to know that a same option can be displayed and accessible in two different maestro* sections. Why? To give access to a single option for different user scenarios in the software. Also, in some cases, a same option name can be used in another module but display completely different content and be used for another purpose altogether.

Finally, just like a shoemaker always wears the worst shoes, Maestro employees soometimes use a different terminology to talk about a section, or mix up the names of modules and options. Given the sheer number of modules, sub-modules, sections, and options... you'll have to forgive them! 


The Guide button allows a user to access the Maestro client portal, named Guide. Depending on the rights given to the user, the portal gives access to software updates, Release Notes, technical documentation, and it allows to submit a request to the Maestro Softwar Support Team.

My Menu

At the top of the modules list in maestro*, in the left section of the main menu, a button nmed My Menu is displayed. It allows a user to create option groups of their choice. Indeed, it is possible to duplicate options in the main menu to create a new, customized, menu. A user that has to perform the payroll of employees could find it useful, for example, to create a customized menu that only displays the options required to produce the payroll, in the order in which they must be used.

Creating a Section

To create a section (also called group) in My Menu, to group different options:

  1. First click on the My Menu button.
  2. In the right section of the window, which is empty, make a right-click.

  1. Select the Create a New Group option.
  2. Give a name to this section and click on Ok.


  1. Hover the cursor above a maestro* option to include in the group.
  2. Make a right-click on it, then select Add to "My Menu".
  3. Then slide the cursor to New Group: and give it a name in the empty field.

Note that it is possible to choose a preexisting group in My Menu, instead of creating a new one. Preexisting groups are listed under the new group creation option.

  1. Press the Enter key on the keyboard.


The My Menu sections (groups) can be moved and/or reorganized at any time by hovering the cursor over the section name, making a right-click, and then selecting the desired option:

  • Move to the first row,
  • Move to the left,
  • Move to the right,
  • Move to the last row.
Creating a New Section That Will be Visible to All Companies (in Multidimensional Mode Only)

It is possible, for users who are called to work in multiple companies in multidimensional mode, to ensure that certain groups are displayed for all companies, and others for the current company only. To do so:

  1. Click on the My Menu button.
  2. Hover the cursor over the customized group to display for all companies (for the current user only).
  3. By making a right-click, select the Visible for All Companies option.
Deleting a Section

To delete a section:

  1. Click on the My Menu button.
  2. Hover the cursor over the title of the group to delete.
  3. Make a right-click and select Delete This Group.
  4. Click on Yes.
Adding an Option

To add an option to a group (or section) in My Menu:

  1. Hover the cursor over the option to duplicate.
  2. Make a right click then select Add to "My Menu".
  3. Then slide the cursor to the name of the group in which you wish to add the option.
Deleting an option

To delete an option in My Menu:

  1. Hover the cursor over the option you wish to delete.
  2. Make a right-click and select Delete This Item.
Sharing a Menu with a Colleague

The customized menu functionality was first designed and limited to the user that is its author. However, it is now possible to share this menu with a colleague, using the following steps:

  1. Click on the My Menu button.
  2. Then hover the cursor in the right section of the window.
  3. Make a right-click and select Export the Custom Menu.
  4. Finally, send the saved file to the desired employee.

The receiving employee will have to:

  1. Click on their My Menu button.
  2. Hover the cursor in the right section of the window.
  3. Make a right click and select Import a Custom Menu.
  4. Select a file to import.
  5. Click on Open.
Adding a Link to an External Software

Pour ce faire :So as not to have to leave maestro* to open another program, or simply to make the process quicker, it is possible to add a link towards a new program, external to maestro*, in My Menu.

  1. Click on the My Menu button.
  2. Hover the cursor over the name of the section (in the right part of the window).
  3. Make a right-click and select Add an External Program.
  4. Then select the program's executable file (.exe).
  5. Click on Open.
  6. Modify the title of the link to add to the menu.
  7. Click twice on Ok.
Renaming a Section, an Option, or a Link

To rename a section, option, or link:

  1. Hover the cursor over the section, option, or link to rename.
  2. Make a right-click and select Rename This Group or Rename the Directory.
  3. Enter the new name and click on Ok.


Even though maestro* options can be renamed in My Menu, it is recommended to leave the option's original name in brackets to ensure good communication with other users, as well as with Maestro's Software Support, if needed.

My Recent Options

Under the My Menu button, the My Recently Opened button is available. The latter displays the last 10 options used.

The maestro* Options

Warning Messages

When an important modification is made, following the installation of an update for example, a warning message might sometime appear in maestro* when opening a new option. The goal of this message is to inform and/or remind the user of the nature of the change(s) made. Furthermore, all update made available through the Guide portal is linked to the publishing of a document named Release Notes, which presents all modifications made in said update.

When a warning message is displayed after clicking on an option, please read it then click on Ok to access the said option. It is possible to check the box Do not show this warning again to stop the display of this message when happening this option in the future.

The Option's Icons

Each maestro* option has its own tool bar in which various icons can be found. Where some are common (such as Save, Print, Document Management, Configuration, Quit), others are specific to the option. In this case, they are usually explained in the online help (F1) document linked to the option.

Adding Shortcuts in these Windows

Maestro* allows to add icons to the toolbar of every window to make accessing any other software options easier. This functionality is appreciated by many users who have to go from one option to the other regularly to perform a task or validate information. Indeed, adding a shortcut to another option, in the toolbar, avoids having to always quit an option to come back to it a moment later.


Shortcuts are added by each user, individually. The options in this document are used as examples. The procedure remains the same for all options.

  1. Starting in the option to which you wish to add a shortcut, make a right click in the window's toolbar.
  2. Then click on Add/Remove Shortcuts.

  1. In the Shortcut Management window, click on Add.

  1. Open the necessary tree structure by clicking on the + sign and select the option for which a shortcut is required. Click on Ok.

  1. Check, or not, the Visible for All Companies box, if you work in multidimensional mode and wish to have this shortcut in all companies.


It is possible to change the image of the shortcut's icon by making a double-click on the suggested image.

  1. Click on Ok.

The shortcut icon is displayed in the toolbar. The small arrow indicates that it is a shortcut added by the user.


For more information on this functionality, please read the How To - Adding Shortcuts to Screens.

Structure of a Transaction Option in maestro*

Before starting any task in maestro*, it is important to understand the layout of option windows. Indeed, most of the option windows used to enter enter transactions in maestro* are structured in a manner specific to the software and have a logic to them.

Transaction Summary

A grid listing all transactions, with a summary of information, is displayed at the top of transaction option windows. That way, as shown in the image below, it is possible to quickly see all project purchases. Though it only displays a summary of the transactions, multiple data can be selected in the display settings: accounting date, due date, invoice number, supplier number, purchase amount, tax amount, total invoice amount, etc. If a transaction line is selected and highlighted in the Summary of Transactions section, the middle and bottom sections of the window - the header (Detail tab) and the breakdown grid - will display the data and information of said transaction.

It is possible to enlarge or reduce the size of this part of the window by hovering the cursor on the bottom horizontal line of the Summary of Transactions section, making a left-click, and, not letting go of the click, sliding the mouse upwards or downwards.

Reminder - Transaction Transfer Concept

All options that have a Summary of Transactions offers a choice to the user: at minimum, the summary will display all of the option's transferred transactions or non-transferred transactions. Let's also remember that the notion of a transfer is very important in maestro*: all transactions have to be transferred to be posted in the software.

In all options that allow to perform transactions, icons, illustrated as documents, allow to display transferred or non-transferred transactions.

Headings and Parameters

After the Summary of Transactions, is always diplsayed a section called Details, which kind of makes up the header of the invoice or transaction. That is where must be entered or validated the transaction's parameters and various information, some of which will also be displayed in the Summary of Transactions. Other than the supplier, invoice number, and important dates, as shown in the illustrated example, we find fields to specify the data or actions to be taken in relation to discounts, holdbacks, payments, and/or PAG to use by default. Of course, all fields are not all completed all the time - the nature of the invoice, the management methods, and the customer processes dictate the information to complete. As many maestro* options allow to create transactions, the fields to complete in the Details section differ according to the nature of the transactions.

Detail Grid

Finally, a third section makes up the transaction option windows. It consists of a breakdown grid used enter the details of the invoice. Depending on the grid's configurations, that can be modified if needed, it is possible to enter the description of invoiced items, the PAG to charge (these can be different from one element to the other or the values entered by default in the header), the quantities, the unit prices, the amount of purchased items, the tax codes to use and the corresponding amounts, etc. Also, the bottom right corner of the window displays the total amounts of the columns related to costs.



The Preferences option, accessible through the Configurations icon in the toolbar of maestro*'s main menu, allows to select the desired Action of Focus (either Cursor at the End, Cursor at the Beginning, Highlight), and adapt and/or make the data entry in the grid easier, ac cording to what is best for the user.

Furthermore, making a right-click when the cursor is hovering over the grid will display a list of options linked to said grid.

The Configuration option, in this menu, is quite useful since it allows to determine which columns that are displayed or not.

Quitting/Closing and Option

It is recommended to always close the window of an option by clicking on the Quit ico1n.



Searching for Information in maestro* Using a Parameter Selection Window

Multiple maestro* options first lead to a parameter selection window, used to narrow down and filter the data that must be taken into account for the display of a result and/or a report. That is the case, for example, of the GL Transaction Report option (maestro* > Accounting > General Ledger > Reports > GL Transaction Report), as well as the Pivotal Project Analysis option (maestro* > Projects > Analysis and Inquiry > Projects > Pivotal Project Analysis), etc.

As some options can be used repetitively, it is possible to accelerate the display of the results. There are two ways to replicate, for the same user, the selections made during the previous inquiry of an option requiring the completion of search parameters:

  1. First, using the F2 key, which links to the fields of the parameter selection window with the values of the last inquiry still entered.
  2. Then, the definition of default parameter selection for the window (and for the current user).

Defining (or Deleting) Default Search Parameters in a Selection Window

So that the parameters are already defined at all times when the option is opened, for a given user:

  1. In the selection window, select the applicable criteria (checkbox, date range, print formats, display order, etc.).
  2. Click on Options in the menu at the top of the window.
  3. Click on Set as Default Parameters.
  4. Quit the option then open it again to see the application of the default parameters.

To delete the default search parameters and set up new ones, click on the Remove Default Parameters option, available by clicking on the Option button of the same window.

Searching for Information in a Selection Grid

Two search methods are available in most maestro* breakdown grids. The user must choose and pick their desired search method:

Standard Search

The standard maestro* search method corresponds to the basic search that can be performed on all information entered and displayed in the grid. In the screenshot below, the search field and the Filter button (used to launch the search) are framed in red.

To speed up the search, it is possible to limit the former to specific columns. To do so, it is necessary to make a right click and select the Configuration option. Then, check the boxes in the Search column for which the search should be performed.

The Configuration option also allows to select the columns to display, or not, in the grid.

Finally, the dynamic filters are also available and offered by default for some of these columns, so as to make searching easier (except if they wer previously disabled, by unchecking the box).


What is a dynamic filter?

A standard search performed using a dynamic filter allows to search for alphanumerical values by case (lower or upper), regardless of where the search string is located in the elements. These filters are dynamic because the results are displayed as the search is written. Maestro* will display as a result all data, including the value entered in the filter.

The fields using dynamic filters are limited to the so-called indexed columns, identified by a triangle to the left of the column title.

Additional explanation concerning the activation and how to use the standard search mode can be found a little later in this document.

SQL Search

The SQL search method is available for all maestro* versions and offers more flexibility and a better performance than the standard method. When activated, the SQL search method changes the appearance of the grid, therefore making it possible for the user to use more complex filters or even combine multilple filters.

Additional explanation concerning the activation and how to use the SQL search mode can be found a little later in this document.

Selecting a Search Method

The selection of a search method can be done in different option search windows, titled Select a Record. The former appears when the cursor is hovered over a populated field in a grid and the user presses the F7 key, or click on the ellipsis (...) icon, displayed to the right of said field.

  1. In the Select a Record window, click on the Options menu to display the contextual menu.
  2. Then select the desired search method.


Please note that when we select a search method it will then apply to all other grids where this search method is available. For example, if the standard search method is activated on a product code, this method will then be used everywhere where a product code search is available.

The specific search methods for searching for items in the Catalogue Management option, search by category, and search by class, are outlined in the CATA02 course document.

Also, in most grids, it is possible to sort data in increasing or decreasing order, and save the last selected sort order. For more information on this subject, view the document Optimize Your Searches by Sorting FIelds.

Example of a window with the standard search mode activated Example of a window with the SQL search mode activated
Using the Standard Search Method
  1. First of all, hover the cursor over the field in the grid where the search information should be entered.


The following example comes from the Stock Order from Catalogue option. However, the steps remain the same in whatever option you wish to perform the search.

  1. Click on the ellipsis icon (...) or press on the F7 key to launch a search (see previously in the document to select a search method).

  1. If needed, make a right click in the grid to access the contextual menu and select Configuration to add dynamic filters (only specific columns have those filters). Select the columns to display and for which the search must be performed.


If no column is set up for the search, maestro* will still perform the search in all the fields. However, the processing time will most likely be longer as the software will have to go through all the data displayed before giving any results, which may prove less relevant.

  1. Enter the term to search for in the field to this effect, at the top of the window (the left-most white search filed), then press on the Enter key or click on the Filter button to launch the search.


Note that dynamic filters are only available if the search much be performed in columns identified by a triangle displayed to the left of the column's title. When a value is entered in a filtre (the right-most search field), maestro* is case sensitive (upper or lower case letters). It is therefore important to pay close attention to how information is entered in the software.

For more information on how to use dynamic filters, please view document Accelerate Your Grid Searches with Dynamic Filters.

  1. Click on the Select button.


Standard Search Method Summary

In the previous image: 

  • The blue field represents the standard search, meaning that maestro* will search for all data, in the columns selected for the search (right click then Configuration), that contain the value entered in the field, ignoring the case.
    • For example, if the user enters 3 in the blue field, maestro* will suggest as a result of the search: 3, 36, and 37, as well as 100113, Support 3, etc. Of course, the results will be linked to the data in the customer table.
    • .If the user enters "e" in the blue field, maestro* will suggest as a result of the search: Equipment, Electronic Material, Assembled Product, etc. Of course, the results will be linked to the data in the customer table.
  • The red field represents the dynamic filter, meaning maestro* will search for all data, in the columns with a name preceded by a triangle and that are selected for the filter (right-click, then Configuration) which begins by what has been entered in the field.
    • For example, if the user enters 3 in the red field, maestro* will suggest as a result of the search, codes 3, 36, 37, etc. Of course, the results will be linked to the data in the customer table.
    • If the user enters "na" in the red field, maestro* will suggest as a result of the search, codes Nail, Nailgun, etc. Of course, the results will be linked to the data in the customer table.

The two search possible search fields cannot be used at the same time.


Using the SQL Search Method

As previously mentionned, the SQL search method will generally perform better than the standard search. When activated, the SQL search modifies the grid appearance, therefore allowing the user to use more complex filters, as well as combine the use of multiple filters at once. The search, however, may only be performed on the displayed columns. To select the columns to be displayed, make a right-click in the grid, then select the Configuration option. Remember that if we select the SQL search for suppliers, for example, everywhere where supplier search is available, the SQL search method will be used by default.


Maestro* limits the result display to 100 lines by default. It is possible to change than number by modifying the value of the Maximum Number of Results field, found at the bottom left of the search window.

Performing an SQL search on all data displayed in the grid
  1. Firstly, hover the cursor over the field in the grid where the researched information must be entered.


The following example comes from the Stock Order from Catalogue option. However, the steps remain the same in whatever option you wish to perform the search.

  1. Then press the F7 key t perform a search (select the SQL search method if needed, as previously explained).
  2. Make a right click in the grid, then select the Configuration option.
  3. Check the Filter column for every column that must be included in the search.
  4. Click on Ok.
  5. Enter the value you wish to search for in the Filter field, at the top of the window.

The value entered for the search is not case sensitive. It is therefore possible to search for the term with upper or lower case letters. The researched term will be found, no matter how it was written.

  1. In the field to the right of the Filter button, select one of the condition presented in the following table.


Search Type


Searches for items that include the "search expression". Maestro* displays as a result all items that contain the search expression, no matter its location.

Example: If a user enters "20mm", maestro* will display all items with a description including "20mm".

Contains all words

Searches various individual words at the same time and displays, as a result, all items that contain all the words entered in the field, in the indicated order.

Example: If a user enters "20 mm", maestro* will display all items that contain the words 20 and mm. Therefore, items that display 200 mm will be displayed as they contain both 20 and mm.

Contains all words in any order

Searches various individual words at the same time and displays, as a result, all items that contain all words entered in the filter, not taking into account the order in which they were entered.

Example: If a user enters "mm 20", maestro* will display all items containing the words "mm" and "20", no matter the order.v

Contains at least one of these words

Searches various individual words at the same time and displays, as a result, all items that contain at least one of the searched words.

Example: If a user enter "20 mm", maestro* will display all items that contain the word "20" or the word "mm".

Begins with

Searches for words that begin by what was entered in the Filter field.

NOTE: This condition is only available when the search is performed on a specific column. See section Perform a Search for a Specific Column.

Ends with

Searches for words that end in what was entered in the Filter field.

NOTE: This condition is only available when the search is performed on a specific column. See section Perform a Search for a Specific Column.

The search will be performed on all columns for which the Filter box was checked in the grid Configurations.

  1. Click on the Filter button at the top of the page.
  2. Select the desired result by highlighting the corresponding line in the grid.
  3. Click on the Select button.
Perform a Search for a Specific Column

Contrary to an SQL search performed on all columns, when a search has to be performed on a specific column, the searched value has to be entered in the empty field under the column name and condition. Furthermore, the values and conditions of different columns can be combined for more conclusive search results.


Please note that it is also possible to enter more than one value to search for in a same column if the applied condition (on the column) is the same. To do so, click on the number followed by the + sign, displayed at the beginning of the line, in the top part of the grid, under the value entered on the previous line.

  1. First hover the cursor over the field in the grid where the searched information must be entered.
  2. Then click on the F7 key to perform a search (select the SQL search method if needed, as previously seen).
  3. Make a right click in the grid, then select the Configuration option.
  4. Check the Filter column of all columns in which a searched value will be entered and a condition selected.
  5. Click on Ok.
  6. Enter the searched value(s) in the empty field(s) under the column name(s).

Searched values are not case sensitive. It is therefore possible to search for terms with lower and upper case letters. The researched terms will be found, no matter the way they were written.

  1. Select a condition(s) among those displayed in the previous table for each column where a value is searched and entered, and for which the Filter box was checked in the grid Configurations.
  2. Click on the Filter button, displayed in the lower-left corner of the window.
  3. Select the desired result by highlighting the corresponding line.
  4. Click on the Select button.

Importing Data to maestro* Using an Excel File

Especially when implementing the software at a company, but also sometimes in the day-to-day operations, it can be advantageous to mass import a bunch of data. Indeed, a lot of information has to be entered in maestro* at first: customers, suppliers, employees,chart of accounts, etc. When this information is completely available, in an Excel file for example, it is optimal to import it, instead of entering every piece of information one at a time. Just as it is possible to export maestro* data to an Excel file, all of a supplier's products and price list, for example, a user can import different types of data in several options.

There are three methods to import data in maestro* from an Excel file, determined by the nature of the data to import and/or by the option window configurations:

  • General Import - Can be performed by clicking on the Tools menu in a maestro* window, then by selecting the option which allows to make an import from Excel. It is then required to select an Excel file and to link the Excel file columns to the correct fields in maestro*. The general import is one that refers to an option's specific fields that are not generally used to enter transactions. It is up to the user to determine which fields they wish to mass import. Furthermore, the general import also allows to select one of the following import options:
    • Import and overwrite existing records;
    • Import all or nothing;
    • Import only existing records.


More information will be given about these options in the general imports section of this document.

Example of general data imports: customer data, suppliers, employees, contacts, customer addresses, supplier addresses, catalogue items, etc.

  • Specific Import - Requires that a specific Excel file be completed before the import. Once selected, all information contained in that file will be imported in a maestro* window, provided to perform this import. The information is validated and any fault(s)s/discrepancy(ies) must be corrected before the user clicks on the Apply icon to transfer the said information in maestro*.


More information will be given on this import method in the specific import section of this document.

Examples of specific data import: Hour transactions, requisitions, sale transactions, etc.

  • Copy-Paste Import: Can be used by hovering the cursor over a breakdown grid, then making a right-click to select the Transfer to Excel option. The columns from the maestro* grid will be transposed in an Excel file. Once this file complete, simply copy-paste the data by selecting the exact or a greater number of lines in the maestro* grid.


More information will be given on this import method in the section dedicated to copy-paste imports, further in this document.

Examples of copy-past imports: list of accounts import in maestro*, activities and groups import in a project template, batch project purchase import, project template activities import, etc.


For more information on data import from an Excel file, please read the document How-To - Using an Excel Template to Import Data in maestro*

Performing a General Import

The general import allows to massively complete software fields that are not necessarily part of a breakdown grid. This method is used to import contact, customer, supplier, and employee lists, etc. and their information in maestro*.

The general import is available in multiple maestro* options. It does not required a specific Excel template. The import window is quasi the same for all general import windows - only the information differs. In the Excel file to use, each column has to represent one of the option field to import. The first line has to contain the field names and all data to import has to be entered in the following lines. It is not necessary to have a column for all the fields in the option - only those for which a value has to be imported.

  1. Complete the Excel file with the data to import and save it on the workstation.
  2. In maestro*, click on the Tools button of the menu at the top of the window.
  3. Click on the import option in the scroll-down menu (Import, Import an Excel File, etc.). The Import Data window opens.

  1. To select the Excel file, click on the ellipsis (...) button to the right of the Excel Data File field. A file selection window appears.
  2. Select the desired file and click on Open. The column names will be displayed in the Imported Fields section.
  3. To link the Excel columns to the option fields, it is important to correctly enter which imported field corresponds to each field in maestro*:
    1. In the big table, select one of the fields by clicking on its cell in the Imported Fields column.
    2. Then, in the Imported Fields section, to the right of the table, make a double-click on the Excel column name which corresponds to the selected field.
    3. The field in the Imported Fields section should now be displayed in the Imported Fields column of the big table.
    4. Repeat steps 6a. to 6c. for each field to import.

  1. Once all the fields have been selected, click on the Transfer icon. This step can take a couple minutes, depending on the quantity of lines and data to import from the Excel file.
  2. When the data import is complete, a message will appear and display the number of lines imported in maestro*. Click on Ok.

  1. Click on Quit to close the import window.
  2. Click on Save.

The data in the Excel file will now be available in maestro*.


The previous example comes from the Customer Management option. However, the steps remain the same in all other options where the general import functionality is available.

Performing a Specific Import

The specific import is unique to each maestro* option and a specific template for each of these options is required to import data in maestro*. Indeed, certain columns are required and must be completed to ensure the import success. Furthermore, the specific import process also has a data validation step, in most cases, before actually transferring the data in maestro*. Faulty date or missing information will be displayed in red.

To find the Excel for to perform the specific import of data for an option, please read the help document of these options, the training document for the said option, or you can already read the How-To - Using an Excel Template to Import Data in maestro*. If you cannot find the template you are looking for, it will therefore be necessary to transfer to Excel the breakdown grid or to copy-paste the data in Excel before completing the file. Maestro* will identify, during the import, missing mandatory information, if applicable.


The following example is a project activity and budget import, performed in the Project Management option. Though the necessary steps to a specific import are often similar, the import process is specific to the option.



For general and specific imports, the name of all information found in the Excel columns must be entered on the first line of the file. The imformation to import must then begin on the second line.

Example of a Specific Import - Project Activities and Budgets Import

maestro* > Projects > Maintenance > Project > Project Management

The import of project activities and budgets allows to update or create one or more activity and assign them quantities and budgets.

  1. In the Project Management window, select a project in the Number field, at the top of the window.
  2. Once the project selected, click on the Activities and Budgets tab.


It is impossible to access the Excel data import if the Activities and Budgets tab is not opened, since this is an activity import and not the import of multiple projects.

  1. Click on the downward arrow to the right of the Import icon. Select Import an Excel File.
  2. The Import activities and budgets from a standard format file window opens, followed by a file selection window.

  1. If the Excel file for the import has already been completed, select it. Then click on the Open button and continue to step 7. If it has yet to be completed, click on Cancel.
  2. Complete the Excel file. So as to have no problem during the data import, it is important to use the appropriate file template.


How to Get the Excel File Template

It is possible to get the Excel file template by following these steps: 

  1. Make a right click anywhere in the grid.
  2. In the scroll-down menu, click on Transfer to Excel.


The only mandatory fields for this import are the Project Code (column A) and the Activity Code (column B). For the Project Code, simply enter the same project number as entered in step 1.

It is recommended to use the provided template to make sure each field appears in the right column.

  • Columns AA to AD represent checkboxes. To check the box, enter 1 instead of 0.
  • 0 is the default value.
  • All date data in the Excel file must match the date format in maestro*.

Caution! The Company column is only displayed in multidimensional mode. If you do not use the multidimensional mode, ignore this field.

For more information on these fields, please read the Project Management option Online Help (F1).

  1. Once the Excel file completed, click on the New icon in the Import activities and budgets from a standard format file window. A file selection window opens.
  2. Once the import of the Excel file complete, select one of the three Existing Budgets option:
    • All budgets for all companies and activities will be initialized and the values in the file will be imported;
    • The values in the file will be added to existing budgets;
    • The values in the file will replace existing budgets.
  1. Click on the Validate the table icon. A confirmation message will indicate validity of the information in the table. If some fields are not valid, it is possible to modify them directly in the import window.

  1. Click on the Apply icon to complete the data import in the Project Management option.
  2. The imported activities will be displayed in the table under the Activities and Budgets tab, at the top-left of the window.

  1. Click on the Save icon.

Importing Data in a Breakdown Grid by Copy-Pasting

To make a batch import in a maestro* breakdown grid through a simple copy-paste:

  1. Hover the cursor over the breakdown grid.
  2. Make a right click and select the Transfer to Excel option.

Once the transfer is done, an Excel file opens. The column names from the maestro* grid have been transposed to the first line of the file.

  1. Fill in the Excel file with the data to import in maestro* and save it.

  1. Select the data to import in maestro*:
    1. Click on number 2 (the number preceding the second line in the file), so as to highlight the whole data line.
    2. Press on the Shift key and keep it held.
    3. Click on the number of the last line of data.
    4. Make a right click and select Copy (Ctrl + C).
  2. Back in maestro*, hover the cursor over the breakdown grid and make a right click.
  3. Select the Paste option (Ctrl + V).

The data is now copied in the maestro* breakdown grid. Save by clicking on the icon to this effect. Read the How-To Export a maestro* Breakdown Grid in Excel and Vice Versa for more details.


It will be impossible to import data in maestro* of the data selection from an Excel file contains more lines than the breakdown grid. If the number of available lines in the grid does not suffice:

  • Make a right click after placing the cursor over the grid, then select the Configuration option. Enter the maximum number of lines desired, then click on Ok; or
  • Click on the Configuration icon, in the toolbar at the top of the window. In the Breakdown Grid section, replace the Maximum Number of Lines by the desired amount and click on Ok.

The steps differ from one breakdown grid to the other, according to the option in which it is found.


The previous example comes from the Batch Project Purchase option. However, the steps remain the same, no matter from what breakdown grid the columns have to be transfered to Excel.

For certain breakdown grids, an option titled Import an Excel File is also available as an option when the user makes a right click. However, in most cases, only the Transfer to Excel option is active and a copy-paste is required to import data afterwards.

Using the Shortcut Keys in maestro*

A number of shortcut key and combinations can be used thoughout the software or in some specific modules to speed up navigation or certain tasks. We invite you to regularly read the document to this effect, Shortcut Keys, to familiarize yourself with a couple of these.








Configurations to be completed


Approval or meeting with management


Tests and trial runs


Unit AP03





Due Date




Changing the display language.






Changing the company display order.






Searching for an option in the maestro* general menu.






Completing the user preferences.






Viewing the maestro* online help.






Accessing the Guide portal through maestro*.






Creating a section in My Menu and adding options.






Sharing your menu with a colleague.






Adding a link to an external software in My Menu.






Renaming a section or option in My Menu.






Deleting an option or section in My Menu.






Adding a shortcut in an option window.






Defining the default search parameter in a parameter selection window.






Searching for information in a breakdown grid using the standard search method.






Searching for information in a breakdown grid using the SQL search method.






Performing a general data import in maestro* from an Excel file.






Performing a specific data import in maestro* from an Excel file.






Import data in a breakdown grid making a copy-paste.