Customer Management


The Customer Management function is used to create and update customer records. These management functions must be completed before you access the various sales options in the system.





  maestro* > Invoicing > Maintenance > Customers > Customer Management


Create a customer

  1. Enter the required information:
Fields followed by the * character are mandatory fields.




Customer code.

NOTE: If the code already exists, the system displays the data already entered for the code.


Customer name.


Used to identify a customer as an inter-company.


Customer Status.

The statuses available for the user include: A - Active, B - Blocked, W - Blocked with warning only and 1 - Closed.

NOTES: You can block or close a customer using the Block a Customer, Close a Customer or Credit Validation options.

No transactions can be entered if the customer's status is 1 – Closed. No sales can be entered if the customer's status is B - Blocked, but a receipt can be entered.


Reason entered when a customer is blocked using the Block a Customer or Credit Validation options.

  1. Enter the required information in the ClosedMain Fields tab:
  1. ClosedAddress section:
  1. ClosedOther section:
  1. ClosedNumbers section:
  1. US Tax section:




US Tax Code which will be used by default.


Taxe for which the customer is exempt.

Avaialble values:


Exempt from paying state taxes.

School Board

Exempt from paying school taxes.


Exempt from paying county taxes.

Local Tax

Exempt from paying local taxes.


Exempt from paying parish taxes.


Exmpt from paying city taxes.

  1. Bank section:


Available for informational purposes only.





Name of the customer's financial institution.


Address of the financial institution.


Telephone number of the financial institution.

  1. Defaults section:




General ledger account used to post the customer's sales.

Delivery Addr.

Default delivery address for all sales associated with this customer from Define Customer Addresses option.

Invoice Status

Default status of invoices issued to this customer.

NOTE: Special statuses can be created in Receivable Invoice Status Codes Table.


Available values:


The holdback is not displayed on the invoice if the invoice form takes this field into consideration.


The holdback is displayed on the invoice if the invoice form takes this field into consideration.

  1. Notes section: The note entered is displayed in a Memo field when this customer is selected in the various entry screens of the system, if this function was configured in Preferences.
  2. Date Created: This date is entered automatically when the customer is created in the system, but can be changed by the user.
  3. Date Modified:Date on which the customer file was last saved.
  1. Enter the required information in the ClosedBilling Information tab:

This information must be completed if the customer's invoices are to be sent to an address other than the one entered in the Address section of the Main Fields tab.




Billing Name

Company name or name of the company contact.


The contact's department or division.


The customer's main address.


The city where the customer is located.


The province/state where the customer is located.


The country where the customer is located.

Postal Code

The customer's postal code.

Zip Code

The customer's zip code.

NOTE: Only applies to american customers.


The customer's primary phone number.


The customer's fax number.

Do not print Customer Statement

Check this box if no statements should be sent to the customer even if there is a balance.

Interface Type

Shows the data-exporting format used for using the EDI interface.

EDI Reference


Maximum Amount per Call / Work Order

Shows the maximum amount that can be spent per call or work order.

Work Order Quotation Form

If a form for work order quotations is chosen here, it will have precedence over the selected form in the work order configuration (Forms tab, Service Quotation section, Customer Form field).

Progress Billing Form - Rate

Invoicing form used in Prepare Progress Billing if the Progress field specified in Progress Billing Contracts is set to Rate.

NOTE: This form is used if no form has been specified in Progress Billing Contracts. The form specified in configuration (Contractual Invoicing) will be used if no form has been specified in Progress Billing Contracts or Customer Management.

Progress Billing Form - Quantity

Invoicing form used in Prepare Progress Billing if the Progress field specified in Progress Billing Contracts is set to Quantity.

NOTE: This form is used if no form has been specified in Progress Billing Contracts. The form specified in configuration (Contractual Invoicing) will be used if no form has been specified in Progress Billing Contracts or Customer Management.

  1. Invoice (W/O) Format section:

This section lets you configure the invoicing format to be used in Invoice Preparationwhen the system uses only one invoicing project for a number of clients. This function is linked to the Unique W/O invoicing method.


These fields are linked to the Work Order Billing module and only appear when the module is installed.




Use these configurations for Work Order Billing

If checked, indicates that the settings specified below will be applied for Invoice Preparation (W/O) rather than those defined in Invoicing Contract (W/O).

NOTE: This setting applies only if the invoicing method is Date/Unique W/O or Unique W/O, Multi Customers and if no customer is specified in Invoicing Contract (W/O).

Invoicing Method

Used to determine how information is presented on the invoice.

ClosedAvalaible values:


Shows different ways transactions can be grouped. The grouping level is also determined by the By Date field.

ClosedAvailable values:

By Date

Available values:


Groups the transactions by date on the invoice.

NOTE: If the Type is set to 2 - Summarized, the system inserts a line on the invoice for each transaction day, even if the item codes are identical.


Groups transactions by item code.


Used to determine the percentage of administration fees applicable to each expense group, including Material, Labour, Subs (Sub-Contractor), Equipment and Misc.


Used to determine the percentage of profit applicable to each expense group, including Material, Labour, Subs (Sub-Contractor), Equipment and Misc.

Stamp Image File

File containing an image in JPEG, BMP or GIF format that can be printed on work orders related to this customer. The image will be printed in the lower right corner of the following reports:

  • Work Order Review Report
  • Work Order Review Report (Billable Items Only).

NOTE: These reports are available by clicking the Printer icon in the EnterWork Orders option.

CAUTION! If an image file is entered in this field, it has priority over the configuration.

  1. Credit Validation section:

This section is used to define credit requirements that will define whether the customer will be included on the list of customers to be blocked in the Credit Validation option.

Two methods are available: Validation based on the credit limit or Validation based on the payment terms authorized.


These values override the values entered in Configuration.

For more information on this topic, refer to the Managing customer credit how to.




Blocking Status

Action to be performed using the Credit Validation option.

Available values:


With this status, it is impossible to enter new transactions.


With this status, new transactions can be entered.

Reason for Blocking

Message displayed when the customer is selected if the customer's status is Blocked or Warning.

Credit limit Validation sub-section:

This section is used to check the credit limit based on more precise criteria, including:

  • Number of days and % of credit limit. OR
  • Number of days delay and minimum balance.

Delay in Days

Number of days that represent the authorized payment exemption period.

The calculation is based on the invoice date.

Only invoices that exceed the number of days delay specified are included in calculating the balance.

Credit Limit %

Percentage of the credit limit accepted in relation to the balance.

Maestro* automatically offers to block customers for which the total balance of unpaid invoices that exceeds the number of days reaches a percentage of the credit limit that is higher than this percentage.

Minimum Balance

Accepted balance.

Maestro* automatically offers to block customers for which the total balance of unpaid invoices that exceeds the number of days is higher than this minimum amount.

The system only uses this value if no credit limit percentage is entered.

Authorized payment delay sub-section:

This section is used to specify that the credit validation is only conducted based on the number of days in the exemption period for paying invoices.

Delay in Days

Number of days that represent the authorized payment exemption period.

The calculation is based on the invoice date.

Maestro* automatically offers to block customers who have at least one unpaid invoice for longer than the authorized time period.

  1. Quarry invoicing section:



Group RM and TR

Lets you indicate whether the raw material and transport must be grouped on the same line when printing the invoice for the quarry tickets.

Available values:

Default Status

Tells the system to print the invoice based on RM and TR Grouping in the Quarry Tickets module in Miscellaneous Configurations.


When printing the invoice, the raw material and transport must be grouped to form only one amount.


When printing the invoice, the raw material and transport are printed on two separate lines on the invoice with their respective amounts.

Exempt from transport surcharge

Lets you indicate whether the customer has a transport surcharge exemption.

Generate Interco Quarry Ticket sub-section

Generate Tickets

Indicates whether or not tickets charged to this customer should generate intercompany tickets for raw materials and transport.

Expense Prefix

Enables the selection of a prefix that indicates to which company raw material and transport expenses should be charged.

NOTE : This field is mandatory in order to ensure the initiation of the intercompany ticket creation. It will, therefore, be impossible to leave this field empty.

Transport Prefix

Enables the selection of a prefix that indicates to which company transport incomes should be charged.

Raw Material

The fields of the Raw Material block indicate which Supplier needs to be paid for raw material expenses, as well as the Project-Activity-Group structure to which the raw material intercompany expenses should be charged (if the information was not already indicated in the original ticket).

NOTE: these fields are optional, but if no information is entered and no project and activity charge have been identified in the original ticket, the chargeable intercompany ticket will be created without any project, activity, or group. This lack of data will not prevent the creation of project purchase invoices for the accounting of raw material invoices. However, the fields will have to be referenced in the project purchase generated by the invoice/reconciliation process in order to be transferred.


The fields of the Transport block indicate which Supplier needs to be paid for raw material expenses, as well as the Project-Activity-Group structure to which the raw material intercompany expenses should be charged (if the information was not already indicated in the original ticket).

NOTE: these fields are optional, but if no information is entered and no project and activity charge have been identified in the original ticket, the chargeable intercompany ticket will be created without any project, activity, or group. This lack of data will not prevent the creation of project purchase invoices for the accounting of transport invoices. However, the fields will have to be referenced in the project purchase generated by the invoice/reconciliation process in order to be transferred.

  1. Enter the required information in the Technical Details tab:

This tab is where you can enter technical information in memo form, which can be accessed in the various maestro* dispatch screens, including:

  • The Call dispatch screen in the Service Management module.
  • The Work Order Dispatch screen in the Work Orders module.
  • The Quotation Dispatch screen in the Estimating/Quotations module.
  • The Project Dispatch screen in the Projects module.

This information can be accessed by the dispatchers by configuring the tool tip or approval message in the Dispatch Grid tab in the Configuration icon, which can be accessed in each of the options listed.

  1. Enter the required information in the ClosedMobility tab:



Immediately send the form

Available values:

According to the General Setting

Let's you indicate to the system that it should send the according to the general settings.


Let's you indicate to the system that it should always immediately send the form.


Let's you indicate to the system that it should never immediately send the form.


Available values:


Let's you indicate to the system that a signature is optional; that it is not obligatory.


Let's you indicate to the system that a signature is required.

Not Required

Let's you indicate to the system that a signature is not required.

  1. Service Call section:



Send multi-visit call form

Let's you indicate to the system whether or not it should send the multi-visit form to the customer when reaching the end of the service call.

NOTE: When a new contract is created, this box will be automatically checked if the configuration of the same name is checked in the service call configurations (General section, Mobile sub-section).

  1. Enter the required information in the ClosedService tab:



Service Order Form

Let's you select the desired form for service orders.

Return from a Service Call Form

Let's you select the desired form for returns from a service call.

Return from multi-visit call form

Let's you select the desired form for returns from a multi-visit call.

Service Quotation Customer Form

Let's you select

  1. Invoicing Service Calls section:

This section identifies default values that will be used in the Service Management module. They will be proposed when you create a contract in Contract Management and will be used for invoicing if not specified in Contract Management.


These fields are linked to the Service Management module and are only displayed if the module is installed.




Invoicing Method

Tells the system which invoicing method should be used. The three available methods are Activity, Category, and Price / Customer.

NOTES: The default value proposed by the system is Categories.

The system calculates the selling price according to the invoicing method selected.

Invoicing Table by Activity

Identifies the invoicing rate table to be used by default if the invoicing method is Activity.

NOTE: The table will be proposed by default in Contract Management based on the invoicing method selected.

Invoicing Table by Category

Identifies the invoicing rate table to be used by default if the invoicing method is Category.

NOTE: The table will be proposed by default in Contract Management based on the invoicing method selected.

Markup Table

Identifies the markup rate table to be used for the sale of parts in the Service Management module.

NOTES: The table will be proposed by default in Contract Management.

The equipment mark-up table must be created in the Invoicing Rate Tableoption.

Equipment Table

Identifies the invoicing table to be used to invoice equipment in the Service Management module.

NOTE: The table will be proposed by default in Contract Management. The equipment table must be created in the Invoicing Rate Table option.

Misc. Charges Table

Identifies the invoicing table applicable for miscellaneous charges.

NOTES: The table will be proposed by default in Contract Management.

The miscellaneous expenses table must be created in Invoicing Rate Table option.

  1. Click Save.
  In SQL mode, it is possible to view the customer file modification history. To do so, go through the Tools menu and select the Change History option. A list of all the changes that were made to the current customer file: the value of the field before and after the modification, the name of the user who made the modification, as well as the date and hour of the change, are displayed in this list.


See also


Last modification: February 18, 2025