Define Customer Addresses


The Define Customer Addresses function is used to create a database with the addresses of various branches of a given customer to be used when entering sales or orders.

This option is very useful when a given customer has multiple branches and payment is always made to the head office.

If a new customer or a new address is entered, maestro* creates a new Site contact in the Contact Management option. If the customer or the address already exists, the modifications made in the Define Customer Addresses screen will be saved to the contact file in Contact Management.






maestro* > Invoicing > Maintenance > Customers > Define Customer Addresses


Create a customer address

  1. Select the Customer Code and enter a Number if necessary.
  2. Enter the required information in the Main Fields tab:

The Configuration icon is used to define entry options for the Code field.




Shipping Address

Used to identify this address as the shipping address, if the box is checked.

NOTE: This address will be available in the Delivery tab for various invoice entry options.

Invoicing Address

Used to identify this address as the invoicing address, if the box is checked.

NOTE: This address will be available in the Invoicing tab for various invoice entry options.


Name that identifies the address.


Additional information for completing the name of the customer's address.


Address, including the City, Province, Country, Postal Code or Zip Code, Phone and Fax.

Type of Call

Used to specify whether telephone calls are local or long distance.


Customer's contact name for the branch displayed by default.

NOTE: You can change the contact name displayed when entering a sale or a purchase order.


Language of correspondence for the address contact.

NOTE: If English is selected, forms can be printed in English if this configuration was created when the form was designed.

Contact Number

Contact number related to the customer address in the Contact Management option.

US Tax Code

Code of U.S. taxes to apply to sales delivered to the address indicated.

This tax code is derived from the Define Tax Codes and applies only if the Management of US Sales Taxes is enabled, in the General Ledger configuration.

NOTE: Used in billing options Contractual Billing, Service Calls Invoicing and Sales.

  1. Enter the required information in the Sale Default Values tab:



Purchase Order

Purchase order number.


Salesperson code from Salesperson Management.


Transportation from Define Abbreviations.

NOTE: Used only in Customer Order.


Incoterm from Define Abbreviations.

NOTE: Used only in Customer Order.

Attention of

Delivery contact.

NOTE: Used only in Customer Order.

Specification 1

Specification for the order from Define Specifications.

NOTE: Used only in Customer Order.

Specification 2

Specification for the order from Define Specifications.

NOTE: Used only in Customer Order.

Instant Payment

Used to set the Instant Payment field to Yes by default instead of No in the Enter a Sale option.

Payment Method

Payment method from Define Payment Types.

NOTE: Used only in the Point of Sale and Point of Sale Invoicing options.

Price List

Price list from Price List Management.

  1. Technical Details tab:

This tab allows the user to enter the technical information in the form of notes that can be accessed in different screens of distributions of maestro*:

  • Call Dispatch via the Service Management module;
  • Work Order Dispatch via the Work Order module;
  • Quotation Dispatch via the Estimating module;
  • Project Dispatch via the Projects module.

This information is accessible for dispatchers by configuring the tooltip or the approval message under the Dispatch tab available in the icon Configuration accessible in each of the options listed above.

  1. Click Save.


See also

  • Enter a Sale
  • Contract Management
  • Customer Order
  • Salesperson Management
  • Define Abbreviations
  • Define Specifications
  • Define Payment Types
  • Maintain Price Lists
  • How to Creation of Service Contracts


Last modification: December 20, 2024