Using the projects interface

This How-to provides the steps required to create a daily entry in maestro*MOBILE using the Projects interface.



Prior to using the mobile application, some steps and configurations must be performed in maestro*:

  • Maestro*MOBILE Licences
  • F1 - Maestro*MOBILEProjects
  • F1 – Dispatch Model Management



Creating a daily entry in maestro*MOBILE generally involves several steps – some required (*):



Select or Create a Daily Entry

  1. First select the Projects interface from the maestro*MOBILE menu.
  2. On the Project page, select the dispatch project from the list by pressing it. The project list can be presented By Project or By Date. If the By Date option is selected, the current date is the default. We can go back a maximum of one day, but a future date can be chosen without limit. The projects and sub-projects displayed here are those that match the user's security settings.
  3. If dispatches are already assigned to a dispatch project, press the appropriate date on the Project Details page and go to the Take Attendance step.
    If not, press the + Add Daily Entry button which appears under the ongoing dispatches.
  4. Review the date on the Daily Entry page.If needed, change the date and select the one for which you want to create a daily entry
  5. Enter the dispatch’s planned start and end times

FerméCopy a Daily Entry button

  1. Press Save.


Take Attendance*

  1. From the Daily Entry page, press the Take Attendance button to open the Attendance page. All resources (including employees , teams, and equipment) are displayed. FerméResources Details
  1. For each employee, team, or equipment displayed on the page, press either the Present or Absent buttons.
    FerméRecycle Bin Icon
    FerméUnused Button
    Fermé√ All Present Button
    FerméLinked Equipment and Special Equipment
  1. Press + Attendance to add one or more employees, teams, or special equipment to those that are already in attendance.
  2. On the Select… page, press the appropriate resource type (employee, team, or equipment).

FerméDisplay All Button

  1. Press the name of the resource to add it to the list. Resources must first be configured in maestro* to be visible to mobile users.
  2. Press OK on the top right-hand corner of the page.
  3. Back on the Attendance page, press the arrow (< – back button) located in the top left-hand corner of the page to save the attendance information and return to the Daily Entry page.



Enter Times*

  1. From the Daily Entry page, press the Enter Time button.
  2. Depending on the situation, press either Time or Bonus options.

Time Option

The Enter Times page lists all available resources: employees, teams, and equipment. Work time can be entered one resource at a time by pressing the resource’s check mark; however, when the time and activities to be recorded are the same, it is possible to select all the resources.

Two time entry modes are available in maestro*MOBILE: the standard mode, and the unified mode which enables users to complete all the required fields on a single page.



If applicable, a configuration in the Dispatch Model Management option can be used to display a warning message informing users that a time entry has already been entered for an employee for the same date/time range.

FerméEntering Time in Standard Mode
FerméEntering Time in Unified Mode

Bonus Option

  1. If employees are eligible to a bonus, press the Bonus heading located near the top of the Enter Time page so it becomes underlined and displayed in blue.
  2. Press the button to select one or several resources, or the Select All button to select them all.
  3. Press + Add a Bonus.
  4. On the Add a Bonus page, select a Bonus* from those listed after pressing the field of the same name.
  5. Select an Activity*.

FerméProject Field

  1. Enter the appropriate Quantity*; the relevant Unit is displayed in the field next to it.
  2. If needed, enter a Comment or a Select a Predefined Sentence.
  3. Press Save.
  4. Repeat steps b. through g. for every eligible employee.
  5. Once all bonuses have added, press the arrow located near the top left corner to return to the Daily Entry page.

A bonus can be added to an employee even if there aren’t any worked hours for the day.


Complete the Other Options

Except for Documents/Photos, the following options can only by accessed by the project managers, site supervisors, and foremen.

FerméRessource Requisition

The Resource Requisition option enables users to share possible needs with the dispatcher, be it additional labour (or specialized workers) or equipment.

  1. From the Daily Entry page, press Resource Requisition.
  2. On the Resource Requisition page, look at the existing requisitions and press one of them to view its details.
  3. Press + Add a Requisition to add a new one.
Trade Option
  1. From the Resource Requisition page, press the Trade option to request human resource(s). The heading is located near the top of the page and becomes blue and underlined when selected.
  2. From the Trade list, select and press the required speciality or expertise.
  3. Press the Skills field if the employee must have a specific skill.
  4. Select the appropriate skill by pressing it.
  5. In the Quantity field, enter the number of resources matching that skill that is needed.
  6. Press Date Required and indicate on the calendar when the employees are required.
  7. Enter a Comment if needed or Select a Predefined Sentence.
  8. Press Save.
  9. Press the arrow (<) located in the top left-hand corner of the page to return to the Daily Entry page or press + Add Requisition to communicate future equipment requirements.
Equipment Option
  1. From the Resource Requisition page, press the Equipment option to request equipment resources. The heading is located near the top of the page and becomes blue and underlined when selected.
  2. From the Equipment Type list, select the required type.
  3. Enter the required number for that type of equipment in the Quantity field.
  4. Press Date required and indicate a date on the calendar.
  5. Enter a Comment if needed or Select a Predefined Sentence.
  6. Press Save.
  7. Press the arrow located near the top left corner to return to the Daily Entry page.

FerméSubcontractors & Contacts

The Subcontractors & Contacts option provides the possibility to view the project contacts, enter work time for these contacts or subcontractors, and confirm their presence on site.

  1. From the Daily Entry page, press Subcontractors & Contacts.
  2. To see information on a subcontractor or a contact added through the maestro* dispatch grid press its name.
  3. To add a subcontractor to a daily entry, press + Add a Subcontractor from the Subcontractors & Contacts page.
  4. Select the subcontractor — a supplier-type contact — by pressing the Subcontractor field and picking the appropriate one from the list. The subcontractor's certifications are displayed below.
  5. Press either the or X to indicate its attendance.
  6. Enter the number of the subcontractor’s employees were on site in the Quantity of Resources field.
  7. In the Start Time field, specify at what time the subcontractor started the work.
  8. Do the same in the End Time field to indicate when the work was done for the day.
  9. If needed, enter a Comment in the zone provided for this purpose (there is no limit to the size of the comment) or Select a Predefined Sentence.
  10. Press Save.
  11. Repeat steps 3. to 10. to add more subcontractors or contacts, if needed.
  12. Press the arrow located near the top left corner to return to the Daily Entry page.



The Orders option can also be accessed directly from the Project Details page.

  1. From the Daily Entry page (or from Project Details), press on Orders. If orders are noted in the project, they will be displayed here, sorted from newest to oldest. If needed, activate the filter to only display the orders of the connected user (My Orders) or all active order. Fully Received and Closed orders are displayed under the tab of the same name.
  2. Then press on + Add an order.
  3. A new order with the Reserved status is created.
  4. By default, the order date is the current date.
  5. Select a Supplier and press on Add.

After having pressed Add, a number is assigned to the order.

  1. The project address is the one selected by default. If needed, select another address: alternative, customer, company, supplier, supplier address, or list (from the Define Addresses table in maestro*).
  2. If applicable, press on + Add Document/Photo to attach a photo or document to the order.
  3. If needed, press on + Memo to write a memo in the order. The first two lines of the memo will be displayed in the order summary.
  4. Press on + Add Item.
  5. In the page displayed, select a catalogue item. If needed, scan the item's bar code.
  6. Indicate the quantity, description and unit cost, if applicable.
  7. If needed, enter the order's activity and expense group.
  8. Press Save.
  9. When all items have been added to the order, press Save.
  10. Press Send Order to Supplier to send the current order by email to the supplier.

The order summary displays the amount of each item and the order's total amount.

  1. If the user's rights allow it, press Finish Order.
  2. In the order summary, press on the top-left arrow to come back to the daily entry.

FerméShop Drawings

  1. From the Project Details page, press on Shop Drawings.
  2. In the Shop Drawings page, press on a shop drawing to view it.
  3. After selecting a shop drawing, it will be possible to view its documents and images by pressing on the Photos/Documents button.

It is also possible to view the drawing's information, as entered in maestro*. The displayed fields are Drawing No., Status, Title, Description, Category, Contact, Section, Article, Revision Number, Required Date, Submitted Date, Resubmitted Date, Release Date, Delivery Date, Supplier, and Manufacturer.


All information concerning the shop drawings is for informational purposes only. The fields can only be modified in the maestro*Shop Drawing option.

FerméMaterial Used

  1. From the Daily Entry page, press Material Used.
  2. Press + Add Material.
  3. On the Material Used page, press the Item field (or the barcode icon to scan the used item’s code without having to search for it in the catalogue).
  4. Press the Search Item in Catalogue or Add Item not in Catalogue fields and select the material used; the Add Item not in Catalogue option may not be displayed.

Users that have an Employee type license can add the material they have used.



Catalogue items are logged in the company’s catalogue (product list); they can be in stock or not. The Add Item not in Catalogue option lets maestro*MOBILE users add items that have never been recorded in maestro* or counted in the inventory.

FerméConfiguration in maestro*

  1. Once all material is included, add details or a description in the field of the same name, or Select a Predefined Sentence.
  2. Enter the Quantity of the material that was used.
  3. Press Save.
  4. Back on the Material Used page, review the material; press + Add Material again if more items were used on site, then press the arrow located near the top left corner to return to the Daily Entry page.


The Weather option is used to make note of the weather at different times during the day as it can affect the project’s progress.

  1. From the Daily Entry page, press Weather.
  2. To enter the weather details automatically, first press one of the Day, Evening, or Night buttons to indicate the period for which you want to obtain information.
  3. Press Get weather from web afterwards to fill out the fields.
  4. Press Save.

FerméDaily Notes

  1. From the Daily Entry page, press Daily Notes.
  2. Enter the text in the zone provided for this purpose or Select a Predefined Sentence.
  3. Press Save.


The Production option provides the foreman the possibility to indicate the progress of various dispatch project-related activities.

  1. From the Daily Entry page, press Production.
  2. Press + Add.
  3. Select the Activity by pressing the field of the same name and choosing one from the drop-down list.
  4. Enter the appropriate Quantity. A decimal value between zero and one can be entered, for example 0.4 m, but a negative quantity cannot be entered.
  5. If a place has already been entered in maestro*, it is displayed in the Place field. Otherwise, it is possible to select a place in the list of active places.
  6. Press Save.
  7. Press the arrow located at the top left corner of the page.


Complete the Already Noted Tasks of a Time Entry
  1. From the Assignment page, press on Tasks. If applicable, the already noted tasks of the time entry are displayed on the page.
  2. Press on a task.
  3. Indicate if the task is Completed or Reported.
  4. If the task is completed, indicate the completion date.
  5. If needed, add photos or documents to the task, as well as comments.
  6. Press on Save.

It is impossible to modify the code, the description, and the note, once it has been added to the time entry in maestro*.

Manually Add a Task to a Time Entry
  1. From the Assignment page, press on Tasks.
  2. Press on + Tasks.
    1. To enter an already defined task in maestro*, press the Code field and select a task .

    If a predefined task is selected, the Description and Notes (if there are any) will be automatically filled.

    1. To enter a task that has not already been defined in maestro*, leave the Code field empty and enter a Description.
  3. Press Save.

FerméProgress Percentage

When displayed, the Progress Percentage option allows users to specify the percentage of completion of some of the project’s predefined activities.

  1. From the Daily Entry page, press Progress Percentage.
  2. On the Progress Percentage page, press an activity.
  3. Enter the progress rate in the Rate field, while taking into account the Current Rate.
  4. Repeat the last step for all the activities displayed on the page if needed.
  5. Press Save.
  6. Press the arrow located at the top left corner of the page.


The Interruptions option is used to take note of the time and length of periods when on site work had to be temporarily stopped, as well as the reason explaining the interruption (for instance, demonstration, hail, etc.).


Work interruptions do not affect the resources’ work time, as opposed to predefined breaks.

  1. From the Daily Entry page, press Interruptions.
  2. Press + Add an Interruption.
  3. Select the interruption’s Start Time and End Time.
  4. Enter the Code indicating the cause of the interruption.
  5. If needed, add details surrounding the interruption in the Description and Comment fields.
  6. Press Save.
  7. Press the arrow located at the top left corner to return to the Daily Entry page.

FerméText Message to Team

The Text Message to the Team allows to send a text message to all employees entered in a future daily entry, to a maximum of 7 working days from the current date. This option is not available in a daily entry for the current date.

  1. After pressing Text Message to Team, enter the message to be sent.
  2. Select the employees to send the text message to.
  3. Press Send. The text message is sent to the number registered in the employee's record.
    A trace of the transmission is kept in the History tab.


As its name suggests, the Documents/Photos option is used to attach photos or documents to the daily entry. Users that have an Employee type license can add photos and documents.

Three sections are made readily available to users in the photos/documents of the Project interface.

A first section indicates the documents directly linked to the project. A second one indicates the documents linked to project issues, divided by issue number with its documents underneath. A third section indicates the documents linked to change orders, divided by change order number underneath.

  1. From the Daily Entry page, press the Documents/Photos option.
  2. Press the arrow located at the top left corner to return to the Daily Entry page.
  3. A counter indicates how many photos or documents have been attached to the daily entry.

View the Documents and Photos topic to find out about all the features of this tool.

FerméProduction by Bid Item

The Production by Bid Item option, when used, allows a company to partly bill a customer (through maestro*) based the progress milestones reached and set up in the option.

  1. From the Daily Entry page, press Production by Bid Item.
  2. On the Production by Bid Item page, press one of Billing Schedule or Change Order headings, located near the top of the page and becomes blue and underlined when selected.
  3. Enter the progress for each of the listed activity, in quantity or in percentage, in accordance with the selected unit of measure.
  4. If needed, enter a comment in the given area.
  5. Press Save to return to the Production by Bid Item page, then the arrow (<) located in the top left-hand corner of the page.

FerméSkills & Certificates

The Skills & Certificates option is provided as reference to look up or check the employees’ certificates and skills assigned to the dispatch project. Users can also review any document attached to an employee’s file.

  1. From the Daily Entry page, press Skills & Certificates.
  2. On the Skills & Certificates page, start by selecting the filter used to display the information (defaults to name; certificate and skill are also available).
  3. View the information.
  4. Press the arrow located at the top left corner to return to the Daily Entry page.

When the name filter is applied to the information, the employee file is displayed and shows all active and inactive (or expired) certificates if applicable. The expiry dates of inactive certificates appear in red.

If the certificate filter is applied, only active certificates (for at least one employee) are displayed. The employee file — if opened — will also only show active certificates.

FerméAdditional Fields

  1. If applicable, press Additional Fields from the Daily Entry page to write down any extra information required by the employer.
  2. Enter the details in the zone provided for this purpose.
  3. Press Save.

FerméEmployee Evaluation

The Employee Evaluation option enables users to evaluate dispatched employees based on specific parameters previously set in maestro*.

  1. From the Daily Entry page, press Employee Evaluation.
  2. For each employee and criterion displayed on the page, press the number corresponding to the satisfaction level.
  3. If needed, press + Add Comment to enter detailed comments or Select Predefined Sentence in relation with the criteria or employee.
  4. Press Save.

FerméEquipment Meters

The Equipment Meters option enables users – if desired – to take down the values appearing on the meters of equipment identified as present on-site on a given day.

Equipment listed in this option are those for which a usage meter has been configured in maestro* and are displayed in the interface. It can be equipment linked to employees or teams, or a special equipment.

On the Daily Entry page, a meter precedes the option’s name. It indicates the number of meters for which values have been entered compared to the quantity of equipment on-site on a given day.

  1. From the Daily Entry page, press Equipment Meters.
  2. On the Meters page, enter the meter’s current value for all listed equipment using the specified unit of measure.
  3. Press Save.
  4. Press the arrow located in the top left corner to return to the Daily Entry page.


Review the Hour Summary*


Only the foremen, site supervisors, and project managers can access the Hours Summary option.


The Hours Summary serves to:

  • indicates that the resources have left for the day (if the worked time entry is made in standard mode);
  • indicates the shifts worked;
  • review these resources’ worked hours;
  • view the comments entered during time entry;
  • close the day (if Reviewing the Daily Entry Summary step is not required).

La révision du Sommaire des heures est une étape obligatoire avant que ne puisse être fermée l’entrée journalière si le mode d'entrée de temps utilisé est le mode standard.

FerméIn Standard Mode
  1. From the Daily Entry page, press the Hour Summary button.
  2. Select a start and end date to see the hours entered for the desired period.
  3. Press a resource’s name to access the Employee Activities page and make final changes to the employee’s worked time, trade or bonus.
  4. Press the arrow located at the top left corner to return to the Hour Summary page.
  5. Either select each resource that left the site individually by pressing the icon located before its name (the icon then becomes green) or press the √ Select All button.
  6. Press the Leave button.
  7. Press the arrow located at the top left corner to return to the Daily Entry page. Press the Daily Entry Summary button if needed, or press Close the Day.



From the Employee Activities page, it is possible to check the √ Required Tomorrow icon to confirm the resource’s presence is required on the next day.

FerméIn Unified Mode


Review the Daily Entry Summary (*required step if configured as such)


Only the foremen, site supervisors, and project managers can access the Daily Entry Summary option.


Daily Entry Summary is an option only visible and available to the foreman. It provides a condensed daily report on a single page and can be presented to the customer or project manager for approval and signature. This feature can be optional or required. Additionally, the report can be printed or attached to an invoice, all from maestro*.

This option is the very last one to be completed before closing the day.

  1. From the Daily Entry page, press Daily Entry Summary – only if all the information related to the work day has been entered in maestro*MOBILE.
  2. On the Daily Entry Summary page, review the information and correct it if needed by returning to the Daily Entry page. FerméDaily Entry Summary Fields
  1. Validate the name and email address of the contact entered in the Contact Name and Email fields; modify if needed.
  2. Press the I Agree button.
  3. Hand the device to the contact so he/she can sign in the zone intended for that purpose.
  4. Press Save. The Signature field changes to read-only mode.
  5. Press the arrow located at the top left corner to return to the Daily Entry page.


Close the Day*

Once all required and optional steps have been completed in maestro*MOBILE, users can close the day. This action will complete the daily entry and transfer the dispatch project’s day to maestro*.

  1. Press the √ Close the Day button.
  2. Based on the method selected in Dispatch Model Management, confirm the breaks and meal times entry.
FerméPredefined Breaks and Meal Times
FerméBreak Entry by Employees
FerméUntaken Breaks and Meal Times Management

After completing all these steps, the daily entry will be considered closed. It will be displayed in the closed daily entries list, under the Closed heading, on the Project Details page. The daily entry’s date is displayed, preceded by a green checkmark.

FerméReopen Daily Entry button


see also


Last modification: février 27, 2025