Using the Outlook Add-in With maestro*CLOUD


As part of their tasks, users sometimes transfer emails and attachments from Outlook to maestro* in order to link them to erp transactions. For this to work when maestro* is run through a cloud service, a specific add-in must be installed.

Using maestro*CLOUD implies that the application is installed on an external server whereas Outlook is installed on the users’ workstation. The add-in ensures both instances can communicate and share Outlook’s information with maestro*CLOUD.





Transfer email from Outlook

Once the add-in is installed:

  1. Select the email that needs to be transferred from the grid (the only emails displayed will be those of the user connected to maestro*).
  2. Click the Transfer to maestro* icon.
  3. In the transfer window that is displayed, click the Transfer to maestro* button.
  4. A message indicates that the email has been successfully transferred to maestro*CLOUD.


Link an email to a transaction


maestro* > Maintenance > General Maintenance > Document Management > Import Outlook Emails

  1. In the list of available emails, select the email to link to a transaction.
  2. Select a contact.

Available contacts come from maestro*'s Contact Management.

This field identifies the email sender in maestro* in order to keep the Transmittal Log up to date.

  1. The email's object is automatically entered in the Description field. If needed, modify the description.
  2. Select the type of the transaction that should be linked to the email, whether it is an Existing transaction or a Transaction to create in maestro*. In all cases, all fields pertaining to this destination must be completed.
  3. Indicate whether to save the email and its attachments, if any.
  4. Click on Apply.
    The email will be available in the documents of the selected transaction.


See Also


Last modification: September 20, 2024