

Using Project Dispatch with maestro*MOBILE allows employees working on a construction site to enter project-related data throughout the day before sending it to maestro*. More specifically, with maestro*MOBILE, foremen or employees can report their attendance, enter their work time, document a description of the work done, attach photos, make resource requisitions, see subcontractors and contacts, etc.


The foreman is usually in charge of maestro*MOBILE entries. However, the project manager, site supervisor, team leads, and employees can also make entries – with certain restrictions.



To access a specific section of the document, click the links below:


Project Page

The Project page is displayed after selecting the Project interface from the maestro*MOBILE main menu. The project list can be presented By Project or By Date. If the By Date option is selected, the current date is the default. We can go back a maximum of one day, but a future date can be chosen without limit.

Project Hours Summary Button

The first available option is the Project Hours Summary that allows foremen to view project dispatch history. It shows the number of hours worked by all the employees present on a given day, as well as worked hours for ongoing dispatch projects.

Foremen managing more than one dispatch project on the same day – and for which all required daily steps have been completed – can close the day from the Hours Summary (for each project) or the Project Hours Summary, by pressing the Complete button.

Consult Hours Worked Button

The Consult Hours Worked option allows a user to view all of their hours worked for a given pay period, after selection the start and end date of the period. The employee's worked hours will appear for every day of worked pay period, whatever the source: timesheet, daily entries, project hours, service calls, or work orders. The user will be able to view the total hours worked for the selected pay period, per day and assignment. In addition to the number of hours, the rate type (regular, half, or double time), the work shift, project, activity, and the trade are displayed in each tile representing a day.

The Approve button allows the user to confirm their hours, which they can see displayed on this page. Approving the hours will generate a form signed by the user (signature from their employee record) and this form will be added to the document management option for this employee.

FerméDisplaying Pay Periods

Projects With Active Dispatch Only Box

The Projects With Active Dispatch Only check box enables allows users to display all or only dispatch projects to which they are allocated, if those are not closed. The objective of this option is to allow users to narrow down the dispatch project list displayed, making it shorter and more effective.


The Projects With Active Dispatch Only check box is not checked by default. However, the system will save the last choice made by the user, in order to limit the need to check the box with each use.


The Project page lists all dispatch projects that have not yet been closed and can be accessed by users for a set period configured in maestro*. Press a specific dispatch project to see its details.


Project Details Page

The Project Details page provides access to all the information related to a dispatch project. Any data displayed on the page applies to the entire dispatch project, not a specific date.

Project Name

Pressing a dispatch project first displays its name, at the top of the page.

Project Status

Located near the top of the page, a horizontal blue bar identifies the dispatch project’s status.


Daily Entries

In the Project Details page, daily entries created for the dispatch project are displayed one after the other, in chronological order. It is possible to press on each one to view previously entered information or to enter missing information.

For Ongoing daily entries, an information line below the date shows the attendance status ("No Taken Attendance", "Attendance Partially Taken", or "Attendance Completely Taken"), as well as the status of time entries ("No Time Entered", "Time Partially Entered", or "Time Completely Entered").

Daily entries which were canceled in maestro*'s Project Dispatch option are greyed out and display a red X, as well as the reason why it as canceled. Canceled daily entries will be displayed for four days, after which they will disappear.

FerméDaily Entry Returned to maestro*MOBILE User, in maestro*

If no dispatch has been created for the current day, the foremen can add a daily entry directly from maestro*MOBILE by pressing the aptly named Add Daily Entry button. Two options are possible: create a new entry for the date (including all related information) or copy an existing daily entry.

Additional Options on the Project Details Page

Additional non-required options enable maestro*MOBILE users to view or include more information.

FerméNon-Required Options


Daily Entry Page

When users add a daily entry or select a previously created or closed entry, they access the Daily Entry page.

This page first displays the selected entry’s date as well as the project to which the entry is linked.

FerméTake Attendance Button

FerméEnter Time Button

FerméHour Summary Button

FerméDaily Entry Summary Button

FerméClose the Day Button



A day closed in maestro*MOBILE can be reopened if it has not been transferred by the maestro* dispatch grid user.

FerméAdditional Options on the Page

FerméDelete Entry Button


see also


Last modification: février 19, 2025