

The Configuration function is used to determine which general ledger accounts are automatically used by the system to conduct certain transactions and to configure the various options in the Projects module.








maestro* > Projects > Maintenance > Projects > Configuration



  1. Click General in the menu on the left.



Work in Progress Method

Identifies the operating method used for most projects: Asset or Expense.

NOTE: The method can also be defined in the project.

Holdback Calculation Method

Used to manage holdbacks with or without tax.

Quantity Format

Tells the system the format of the Qty field when entering purchases.

NOTE: The formats available for quantities include: #######, ######.#, #####.##, ####.###, ###.####, ##.##### and #.######.

Print Closed Projects?

Tells the system that closed projects are available for printing reports, if the box is checked.

Transfer to Accounting

Tells the system to transfer transactions entered in the Projects module to the general ledger.

NOTE: We recommend always checking this box to ensure that the accounting entries are correctly transferred to the various general ledger accounts.

Default CCQ Sector

Sector used by default when a new project is created.

Do not print or display accrual adjustments if invoiced

Allows you to prevent accrual transactions and accrual reversal transactions from being displayed or printed when they are billed. This configuration applies to the Project Inquiry and other various project reports.

NOTE: The reports affected by this configuration are as follows: Detailed Cost to Date, List of Purchases/Project, List of Purchases by Activity/Project and List of Used Materials (detailed format).

Allow the entry of budgets without validating the type of groups

If the box is checked, the system allows the entry of cost budgets into revenue groups and selling budgets into cost group.

NOTE: By default, the system does not allow the user to enter cost budgets for a revenue group or selling budgets for a cost group.

Refuse to close a project if there are items in the Inventory Site

If this box is checked, it will be impossible to close a project if items are present in the inventory site.

  1. Budget Overspending section:



Check Budget Overspending

Used to check budget overspending for a project. When selected, these modes have an impact when entering a purchase or purchase order. ClosedAvailable values.

% of Budget Overspending

Used to specify an acceptable budget overspending percentage to prevent blocking due to spending, for example, $1.00 over the budget.

NOTE: For example, to enter percentage of 15%, 15 must be entered in the field.

Validate Budget Even If Zero

If the box is checked, user can validate the budget overspending on activities whose budget is zero, when entering a project purchase or an order.

NOTES: By default, maestro* does not validate the budget if it is at zero.

Maestro* applies the rules defined in the Budget Overspending section to permit the saving or not, of the transaction in the case where the budget is exceeded.

  1. Equipment Clearing section:

At the Transfer of Hours, the system uses this configuration to accumulate revenue provisions to offset the expense created by the project. At the Post Equipment Revenue, the system reads this same configuration to reverse the revenue provisions created at the transfer of hours in order to create the equipment revenue. Please contact one of our trainers for more information on the equipment configuration and accounting.




B/S Project

Project’s balance sheet number used to enter the equipment’s revenue provisions.


Project balance sheet activity corresponding to the equipment’s revenue provisions account.


Group corresponding to the accounting of the equipment’s revenue provisions.

  1. Generate the Project Number section:



Generate the Project Number

Tells the system to generate the project members automatically.


Tells the system the next project number to be created.

NOTE: You can define a counter by company prefix in multidimensional mode.


Used to create a project numbering format.

NOTE: You can define a counter by company prefix in multidimensional mode.

  1. Enter Advanced Projection section:



Group for quantities

Group in which the final planned quantity will be entered and saved.

Group for hours

Group in which the final planned hours will be entered and saved.

  1. Unit Cost Report section:



Do not display hours

Hides hours on the unit cost report.

  1. Mobility section:

This section is available only if the Mobility option is installed.




Filter material according to the project inventory site

User can display only the material related to the project or the material without a location, if the box is checked.

This configuration is applied when the material is selected under the Work Order option available in Mobility.

Allow the selection of sub-projects in activities

Allows user to select, or not, the sub-projects when adding employee and equipment activity at the time entry of the maestro*MOBILE Daily Entry.

  1. Click Save.



  1. Click Accounts in the menu on the left.

These fields must be completed to ensure that the Projects module operates correctly.

The Asset accounts are used accumulate work in progress. These are the default accounts to be used by the system if no account is defined in the activities or projects.

The Expense accounts are the default expense accounts to be used by the system if no account is defined in the activities or projects.





General ledger account used for materials.


General ledger account used for subcontracts.


General ledger account used for miscellaneous charges.


General ledger account used for salaries.


General ledger account used for equipment.

Accounts Payable

General ledger account used to post payables for projects.

Purchase Discount Account

General ledger account used to post volume discounts for project purchase invoices.

Holdback Account - Purchases

Account use to post holdbacks on certain invoices (may apply to subcontractors) to separate them from regular accounts payable.

Tax on Holdback Account

General ledger account used to post taxes related to holdbacks on payables.

NOTE: This account must be separate from regular tax accounts and there must only be one tax account for holdbacks on purchases.

  1. Click Save.


Default Values

  1. Click on Default Values in the menu on the left.




Default expense group used for materials on projects.


Default expense group used for subcontracting on projects.


Default expense group used for miscellaneous expenses on projects.


Default expense group used for salaries on projects.


Default expense group used for equipment on projects.


Default revenue group used on projects.


Default expense group used for entering the production.

This group is used in the following options:

  • Enter Production
  • Daily Entry: Production tab
  1. Click Save.



  1. Click on Reports in the menu on the left.
    1. Budget Report section:

    From this section you can select the items to display in the Budget report. It is possible to select the groups to display on the report for the following three options: Actual, Total of orders and Actual and PO balance.





    Allows you to indicate whether the estimate is based on the sales budget or the cost budget.

    Admin. And profit activity

    Allows you to enter the activity code used for administration and profit.

    1. View for the list generator section:

    This section is only used for the Projet billing report which is available in the Print option in View management.




    Activity for income without cost

    Activity that aggregates sales made outside of the Cost Plus module or the Invoice preparation (W/O).

    Group for income without cost

    Group that holds all sales made outside of the Cost Plus module or the Invoice preparation (W/O).

  2. Click Save.


Cost Redistribution

  1. Click on Cost Redistribution in the menu on the left.

This configuration is linked to the Redistribute the Project Costs function of the Project-to-Project Transfer option. It is used to redistribute costs between a master project and its sub-projects.




Formula for activity to be redistributed

Used to identify an activity range or a source activity to be redistributed to sub-projects.

NOTE: Formula example (1000-5000,-4000). This formula redistributes activities with codes between 1000 and 5000, excluding activity 4000.

Activity to credit

Source activity from the master project that contains the transfer result.

Group to credit

Source group from the master project that contains the transfer result.

Activity to debit

Destination activity from the sub-project.

Group to debit

Destination group from the sub-project.

  1. Click Save.


Change Order

  1. Click on Change Order in the menu on the left.

This section is only available if the Change Order option is installed.




Advanced Approval?

Activates the change order approval process configured in the Approval Process option.

Manage change order with sub-project

Lets you use a sub-project from the master project to post changes, if the box is checked.

NOTES: The Sub-project is displayed on the Change Management screen.

This sub-project is used in relation with the activities entered in the Activity field of the Revenue section and the Activity field in the Breakdown section of the Change Management option.

Default Administration Expense Rate

Percentage of the administration fee to be calculated for different types of catalogue items (material, salary, sub-contractor, equipment and Other) which are applicable to the list of materials entered in Change Management.

NOTE: The administration percentage will be applied to the items entered in the Material List tab and will also be copied to the Breakdown tab. This will only apply if the Detailed Material Transfer option is checked in Configuration, Change Management.

Unit Price Selection

Determines the unit price to be used for items added in change orders:

  • Orders
  • Estimating

Selection Source

Determines the source of unit price for items added in change orders:

Unit price Selection

Source of unit price available


  • Last
  • Suppliers
  • List Price
  • Lowest
  • Supplier Pricing


  • Average Cost +
  • Average Cost
  • Last Paid Price
  • Fixed Unit Price
  • Fixed Unit Price + Discount
  • Selling Price
  • List Price
  • Supplier Price
  • Quotation Price
  • Quotation Price Only

Note: Refer to theInformation tab of the Estimating online Help for more details on the available unit price sources.

  1. Form section:



Change Order

Form used to print a change order with the Change Management option.

Change Order Tracking

Form used when printing the Ongoing Change Orders from the Change Order Management option.

  1. Issue Management section:



Number Format

Allows you to determine how the issue number will be structured. You must select the elements you wish to include in the number and use the arrows to move them to the beginning or ending of the number.

NOTE: The following fields are available: Project Number, Date, and Sequence Number.

Sequence Number Mask

The format of the sequence number that will be automatically assigned when a new issue is generated.

NOTE: This sequence number can be an integral part of the issue number.

  1. Click Save.


Distribution Estimate

  1. Click on Distribution Estimate in the menu on the left.

This section is only available if the Estimating option is installed.




Quotation Form

Default form used to print a distribution quotation.

  1. Click Save.


Construction Estimate

  1. Click on Construction Estimate in the menu on the left.

This section is only available if the Estimating option is installed.



Existing Customer Only

Ensures that only customers from Customer Management can be used in quotations, if the box is checked.

Category for documents generated by the change of the quote status

Allows you to identify the category in which the document will be filed under Document management for documents created by the system when the quotation undergoes a change of status.

NOTE: The documents or tasks that are created depend on the specified configuration in found in the Quotation Status Codes Table option.

  1. Forms section:



Customer Quotation Form

Default form used for sending a quotation to customers by clicking the Send Quotation icon in the quotations screen.

Internal Form

Default form used to print a quotation by clicking the Print icon in the quotations screen.

NOTE: The forms defined in this section are available in the Quotation Status Codes Table if you click the Advanced icon and in Define Quotation Types.

Subcontractor Request for Quote Form

Default form used when sending price requests to subcontractors by clicking the Send Request for Quote to Subcontractors icon in the quotations screen.

NOTE: By specifying a default form, it will be selected automatically when price requests are sent. However, the form can be changed in the request for sending the price request to subcontractors.

Supplier Request for Quote form

Default form used when sending price requests to suppliers by clicking the Send Request for Quote to Suppliers icon in the quotations screen.

NOTE: By specifying a default form, it will be selected automatically when price requests are sent. However, the form can be changed in the request for sending the price request to suppliers.

  1. Quotation Transfer section:



Integrate with purchasing

Allows you to indicate how to manage the item descriptions that come from Catalogue management.

If the field is selected:

  • You can create request transactions, orders or subcontractor orders when transferring the quotation;
  • The item description in the Description column will be limited to 40 characters.

NOTE: The extra descriptions (lines 2 and 3) from Catalog management will be merged and displayed in the quotation’s Additional descriptions column.

If the field is not selected:

  • It will be impossible to create request transactions, orders or subcontractor orders when transferring the quotation;
  • The description will be displayed according to the following priority:
    • Displays the description identified in the Quotation description field found under the Miscellaneous tab under Catalogue management.
    • If the latter is empty, displays the description according to the three description lines defined in Catalogue management. These three descriptions are displayed in the same field, i.e. in the Description column of the quotation.

Item Types to include when creating resources, requisitions and orders, and for quote requests to suppliers

Identifies the types of items that will be transferred from a quotation to a resource, a requisition and an order or when a price is requested from a supplier.

  1. Default Lot Values section: if they are defined, those configurations will be used as default values in the Items Transfer tab of a construction estimate.



Code of lot

This field accepts up to 20 alphanumeric characters and converts all uppercase letter.

Editable field only at the creation of the lot. Once saved, the code of lot is no longer modifiable. The selection of the code belonging to another lot remains possible. And, maestro* asks the user who enters a new value if he wants to create a new lot with this code.

NOTE: The default code of lot is 00000000000000000000 (a series of 20 zeros). It is configurable in the General Settings – Projects – Quotations.

The information is transferred to the Inventory Code section of the transfer destination. The code and the description of the lot appear on the line above the items that compose it.

Lot Description

Enter the description of the lot.

The information is transferred to the Description section from the transfer destination. The code and the description of the lot appear on the line above the items that compose it.

This field accepts up to 40 alphanumeric characters.

NOTE: The default lot description is Default Lot, but remains configurable in the quotation and/or the quotation template.

Transfer Destination

Enter the destination of the lot items upon quotation transfer.

Options available:

  • Resources by Project
  • Requisition
  • Stock Order From Catalogue (default)
  • Lot Order
  • None

The Requisition option displays the Requisition section.

The Lot Order option allows the display of the Lot Order section.

The None option allows for the lot items to not be transferred upon quotation transfer. This lot will thus not be available in the selection of the transfer window.

Detail Level

Default detail level.

  • Quotation
  • Level 1 to 4
  1. Takeoff Quantity section:




Indicates the software used for the quantity reading. Choices are ExtrAXION (Alconsoft) and Excel.


If the chosen software is Excel, available formats are:

  • Maestro: the “Maestro” format contains the following columns:
    • A : Drawing (optional)
    • B : Sheet (optional)
    • C : Description (mandatory)
    • D : Quantity (mandatory)
    • E : Unit (mandatory)
    • F : Notes (optional)
  • ExtrAXION (Alconsoft): Since maestro* knows the format of the file, the columns will automatically be imported into the correct fields of the maestro* tables.
  • Other: The user will have to configure the columns of the Excel file to import during the first import. The links will be kept in memory for future imports and will remain editable as needed.

If the chosen software is ExtrAXION, the format will be Integrated.

Folder of files to be imported

Lets you specify the location of the files to import.

  1. Click Save.



  1. Click on Inter-Company in the menu on the left.

This section is only available if inter-co functions for projects are installed.


  1. Purchases section:



AP Account

"Account payable" account for inter-companies.

Generate the disbursement automatically

Automates the generation of disbursements related to inter-company transactions.

By default, this box is not checked.

Bank Account

Allows the selection of a bank account from the Bank Accounts table.


ClosedAvailable values.

  1. Sales section:



AR Account

"Account receivable" account for inter-companies.

Generate the receipt automatically

Automates the treatment of inter-company transaction in the Sales module.

By default, this box is not checked.

Bank Account

Allows the selection of a bank account from the Bank Accounts table.

Inter-co - Income

Income account used instead of the basic selection.

  1. Click Save.


Mobilis Interface

  1. Click on Mobilis Interface in the menu on the left.

This section is only available if the Mobilis Interface option is installed.




Project Template

Project template to be used.

Default Activity

Default activity to be used for the transfer.

Defalut Group

Default group to be used for the transfer.


User responsible for the transfer.

  1. Click Save.


Customer Service

  1. Click on Customer Service in the menu on the left.

This section is only available if the Customer Service option is installed.




Work Order Form

Form used to print a work order with the Print Work Orders option.

NOTE: The form used by default is JCAPPELV2.std.

Work order by subcontractor form

Form used when printing work orders by subcontractor, available from the Call Management and Printing the Work Order by Subcontractor options.

NOTE: The default form used is JCAPPELST.STD.

Call No. Counter

Displays the last call number created. Based on the previous call number the system will automatically generated the next sequential number.

NOTE: You can define a counter by company prefix in multidimensional mode.

Call No. Format

Creates a call numbering format.

NOTE: In multidimensional mode, you can define a format by company prefix.

  1. Click Save.


Supplier Invoice Reconciliation

  1. Click on Supplier Invoice Reconciliation in the menu on the left.

This section is available only if the Supplier Invoice Reconciliation option is installed.

These fields must be completed to ensure the proper performance of the Supplier Invoice Reconciliation option.


  1. Accrual Configuration section:

This section identifies the project, activity and group that will be used to post an accrued expense (credit) for the cost of employees and equipment linked to a supplier code. This configuration is used in the following options:

  • Hour Transfer (if the hours transfer field is set to 1-Normal in Time Management Generals Settings, General tab, Time Entry section) OR;
  • Payroll Reconciliation (if the hours transfer field is set to 2-Balanced in Time Management General Settings);
  • Post Equipment Revenue option.

When you use Supplier Invoice Reconciliation, the selected transactions reverse the accrued expenses in the project, activity and group defined.

  1. Reversal of accrued not invoiced section:

This section identifies the project, activity and group used to post the reversal of accrued expenses (debit) for transactions with a non-billable status.

You can reverse accrued expenses for non-billable transactions by clicking the Reverse Non-Billable Transactions icon in the Supplier Invoice Reconciliation option.


For more information on using this function, refer to help under Reconciling Supplier Hours.

  1. Enable taxable mode according to type of transaction section:

This section allows you to indicate that supplier taxes must be applied according to the transaction type. When selected, upon creation of a project’s purchase using the Reconciling Supplier Hours option, the supplier’s tax codes will be applied to the transactions according to the transaction type.

  1. Click Save.



  1. Click on Projections in the menu on the left:



Cost Calculation Basis

Determines the calculation base for projections, except for the method for calculating projections by contingencies. ClosedAvailable values.

Included Bonuses in Cost

Includes bonus amounts with actual amounts to calculate projections, if the box is checked.

  1. Default for progress entry section:

This section must be completed to use the Type of projection field: Progress % – Add Loss/Gain or Progress % – Expense pace Rhythm.




Activity that will be used in the projection calculation if the Entry level of progress % field defined in the Project management option is Project.


Group that will be used in the projection calculation if the Entry level of progress % field defined in the Project management option is Project or Project/Activity.

  1. Click Save.


Daily Entry

  1. Click on Daily Entry in the menu on the left:



Hours Destination

Allows to choose the destination of employee and equipment hours; they can be transferred to the project hours or not be transferred at all.

NOTE: If the None value is chosen, the hours will not be transferred, will not have any impact on project costs, and will be impossible to use to prepare the payroll.

Material Destination

Allows to choose the destination of the material; it can be transferred to an inventory-project transfer or not be transferred at all.

NOTE: If the None value is chosen, the material will not be transferred to an inventory-project transaction, will not have any impact on project costs, and will not update the material quantities and values in the inventory.


See also


Last modification: February 18, 2025