Workflow management


The Workflow Management option provides various mechanisms to obtain approvals and alert specific key employees. It allows users to send an email or text message to one or more recipients regarding certain transactions, for example, receiving merchandise over $50,000. Many situations can be configured to suit a client’s needs.

This option is particularly interesting in multidimensional mode: it is possible to export and extract a powerful workflow in order to import it into other companies without having to reconfigure each time.

It is important to properly set up roles as they are required to implement workflows.





ClosedWorkflow Management Icons



Used to

Workflow Creation Wizard

Start the Workflow Creation Wizard, designed to simplify the creation of workflows.

Save As

Save a copy of the selected workflow under a different name.


Open the Document Management.


Open the workflow exportation’s program.


Open the workflow importation’s program.


Open the workflow management window.

Only icons specific to this window are defined in the table above. 





maestro* > Maintenance > General Maintenance > Workflow > Workflow Management


Exporting a Workflow

  1. Click the Export button.
  2. On the Workflow Export window, the File field shows the complete path of the exported file. Click on the suspension points [] shown at the end of the File field to name the file and select a directory where it will be saved.
  3. In the workflow list, select the workflows that should be included in the export file.
  4. Click the Export button.
    A message indicating the success of the operation is displayed.


Importing a Workflow

From a Maestro’s Template

  1. Click the Import button.
  2. On the Workflow Import window, the Import from field is defaulted to maestro* templates. Keep this value.
  3. Click the Import file button.
  4. The list of maestro* templates is displayed in the grid.
  5. In the Selected column, check the box corresponding to the maestro* templates that need to be imported.
  6. Click the Import button.
  7. Close the Workflow Importation window.

If the Process Roles check box is selected, roles linked to the maestro* templates will also be imported and will be available in the Role Management option.


From a File

  1. Click the Import button.
  2. On the Workflow Import window, the Import from field is defaulted to maestro* templates. Click on the drop-down list and select a file.
  3. Click on the suspension points [] shown at the end of the File field and browse to the directory where the file is located.
  4. Click the Import file button.
  5. The list of workflows included in the file to be imported is displayed in the bottom of the window.
    A message indicating the success of the operation is displayed.


Adding a Workflow with the Workflow Creation Wizard

  1. Click the Workflow Creation Wizard button.
  2. On the dialog box, indicate whether the new workflow should be a regular or an alert workflow and click the OK button.
  • Regular workflow: the role or user in charge must approve (or refuse) a transaction;
  • Alert workflow: the selected role, contact, or user receives an alert about a transaction.
  1. Complete the Closedrequired information:
  1. ClosedWho is in charge? section:

WARNING! You must choose either a role OR a user in charge OR a contact in charge; it is not possible to create a workflow that mixes all.


Field Description

Role in Charge

Allows to select the role that will be in charge of approving the transaction targeted by the step. The roles available here are set up in the Role Management option.

Warning! A control is in place so that multiple users can share the same role and approve a transaction multiple times (if it requires two different approvals, for example), while preventing the same user from approving the same transaction more than once.

Another control is in place when selecting a Role in Charge (in the header of the window or in the Workflow Steps tab > Step Definition section) and when saving a workflow, to verify that the selected type of role is compatible with the workflow transaction type. If the selected role corresponds to a Flexible User of this type:

  • Responsible Source Site: the system will check that the type of transaction to which the workflow is linked is Inventory-Project Transfer or Inventory-Site Transfer;
  • Responsible Destination Site: the system will check that the type of transaction to which the workflow is linked is Inventory-Site Transfer.

NOTE: Click on to open the role selection window.

User in Charge

Allows to select the specific user in charge of approving the transaction targeted by the step. The users available here are set up in the Security Management.

NOTE: Click on to open the user selection window.

Contact in Charge

Allows to select the specific contact that will be responsible for the step, if it’s an alert.

The contacts available here are set up in the Contact Management option.

NOTES: Click on to open the contact selection window. If the communication mode is not specified, a message will be displayed to the user.

  1. ClosedTargeted Transaction? section:
  1. ClosedCondition section:

Though it is recommended to add conditions to workflows, it is possible to create a workflow with no condition (applicable to regular and alert workflows).

For alert workflows, alerts are sent as "cumulative". For example, we can have an alert with no condition for project purchases and one for project purchases worth more than $500: if a $650 project purchase is created, two alerts will be sent.


The - and + buttons located at the end of the line are used to delete and add condition lines.

Several conditions may be added to trigger a workflow.


Field Description


Selects a field based on the option indicated in the Transaction Type field.

NOTE: Choices available here are filtered according to the transaction type.


Identifies an operator to express the condition:

  • equal
  • not equal
  • contains
  • does not contain
  • is between


Value used to express the condition in reference to the selected field.


If the box is checked, the condition must be met to trigger the workflow. If the box is not checked, it will be an optional condition.

  1. ClosedCommunication section:

WARNING! The French/English button, located in the upper section of the window, also toggles the fields of the Communication section from one language to another.

At the end of the field, an icon can be used to open the Subject Configuration for: [language] Window. This utility program enables users to add fields that will be updated by the corresponding value from the transaction when the message is sent.


Field Description


Indicates the subject of the email message.

Email Message

Used to enter the body text and to format it.

Text Message

Used to enter the message that will be sent by SMS to the person in charge.

NOTE: The text message is only used for Alert type processes.

  1. Click the Apply button.


Manually Adding a Workflow

  1. Click the New button.
  2. Complete the Closedrequired information:
  1. Complete the information in ClosedConditions tab:

Though it is recommended to add conditions to workflows, it is possible to create a workflow with no condition (applicable to regular and alert workflows).

For alert workflows, alerts are sent as "cumulative". For example, we can have an alert with no condition for project purchases and one for project purchases worth more than $500: if a $650 project purchase is created, two alerts will be sent.


The - and + buttons located at the end of the line are used to delete and add condition lines.

Several conditions may be added to trigger a workflow.


Field Description


Selects a field based on the option indicated in the Transaction Type field.

NOTE: Choices available here are filtered according to the transaction type.


Identifies an operator to express the condition:

  • equal
  • not equal
  • contains
  • does not contain
  • is between


Value used to express the condition in reference to the selected field.


If the box is checked, the condition must be met to trigger the workflow. If the box is not checked, it will be an optional condition.

  1. Workflow Steps tab: this tab displays every step of the workflow. It consists of a summary of the steps of the selected workflow and two sub-tabs. Icons allow you to add and delete steps.

Alert workflows always have one step.

Transaction approval workflows, on the other hand, always have at least two steps: the first and the last (numbered 999). It is possible to add several intermediate steps.

  1. ClosedStep Definition sub-tab:
  1. ClosedConditions sub-tab:
  1. ClosedCommunications tab:

Click on Show values in French in order to switch fields to their French counterparts. The same button will allow you to get back to English values.

At the end of the field, an icon can be used to open the Subject Configuration for: [language] Window. This utility program enables users to add fields that will be updated by the corresponding value from the transaction when the message is sent.


Field Description

S ubject

Indicates the subject of the email message.

NOTE: Specific information is added in the subject line of the email sent to the users involved in the workflow:

  • For a regular workflow, the following wording is added according to the nature of the approval operation, when the step of the workflow changes:
    • If the workflow goes to the next step (but not to the last step): the subject will start with "TO APPROVE".
    • If the workflow goes to the last step: the subject will start with"APPROVAL COMPLETED".
    • If the workflow goes back to a previous step (to the previous step or to the first step): the subject will start with "REJECTED".
  • For an alert workflow, the subject will start with « INFORMATION », indicating that no action is required.

Email Message

Used to enter the body text and to format it.

Text Message

Used to enter the message that will be sent by SMS to the person in charge.

NOTE: The text message is only used for Alert type processes.

  1. Click the Save button.


see also


Last modification: February 18, 2025