Maestro* Client Installation - Version 3.04 and 3.05


  • Use a Windows account with Administrator rights;
  • Know the name of the server where maestro* data is stored. This name will be referred to as ServerName in this document;
  • The user must have Read and Write access for the files and folders on the maestro* server.

If you don’t have the required access or if you need more information, please consult with your computer technician.





1. Determine if maestro* will be installed in URI or Classic mode

URI Mode

  • URI mode is the connection method generally used by all maestro* users who do not have maestro* administrator rights;
  • This mode does not allows the company management. It is not possible to create a company from a workstation in URI mode;
  • URI mode uses an ODBC connection which gives a direct database access;
  • This connection type is more secure than the classic mode, because the users do not have access to the files and maestro* data folder;
  • It is still possible to connect a network drive for this mode that will allow access to shared files, documentation and installation files;
  • URI mode is simple to configure and only requires the maestro* Server Name.

Classic Mode

  • This connection type is usually reserved for maestro* administrators;
  • This connection is required to access the company management tools and other functions reserved to maestro* administrators;
  • This connection type is less secured than URI mode because the users have access to the maestro* data files and folders, which they could accidently move or delete.
  • To connect to the database, this mode requires a mapped drive.

Remote connection servers, such as Terminal Servers, Remote Application and Citrix server are always installed in URI mode.


2. Connect a mapped drive


This step is optional for URI mode but is recommended for easy access to the documentation and installation files. However, it is mandatory for classic mode.

WARNING! A mapped drive for maestro* may already exist. If so, be sure it works and skip to the next step.

  1. Open Windows Explorer.
  2. Click the Computer tab.
  3. Click the Map network drive icon and option.
  4. Select the M: drive.
  5. Go to step 3 or 4, depending on the desired mode (URI or classic).


For assistance with network issues or access rights, contact your IT specialist.


3. Connexion for URI mode

If you want to configure maestro* in classic mode, go to step no. 4.

  1. Type \\ServerName\MaestroSharedFiles in the Folder field.
  2. Check the Reconnect at sign-in box.
  3. Click the Finish button.


4. Connexion for classic mode

  1. Type \\ServerName\Maestro$ in the Folder field.
  2. Check the Reconnect at sign-in box.
  3. Click the Finish button.


5. Install .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.8

If it is not already done, .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.8 must be installed:

  1. Click Start.
  2. Click Control Panel.
  3. Click Programs and Features.
  4. Click Turn Windows features on or off.

  1. Select .Net Framework 3.5 and .Net Framework 4.8.
  2. Click Ok and wait for the installation to finish.


If .NET Framework 4.8 is not displayed, consult your IT specialist as it may need to be manually installed.


Maestro* installation


Depending on Pervasive PSQL version available on your server, you must follow step 6 or 7 but only one of the two steps.


6. Installation of Pervasive PSQL Client v11

  1. Open Windows Explorer.
  2. Select the M:\ drive (if the URI mode is used without a network drive, you need to access the share in the following format: \\ServerName\MaestroSharedFiles).
  3. Depending on the mode used:
    • URI mode: Navigate to the Pervasive_Client folder.
    • Classic mode: Navigate to the Maestro\SharedFiles\Pervasive_Client folder.
  4. Run SetupClient_x86.exe.

  1. Skip to step no. 8.


7. Installation of Pervasive PSQL Client V12

  1. Open Windows Explorer.
  2. Select the M:\ drive (iIf the URI mode without network drive is used, access the share in the following format: \\ServerName\MaestroSharedFiles).
  3. Depending on the mode used:
    • URI mode: Navigate to the Client folder
    • Classic mode: Navigate to the Maestro\SharedFiles\Client folder.
  4. Run Install_Client.cmd.

  1. Continue to step no. 8.


8. Continued... Installation of Pervasive PSQL

  1. Click the Next button.
  2. Check the I accept the terms in the license agreement box.
  3. Click the Next button.
  4. Select Run as a Service.
  5. Click the Next button.
  6. Select the Complete option.
  7. Click the Next button.
  8. Click the Install button.
  9. Finally, click the Finish button.
  10. The Actian PSQL patch appliction will start, just click Next and Install while keeping the defaults.

Make sure you close Outlook before proceeding to the next steps.


9. Maestro* Installation

  1. Open Windows Explorer.
  2. Select the M:\ drive (iIf the URI mode without network drive is used, access the share in the following format: \\ServerName\MaestroSharedFiles).
  3. Depending on the mode used:
    • URI mode: Navigate to the Client folder
    • Classic mode: Navigate to the Maestro\SharedFiles\Client folder.
  4. Run MaestroClient.exe (the corresponding icon has a white asterisk in a blue square icon). Make sure you do not run MaestroClientSuite.exe.

  1. If the User Account Control is activated, click Yes to authorize the installation.
  2. Select the desired language and click the Next button.
  3. Click the Next button again.
  4. Click the Install button.

Warning! Do not change the destination folder.

  1. Once the installation completed successfully, a green check mark displays in the lower left corner of the window. Click the Finish button.

A red X appearing in the lower left corner of the window indicates a problem occured during the installation. Make sure you have followed all the instructions. Contact Maestro Customer Support if the problem persists.


10. Maestro* Startup

  1. Double-click the maestro* icon on the desktop to start maestro* for the first time.


11 Maestro* Configuration

  1. When starting maestro*, the configuration utility opens automatically.
  2. Select the first option entitled 1 - Configure this workstation as a maestro* client.

  1. For URI Mode

(For classic mode, skip to step d.)

  • Select the Use a server name and database name (URI connexion) option.
    • In the Database Server field, type the name of the maestro* server or use the browse button to select it.
    • In the Main Database Name field, click the green arrow or type Enter. The name will be added automatically if the server connection works properly.
  • Check the Use MSR mode (no local DB engine) box.
  • Skip to step e. and follow the configuration process as indicated.

  1. For Classic Mode
  • Select the Use a mapped networked drive to the database option.
  • In the Main Database Folder field, use the Browse button and chose the network drive as selected in step 4. Complete the path up to the Data folder (for example: M:\Maestro\Data).

  • Check the Use MSR mode (no local DB engine) box.
  • Go to step e. and follow the configuration process as indicated.
  1. Click Test your connection.
  • If the connection was successful:
    • Click OK.

    • Click the Save button.

    • Click Finish.
  • If the connection failed, an error message will be displayed.
    • The reboot of the workstation may be required to correct the problem.
    • If the error keeps displaying, please note the error message or take a screenshot and contact Maestro Technologies Customer Support.

Example of an error message:


If you encounter problems during the installation, please contact Maestro Technologies Customer Support.


Last modification: September 19, 2024