Preliminary Analysis and CONFIGURATION Related to Contractual Billing

2024-05-31 version



Printable Version

Configurations specific to contractual billing are added to those previously completed for the basic invoicing module. Indeed, different invoicing methods can be used in maestro*:

  • Enter a sale (T&M) invoicing;
  • Work order (T&M) invoicing;
  • Lump sum invoicing, progress billing, cost plus invoicing;
  • Construction management billing.

The configurations presented in document CAR01 explain the parameters required to use the first two invoicing methods, whereas those explained in this document must be completed, in addition to the previous ones, if a contractual billing method is also chosen by the company. It is possible to identify the distinct general ledger accounts to use by default, as well as the forms (or the formats for invoices, account statement, and delivery preparation) specific to the different contractual billing methods.

The configurations described below consist of global configurations that determine the default behaviour of the contractual billing sub-module. Specificities can be made for configurations specific to each customer, individually.







Complete the Configuration of the Contractual Billing Module

Three options in the Configuration option of the Contractual Billing module have to be completed at this stage of the implementation/training process, to allow using contractual billing in maestro*:

  • General
  • Forms
  • Customer Statements



maestro* > Invoicing > Maintenance > Contract > Configuration

maestro* ˃ Main menu ˃ Configuration icon ˃ General Settings ˃ Configuration section



Online Help (F1) - Configuration


Complete the Parameters of the General Tab

The General tab (or option) is essentially for identifying general ledger accounts and the parameter configurations linked to contractual billing.


    As Configuration in the Accounting module has already been completed, certain accounts are displayed by default.

  1. In the Configuration window, click on the General tab in the left section.
  2. Complete the parameters in the right section of the window, using the explanations given in the following table.
  3. The symbol, that follows the name of a field, means the said field can/must be completed at this stage of the implementation process. Information concerning the other fields will be shared with you throughout training, according to the modules and options which they impact.


    Champ Field


    Sales Account

    General ledger account for revenues that is used by default in all invoices.

    NOTES: This is the general ledger account used by default in the Contractual Billing and Progress Billing modules.

    It is possible to have multiple revenue accounts. However, it is necessary to enter a default account, preferably the most commonly used one.

    Furthermore, to distinguish the revenue of a particular contract, it is possible to specify, in the Contract Management option, a different revenue account. Maestro* will use the first revenu account found, in the following order:

    1. The revenue account linked to the group identified in the Group field of the contract Details;
    2. The revenue account linked to the contract activity;
    3. The revenue account entered in the contract (Sales field of the GL Account sub-tab);
    4. The revenue account specified in this field of the Configuration option.

    Extras Account

    General ledger account for revenues that is used by default for extras (change orders).

    NOTES: This is the general ledger account used by default in the Contractual Billing and Progress Billing modules.

    If extras are not supposed to be managed is a separate general ledger account, the account of the previous field can be entered here as well.

    Bank Account

    Bank account used by default when entering receipts in maestro*.

    NOTES: This is the bank account used by default in the Contractual Billing and Progress Billing modules.

    It is possible to have multiple bank acocunt. However, it is necessary to enter a default account, preferably the most commonly used one.

    Accounts Receivable

    General ledger accounts for customers used by default.

    NOTES: This is the general ledger account used by default in the Contractual Billing and Progress Billing modules.

    It is possible to have multiple AR accouts. However, it is necessary to enter a default account, preferably the most commonly used one.

    If the AR is different for a contract, it is possible to modify it: either directly in the invoicing window or in the Contract Management option.

    Tax on Holdback Account

    General ledger account used to account for taxes applied to customer account holdbacks (QST, GST, etc.) when the Holdback Calculation Method of the Holdback Invoicing is With Tax.

    NOTES: This is the general ledger account used by default in the Contractual Billing and Progress Billing modules.

    For more information, please read the concept - The Different Invoicing Methods in maestro*.

    Cost of Sales Account

    General ledger account for sales costs if work is managed as active.

    NOTES: This is the general ledger account used by default in the Contractual Billing and Progress Billing modules.

    This account is used during the sale transfer when the project Work in Progress Method is Active (in the Parameter section, Project Desc tab, Project Management option) to temporarily account for fictitious expenses. For more information, please read the concept - Works in Progress Management.

    Work In Progress Account

    General ledger account for works in progress, if work is managed as active. This account is used during the sale transfer.

    NOTES: This is the general ledger account used by default in the Contractual Billing and Progress Billing modules.

    Works in progress are deducted from this account. For more information, please read the concept - Works in Progress Management.


    Fields to complete:


    Revenue group by default, used when invoicing a contract.


    Revenue groupe by default, used when invoicing change orders.

    NOTE: It is always possible to modify the revenue group when entering the invoice.

    Maximum Length of Description

    Maximum length available for the Description field when printing invoices.

    NOTE: The maximum value by default is 60 characters. It is possible to adjust the length of the description to the number of characters set up on the invoice form. Maestro* validates the number of characters when entering the invoice and prevents the limit from being exceeded.

    Number of Decimals

    Fields to complete:


    Number of decimal places necessary in the Qty field when entering sale transactions.

    Unit Price

    Number of decimal places necessary in the UP field when entering sale transactions.

    NOTE: the number of decimal places may vary from 0 to 4. By default, maestro* uses 2.

    Transfer to Accounting

    Generates an entry in the general ledger when transferring the sale.

    NOTE: This box must always be checked.

    Transfer of Holdbacks

    Affects the posting of the transaction only, not the invoice form.

    NOTE : Consulter le document des concepts - Les différents modes de facturation dans maestro* pour en savoir davantage.

    NOTE: For more information, please read the concept - The Different Invoicing Methods in maestro*.

    ClosedAvailable values:

    Default Invoice Acceptance Status

    Allows to define a default acceptance status when entering an invoice. This field indicates to maestro* that the default status of the Acceptance field is Yes.

    NOTE: Only invoices with the Acceptance status set to Yes can be transferred.

    (Default Invoice Acceptance Status) For Progress Billings

    Allows to define a default acceptance status when entering an invoice. Thies field indicates to maestro* that the default status of the Acceptance field is Yes.

    NOTE: Only invoices with the Acceptance status set to Yes can be transferred.

    Show Closed Contracts

    Check the box to display and see closed contracts when searching or in the Contract Management and Progress Billing Contracts options.

    1. Holdback Calculation Method Section



    Holdback Invoicing

    Allows to determine whether the holdbacks invoiced via the Holdback Invoicing option are with or without tax.

    NOTE: As the Standard - Tax Differed Holdback mode is favoured by maestro* and, therefore, the Release Holdback option is used to generate a second invoice, this field is now rarely used, as it does not apply to the Standard mode.

    1. Default Value for the ‘Print’ Column Section



    Detail rows set to ‘Print’ by default

    When this box is checked, the detail lines are printed by default on invoices, for both lump sum invoicing and progress billing.

    Total rows set to ‘Print’ by default

    When this box is checked, the total lines are printed by default on invoices, for both lump sum invoicing and progress billing.

    1. Progress Billing Invoicing Section



    Billing the contract and change orders separately

    This parameter allows the user to specify whether or not to invoice in separate transactions the sale specified in the contract and each of the change orders related to that same contract.

    ClosedAvailable values:

  4. Click on the Save icon.




Complete the Settings in the Forms Tab

Create and/or select the contractual billing forms to use.

    1. In the Configuration window, click on the Forms tab in the section on the left.
    2. Create and/or select the desired forms in the right section of the window, using the given explanations in the table below. These forms can be standard, meaning those provided by maestro*, or personalized ones, specifically created and/or modified to meet the needs of the company.



    Statement of Account

    Form used by default when printing a Statement of Account.

    Delivery Preparation

    Delivery preparation form.

    NOTE: If a form has been set, it will be available through the Contract Invoicing and Cost Plus Invoicing options.

    Contract Invoicing

    Form used by default when printing a contract invoice through the Print Contract Invoicing option (Processing tab of the Contractual Billing menu).

    Continued Page Num. for Extras

    If this box is checked, it allows to print extras after the regular invoice, keeping up with the pagination.

    NOTE: This functionality avoids the page number being reset to 1 for extras.

    Payment Request

    Form used by default when printing in the Print Payment Requests option1.

    Progress Billing - Rate

    Form used by default to print an invoice whose Progress field, defined in the Progress Billing Contracts, is set to Rate.

    NOTE: It will be used if no other form has previously been defined in the Progress Billing Contracts or Customer Management options.

    Progress Billing - Quantity

    Form used by default to print an invoice whose Progress field, defined in the Progress Billing Contracts option, is set to Quantity.

    NOTE: It will be used if no other form has previously been defined in the Progress Billing Contacts or Customer Management options.

    Construction Management Billing

    Form used by default when printing a construction management billing invoice in the Print Invoices option (Contruction Management tab of the Contractual Billing menu).

    Prints Extras Separately

    If the box is checked, extras (change orders) are displayed on a separate document when printing the invoice generated in the Prepare Progress Billing option.

    NOTE: The checkbox displayed to the right of the Progress Billing - Rate applies to both progress billing forms (Rate and Quantity).

    Cost Plus Invoicing

    Form used by default when printing a cost plus invoice in the Print Invoices option (Cost Plus tab of the Contractual Billing menu).

  1. Click on the Save icon.




Complete the Statement of Account Tab Settings

The Statement of Account tab allows to specify certain settings applicable by default to statement of accounts generated in maestro*, following contractual billing.

    1. Still in the Configuration window, click on the Statement of Accounts tab in the leftmost section.
    2. Complete the settings in the rightmost section of window, using the given explanations in the table below.



    Print Holdback?

    Allows to display the statement of accounts holdbacks, if this box is checked.


    Allows to enter a message to print on the statement of accounts.

    NOTE: This field is limited to 60 characters and must be setup on the form to be printed.

    Printing if Balance=0

    Tells maestro* to print statement of accounts even if the balance is 0, if this box is checked.

  1. Click on the Save icon.







Configurations to be completed


Approval or meeting with management


Tests and trial runs







Due Date




Complete the settings in the General tab of the Configuration option, in the Contractual Billing module.

  • Complete the general fields;
  • Complete the Holdback Calculation Method section;
  • Complete the Default Values for the "Print" Column section;
  • Complete the Progress Billing Invoicing section.






Complete the document selection in the Forms tab.






Complete the settings in the Statement of Accounts tab.