Maestro* Error Messages



The information presented in this document is for informational purposes only. The causes and solutions may differ from those suggested here. If you have any problems or questions, please contact Maestro Customer Support.


Run-time 7: Out of memory Error

When a Run-time 7: Out of Memory error appears, the first step is to make sure that .NET Framework 3.5 is installed on your system.


Error 161

Error 161 indicates that no Pervasive licenses are available. This situation can occur for the following reasons:

  1. There is no Pervasive license installed on your server.
  2. All your Pervasive licenses are in use. For example, if you have 20 licenses, and 20 users are connected into maestro*, this message will be displayed when the 21st user tries to connect.
  3. Your Pervasive licenses became invalid following changes on your server.


Pervasive V11 is particularly sensitive to server modifications: a change of memory, CPU, network card, or other will trigger a process where the license becomes “in probation” for 14 days. If no action is taken during the 14-day “grace” period to correct the situation, the licenses become invalid and all users will receive 161 errors when trying to use maestro*.

A license on probation can be easily “restored” through the Pervasive License Manager using the Repair button. However, this can only be done five times.

The recommended method to make changes to the server without invalidating PSQL licenses is as follows:

  1. Disable the PSQL licenses through the License Manager;
  2. Make the required changes to the server;
  3. Re-enable the PSQL licenses through the License Manager.


Error 430

Error 430 means that an interface is not supported; it usually appears after a Windows 10 update. To solve the issue, you must uninstall and reinstall the maestro* viewer on the affected workstation.


Note that the patch must be run on each of the workstations that meet the conditions that are listed above. Additionally, if you have already applied the Microsoft Windows 10 Anniversary Update on a workstation, you will need to correct it again after having applied the Microsoft Windows 10 Creators Update.


Error 3006

3006 errors are always caused by network issues, mainly because:

  1. The computer went into Sleep mode after a period of inactivity;
  2. The computer is in Wi-Fi mode.

To solve the problem, simply restart maestro*. The examples below describe how to prevent the problem based on the situation:

Scenario 1 - The computer goes into sleep mode

When a computer goes into sleep mode, all network connections are shut down: if maestro* applications were opened at this time, they would all trigger 3006 errors, followed by a cascade of errors.


  • Adjust the Windows settings so the computer does not go into Sleep mode OR
  • Close maestro* applications if you leave your computer idle for some time.

Scenario 2 - The computer is connected in Wi-Fi

As Wi-Fi connections are likely to be disrupted at any time, it is strongly recommended to used wired connections (Ethernet cables, not Wi-Fi) for maestro* sessions. The Maestro* applications must maintain their connection to the database at all times: no matter how short, disconnection lead to 3006 errors.


  • Do not use the Wi-Fi network, use only a wired network.


Error 3012

Error 3012 can happen at two different occasions:

  • When installing a new workstation;
  • When experiencing server failure.

Installation of a new workstation

Error 3012, when displayed in reference to a local file (eg. C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Maestro Technologies \ Maestro \ DataMaestro \ MAREGROU.DON), occurs because the MSR mode is not enabled on your computer.

To activate the MSR mode on your station and correct error 3012:

  1. Start the maestro* Configuration Wizard, available in the Maestro Technologies group in the Windows Start menu
  2. Choose option 1, Set this position as maestro client.
  3. Check the MSR mode option at the bottom left of the window.
  4. Click Test your connection, then Save.

The method described above is the only way to change this configuration; it cannot be inadvertently altered from the maestro* menu or otherwise.

Server Failure

Error 3012 may be caused by a power outage or a server failure. To fix error 3012:

  • From the data server, restart both the Actian PSQL or Pervasive PSQL services, depending on Pervasive version.


Error 20084

Error Btrieve 20084 (or 84) occurs when a file becomes manually or automatically locked.

To solve a Btrieve 20084 error:

  1. Open the Blocked Records Management option (maestro* > Maintenance > General Maintenance > Miscellaneous > Blocked Records Management).
  2. Select the record to unlock.
  3. Click the Unblock button. The blocked file should now be accessible.

You must be a maestro* administrator or have the required access permission to perform this operation; access rights are managed through maestro* security.


Error vb53

The VB53 – Files not found error message appears when the anti-virus puts in quarantine or deletes a maestro* file (for example, a binary file such as .OCX, .DLL or .EXE).

To solve the issue:

  1. Add the maestro* installation directory to the antivirus exclusion list (C:\Program Files (x86)\Maestro Technologies).
  2. Restore the quarantined files.

If the files have been deleted rather than quarantined, you will need to uninstall and reinstall maestro*.

If the error message occurs during the maestro* installation or update you must temporarily disable the antivirus.


Last modification: September 19, 2024