File verification before a version change


File verification allows to check if files have been corrupted or contain errors to ensure there will be no errors during the version change. This option checks indexes, the file structures, and allows to reconstruct files if needed.



  • Directly working in the maestro* database server.
  • Using a maestro* account with Administrator rights.
  • All maestro* services must have been stopped (see below the instructions for the Pervasive PSQL Monitor).
  • All users must be logged out of maestro*.

Pervasive PSQL Monitor must be used to check if there are still users or services connected to maestro*:




maestro* > Maintenance > File Maintenance > File > File Verification


Perform the File Verification


In multidimensional mode, only one company is displayed for all the compagnies defined in the same directory, since they are all processed simultaneously.


  1. Launch maestro* and open each company to make sure they are operational and up to date.
  2. Open a company, whichever one.
  3. Open the File Verification option.
  4. Check the Verify the general folder files box.
  5. Check the Checking for version change box.
    1. The following note must be displayed in green: These parameters allow the verification of the migration from 3.04 to 3.05.
  6. Click on the Verification button.
    1. If there are errors during the verification, the files containing them will automatically be selected. Then click on Rebuild.
    2. Check in the report that all errors have been corrected.
    3. Redo the verification so it may be completed without any errors.
    4. If errors persist, contact Maestro Technologies' software support.
  7. Uncheck the Verify the general folder files box and select All.
  8. Click on the Verification button.
    1. If there are errors during the verification, the files containing them will automatically be selected. Then click on Rebuild.
    2. Check in the report that all errors have been corrected.
    3. Redo the verification so it may be completed without any errors.
    4. If errors persist, contact Maestro Technologies' software support.

  1. Make sure all companies are ready for the migration by validating that every single one has a date in the Last check date section.
  2. Click on Quit.


See also


Last modification: September 19, 2024