Creating Project Templates in maestro*

January 31, 2023 version


Unit P02 - Project Management

Printable Version



Projects are at the heart of maestro* and are applied to all entities we wish to perform follow-ups on revenues and expenses in the software. It can be a construction project but also an equipment project, company department project, etc. It is therefore necessary to creat projects to be able to perform transactions - since these are not generated by selecting a general ledger account but by selecting a project (P), an activity (A), and an expense group (G) that are assiciated to a general ledger account. That way, it is not necessary to create an endless chart of accounts that require the duplication of revenue and expense accounts for each project.

In maestro*, a general ledger account can be charged amounts from different projects. It is the project (P), the activity (A), and the group (G), called PAG, that will allow to filter the amounts charged to this account.

Before even setting up the models necessary for the creation of a project in maestro*, it is essential to deeply reflect on the company's project types, their structure, and write down the activities that make up said projects. Furthermore, Maestro favours the use of project templates, even for atypical and unique projects. In sum, using these project templates or models can make the creation of PAG so much easier and is a kind of prerequisite for the creation of new projects, hence the explanations to this effect in this document.






As previously mentionned, projects in maestro* are created using templates. However, when installing the software, these templates do not exist. The user must therefore create them first and set them up so they may meet the company's various needs in terms of projects. Furthermore, creating a project template essentially identifies, lists, and codifies revenue or expense activities and groups for the different project types and link them to a general ledger account. Let's remember that, in maestro*, it is not the general ledger accounts that are used when entering transactions, but PAGs, who are then linked to general ledger accounts. Project templates can then be used to indicate activities and groups and make them reusable. Afterwards, whenever a project has to be created and added to maestro*, the user will only have to select the applicable template, for which the activities and groups will have been identified. Finally, using project templates also makes it so projects with common characteristics are structured in a unique way - this standardization makes it possible to compare these projects when the time comes to compare revenues and expenses. It also contributes to reducing the number of mistakes made when entering data.

To speed up the work involved in creating the templates in the software, it is recommended to set up the activities an other characteristics in an Excel file in advance.


Setting Up a List of Activities

Most companies already have a list of project activities. This list is often inspired by the Canadian National Master Construction Specification. Others get inspired by lists developped by estimators through time. Whetever it is, the activity list to integrate in maestro* will have to be the same for the whole company - new expenses will be charged in part due to these activities in the software.

To make this task easier, Maestro recommends to first list all of the company's activities in a file. These activities must not only be limited to those required for construction projects. Must also be included the activities that come from office work, administration, the warehouse, the garage, etc. In sum, all activities, whether they be directly linked to a project or not, must be listed and assigned a code or number. This number or code can be made up of maximum of 20 characters but, obviously, it is encouraged to make it shorter. It is also suggested to create a sequence which allows the possible addition of future activities between preexisting ones, to meet future needs.

Though the activities used can vary from one project to the other, it is strongly recommended to standardize them when possible. For example, the "gasoline" activity could apply to the gas used on construction project work sites, as well as for maintenance tasks or representation expenses. This simply goes to show that a same activity can be used in different contexts and projects.


Note that activities in maestro* are displayed and/or sorted alphanumerically. For maestro* to display these activities in the right order, they must be numbered the following way: 00001, 00010, 00100, etc.

Furthermore, it is recommended to take the time to correctly number activities because if mistakes are made in the code, it will be impossible to modify them later in maestro*if transactions are linked to these activities.


Adding Phases, Sections, and Divisions to a List of Activities

Maestro* allows to insert, in a list of activities, phases, sections, and divisions. These allow to cut up a project, compartmentalize it, and group activities. It also gives the customer three additional levels to manage the incomes and expenses of a complex project. These levels can be used in the following increasing order: activity, phase, section, and division. Of course, using phases, sections, and divisions is optional, however the more varied the projects are, the more complex it can be to manage transaction entries. It is therefore important, from the start, to define the desired detail level of the project structures, keeping in mind the actual needs in relation to monitoring costs. For example, a company could decide to divide its activities into the following phases: Project Development, Design, Layout, Procurement, Construction, Delivery, etc. Other example: a company could decide to create a phase titled Land and Related Costs, in which would be integrated the Acquisition, Legal Fees, Transfer Duties, Permits, etc. activities.

The previous illustration represents the different PAG components:

  • The mandatory components - activities linked to the project, as well as the groups which are linked to the activities.
  • The optional components, which can be integrated to the PAG is needed - the project's divisions, sections and phases.

In the preparation Excel file (and later on in the maestro* templates) the phases, section, and divisions must also be coded, so they may be integrated in the logical sequence of activity numbers. Though revenu or expense transactions can be charged to phases, these are mostly used to make groupings.


Example of an Excel File Used to Draw Up an Activity Chart for Projects WITH PHASES


Please refer to the Extended Fields document to find out how many characters can be entered in the different maestro* fields.




As the use of maestro* usually involves revising the different chart of accounts, activities, etc., it may be necessary to review the coding of timesheets, if used, rethink how time worked is entered, and/or rework the templates used to calculate quotations.

Groups and Group Families

During the entry of all transactions in maestro*, the user must specify the project to which the transaction is linked, the activity, and finally, the affected group. Indeed, groups are the last project components in maestro*. They are used to specify the activity by identifying the nature of the expense or by indicating that it is an income. In sum, they allow the compilation of financial values according to their nature.

Six groups are readily made available in maestro* and can be linked to all activities, according to the company's needs1. They correspond to each big expense and income families: 

  • Salary
  • Equipment
  • Subcontractor
  • Materials
  • Miscellaneous
  • Income

That way, it will not be necessary to provide a Tile activity for labour and another Tile activity for materials. A single Tile activity must be created in maestro* and it is by selecting the expense group, in the transaction, that the transaction amount will be charged to the right general ledger account. In sum, the group further clarifies the nature of the transaction and allows for a greater analysis flexibility in maestro* reports. If activities can differ from one project to the other, groups always remain the same. It is possible, when needed and as explained later on in this document, to create additional groups to answer specific needs. These additional groups will make up sub-groups of the already-present six in maestro* (salary, equipment, subcontractor, materials, miscellaneous and income). That is also why we also say of these group that they make up group families - sub-groups or newly created groups will mandatorily be linked to one of these six group families (or initial groups in maestro*).

At this stage of the process, it is not recommended to assign groups to the activities listed in the preparation Excel file. It will be possible to identofy these groups later, directly in the maestro* templates.



Creating a Project Template

It is in the Define Project Templates option that can be created the PAG model structures, and the phases, sections, and divisions (if applicable) needed for the creation of projects. Indeed, creating project templates for project types that are regularly managed makes the creation of later projects easier, since the list of activities and structure have already been established. It is in fact recommended to always use the same list of activities for the same types of projects: this makes it easier for users to memorize the codes but, also, it makes it possible to compare costs and revenues between projects, project managers, etc. The transposition of these lists into project templates also limis the time needed to create projects in the software.


maestro* > Projects > Maintenance > Project > Define Project Templates



Online Help (F1) - Define Project Templates


For the Balance Sheet

As previously mentionned, all transactions in maestro* must be assigned a Project-Activity-Group (PAG). General ledger account numbers are never entered manually as such.

However, as it is sometimes necessary to perform correction entries, or entries to transfer an amount from a balance sheet account to another, a project must created to this effect, to answer possible future needs. A project titled Balance Sheet must therefore be created in maestro*. It will allow transactions related to asset, liability and capital ledger accounts while remaining true to the maestro* principle that the use of a PAG is mandatory.Furthermore, and even if this project must only be created once, it is still recommended to create it throufh the Define Project Templates option, to make the task easier. Unlike most projects that will subsequently be developped in the software, where activities will be linked to general ledger accounts, the activities of the Balance Sheet project (as well as the Financial Statement project) will be formed from the general ledger accounts. In this case, the activities of the balance sheet project template are, exceptionally, have the same names as the balance sheet accounts.

It is recommended, to create the balance sheet project's template, to first copy the chart of accounts in an Excel file, as illustrated below, on the right.


Example of Standard Activities Created for Projects in General that Will Be Linked to General Ledger Accounts


Example of a Balance Sheet Project's Activities, Corresponding to the General Ledger Accounts


Importing the Balance Sheet's Project's Activities
  1. In the Define Project Templates window, click on the New icon.
  2. Enter a project description, for example Balance Sheet, in the Description field.
  3. Click on the Import GL Accounts icon.
  4. In the Select a Record window, click on the record's first account, press on the Shift key, then select the record's last account, so all active, passive, and capital accounts are highlighted.
  5. Click on the Select button.
  6. Back in the Define Project Templates window, the breakdown grid is now completed. The general ledger accounts are now displayed as activities for the Balance Sheet project.
  7. Select the Activity value in the Type column for all lines where an activity is entered.
  8. Click on the Save icon.


If the number of lines available in the grid is insufficient, in the Define Project Template window, click on the Configuration icon, then enter the maximum number of lines, greater than what was already entered.

Furthermore, every general ledger account added, or modified account labels in the chart of accounts will also have to be added or modified in the Balance Sheet or Financial Statement project template.

Linking the Groups and General Ledgers to Activities

For each activity line in the grid there are six columns to specify the possible revenu and expensde groups (Material, Subcontractors, Miscellaneous, Labour, Equipment, Revenue). Each group column is followed by a column titled Inactive.

In the particular case where the activities are balance sheet accounts, linking an activity to a revenue or expense group makes no sense. That is why, for the balance sheet project template, we will only enter the general ledger account corresponding to the activity in the Miscellaneous group field, since this has no impact during accounting. As for all other groups (Material, Subcontractor, Labour, Equipment, and Revenue columns), we will check the Inactive column.

Example of a project template for the balance sheet.

The different groups' Inactive colums (Material, Subcontractor, Labour, Equipment, and Revenu) are checked.



Do not forget to save your work before it is fully complete.

For the Financial Statements

The reasons and steps to create the initial Financial Statement project are the same as for the Balance Sheet project. It can be necessary, in some cases, to perform correction entries, or entries to transfer an amount from an expense or revenu account to another. A project titled Financial Statements must therefore be created in maestro*. Once again, it is recommended to create a project template through the Define Project Templates option to make the process easier. As illustrated in the following right image, the Financial Statements project template's activities are exceptionally made up of revenu and expense accounts from the company's chart of accounts. Maestro recommends, once again, to copy these account numbers and descriptions in an Excel file before the creation of the template.


Example of Standard Activities Created for Projects in General that Will Be Linked to General Ledger Accounts


Example of a Financial Statement Project's Activities, Corresponding to the General Ledger Accounts


The 99999 Interception Account

It is recommended to add the 99999 account to the list of revenue and expense accounts, which we will name Interception Account.

During the maestro* implementation, this account number is generally entered in the unused fields of the Configuration option, which are used to enter a general ledger account. If, some day or another, the company decides to use a maestro* functionality linked to one of these fields and the settings have not been updated, then the transaction amounts will be charged to the 99999 account and the account's balance will be visible in the financial statements. It will then be possible to make the corrections so the interception account is once again at 0.

It is of course recommended to adjust the interception account's number of 9s according to the amount of numbers that make up the company's chart of account's account numbers. The interception account could then also be 9999 or 999999 or some other, so as to harmonize with the other accounts.

Importing the Statement of Account's Project's Activities

The procedure is the same as the one used to create the Balance Sheet project's activities.

  1. In the Define Project Template window, click on the New icon.
  2. Enter the project description, i.e. Financial Statement, in the Description field.
  3. Click on the Import GL Accounts icon.
  4. In the Select a Record window, clicl on the first revenue account, press the Shift key, then select the last account in the chart (including account 99999 Other or Redistribute) so all revenue and liability accounts are highlighted.
  5. Click on the Select button.
  6. Back in the Define Project Templates window, the breakdown grid is now partially filled. The general ledger accounts now appear as activities for the Financial Statement account.
  7. Select the Activity value in the Type column for every line where an activity is entered.
  8. Click on the Save icon.


If the number of lines available in the grid is insufficient, in the Define Project Template option, click on the Configuration icon, then enter the number of lines corresponding to the number of revenue and liability accounts.

Furthermore, all general ledger accounts added or labeled as modified in the chart of accounts will also have to be added or modified in the Balance Sheet or Financial Statement projects to be used.


Linking Groups and General Ledger Accounts to Activities

Let's remember that for each activitu line in the grid, there are six columns to specify liability and revenue groups (Material, Subcontractor, Miscellaneous, Labour, Equipment, Revenue). Also, each group column is followed by one titled Inactive.

  1. For each activity in the Financial Statement project template (a liability or revenue account from the chart of accounts), check the Inactive columns to excluse the liability or revenue groups that do not apply to the activity. This prevents transactions from being linked to it by mistake.
    • For example, for a labour account, we will for sure check the Inactive columns of the Material, Subcontractor, Miscellaneous, Equipment, and Revenue groups, but we will not check the Inactive column of the Labour group.
    • Second example, for a revenue account, we will make inactive the Material, Subcontractor, Miscellaneous, Labour, and Equipment groups but we will not check the Inactive box of the Revenue groupe.
  2. Then specify, for all lines in the grid, the general ledger account that will have to be used for each active liability or revenue group for the activity.
  3. Click on Save.

In the Define Project Template window, an Account section allows to enter a default general ledger for each liability/revenue groups. These general ledger account numbers will apply to active groups in the breakdown grid for which no account has been specified. Though this method may seem attractive at first sight, it is recommended, for more precision, to do the work for each activity in the grid. Identifying general accounts (or default ones) for liability groups is useful when, for a same liability account, a single general ledger account is linked and/or when there are only few exceptions. The latter would then be identified in the breakdown grid.


Never leave an active field empty. Enter, when needed, an interception general ledger account, such as the 99999.

While on the subject, maestro* reads the fields in a very specific order when the time comes to determine which general ledger account to use. The most specific configuration is always prioritized to a more general one. View the note on this subject for more information.





When importing content from Excel file in maestro*, it is always the content in the first sheet (or tab) if the Excel file that is imported.


For a Customer Project

As previously mentionned, it is first recommended to list the activities and codify them in an Excel file. It is then a lot quicker to complete all the work and then import them in a project template to complete the liability and revenue groups. When importing content from Excel file in maestro*, it is always the content in the first sheet (or tab) if the Excel file that is imported.

Importing Activities forkl a Customer Project

The import of activities for a customer project is an import through a copy-paste. For more information on this type of import, see the excerpt in the Importing Data to maestro* Using an Excel File of the MAES02 training document.

  1. In the Define Project Template window, click on the New icon.
  2. Enter a general, but significant, project description in the Description field.
  3. Hover the cursor above the breakdown grod and click on the right button.
  4. Select Transfer in Excel. An Excel file opens, a copy of the breakdown grid in maestro*.

  1. Copy the codes and activities from the Excel file, as previously suggested, in columns A and B (Code and Description) of the new file.
  2. Enter Activity in column C (Type).
  3. If so desired, insert lines to add phases, sections and divisions. It is recommended to enter the latter's description in capital letters to make it easier to read. For these added lines, replace Activity by PHASE, SECTION, or DIVISION.


Steps 8 and 9 can be completed in the Excel file or directly in maestro*, once that file has been imported.

Six columns (D, F, H, J, L, and N) correspond to the six default maestro* groups. Each of them are followed by a column titled Inactive.

  • The 0, displayed by default, means the Inactive value does not apply and that the previous column group's liabilities (or revenues) are charged to the activity (or phase, section, or division);
  • If 0 is replaced by 1 in the Excel file, this means group of the previous column is inactive and no liability (nor any revenue) of this nature will be applied to the activity (or phase, section, or division). This will prevent, among other things, transactions from being linked to a PAG by mistake.
  1. Indicate, for each line in the file with an activity, a phase, a section, or a division, if the groups must be active or not by entering either 0 or 1 in the corresponding Inactive columns. For example, for a labour-carpentry activity, it is probable the user will enter 0 for the Labour group and 1 for all the other groups. Indeed, it is almost certain that all the expense amount charged to the labour-carpentry activity will be a labour expense, as it is almost certain that no material, equipment, or other expenses will apply to this activity.

Many recommend that inactive accounts should be identified first (1), so that 0 can be set everywhere else.

  1. Then indicate, under each group with a 0 in the Inactive column, the general ledger account number to which must be charged the liability or revenue, for each activity.


As this job is quite long, don't forget to save your file from time to time!

  1. Count the number of lines in your Excel file, including the lines dedicated to phases, sections, and divisions.
  2. Once again click in the Define Project Templates window, in maestro*, to add lines to the breakdown grid so the number of lines is more or equal to that of the Excel file. To do so, click on the Configuration icon. Enter the maximum number of lines desired and click on Ok.


It will be impossible to imprt the file in maestro* if the latter has more lines than the breakdown grid. If the number of available lines in the grid is insufficient, click on the Configuration icon, in the Define Project Template window, then enter the maximum number of lines desired.


The procedure to mass delete a continuous block of lines in a breakdown grid in maestro* is quite similar to the one used in to delete blocks of lines in an Excel file:

  1. First click on the number of the first line to be deleted.
  2. Press on the Shift key, then, keeping it pressed, click on the last line to delete - the portion of selected lines will then be highlighted in the grid.
  3. Click on the right button of the mouse and select Erase a Line.
  1. Make sure the breakdown grid in maestro* is actually empty and then copy-paste to Excel file's content to the Define Project Template window by selecting the exact number of lines.
  1. Complete the breakdown grid values, if needed, as well as other columns, if applicable.




To view all the columns that can be displayed in a breakdown grid, and to display or remove them, make a right-click when the cursor is hovered over the grid and select Configuration. This method is applicable in every maestro* grid.

Other Columns in this Grid and the Parameter Section

The W/C-CSST, PBB Activity, Overtime Calc, Follow-up Type, WBS No., Billable, and Available in *MOBILE columns, as well as the Budget by Period and Overtime Calc parameters are explained in the Time Management - Payroll lesson plan, Construction Management Billing, and Mobile documents.

  1. In the Accounts section, assign a default general ledger account to groups, if so desired. This account number will become the group's default general ledger account, for that template, and will apply to all activities for which this group is active but not specified in the breakdown grid.


When a liability and/or revenu transaction is performed in maestro*, the software uses a predetermined sequence (also called cascade) to identify the general ledger account that will be charged.

  1. Maestro* first considers the general ledger account linked to the group in the Account Groups option.
  2. If no account is identified in the Account Groups option, the general ledger account entered for the activity and the group, displayed in the breakdown grid of the project template, is taken into account.
  3. If no specific account is entered, maestro* will then consider the general ledger account entered for the group in the Account section of the project template.
  4. It is then at the project level, in the Project Management option, that maestro* will search for a general ledger account linked to the PAG.
  5. Finally, if no general ledger account is identified through the previous research, maestro* will consider, as a last resort, the account entered in the General Settings.

  1. Click on Save.


Although every project is different, certain companies carry out different types of projects of varying sizes. Through a global and common activity chart, it could be beneficial to create more than one project type template, as well as a reduced project template for smaller projects.


For an Internal Project (Department, Equipment, Loan, Etc.)

Since some liabilities are not charged to any construction project itself, and to follow up on the profitability of certain departments, some companies may decide to create internal projects. Indeed, it is not a rare occurrence to see projects with the title Administration, Sales, Estimating, or another, be created from a project template for the company's internal departments. Administrative costs, operational fees, training, and others could then be tracked specifically, be linked to a project, as well as be grouped into a single general ledger expense account.

Other projects could also be pieces of equipment or vehicles, for which we wish to individually evaluate profitability and/or track costs to then compare them to other equipment/vehicle projects. For exmaple, a company may decide to create a project template with the following activities: 

  • Internal Revenues
  • Gas
  • Registration
  • Reparations
  • Insurance

This same company would then use this template, in the Project Management option, to create a project named Weber CF21 Vibrating Plate, for example. They would proceed the same way for each piece of equipment they want to track that way.

Finally, project template can be created for multiple and diverse entities. For example, a company who wishes to manage the loans of various pieces of equipment / machines could create a project template named Machinery Loan Purchase. Its activities would be each piece of equipment for which a loan is contracted. This would avoid adding a large number of genera ledger accounts to track individual loans for each piece of equipment - a chart of accounts can quickly grow out of proportion! Furthermore, project templates could even be created to facilitate the management of the building in which the company is situated.

The steps to create such project templates are quite similar as those to create a Financial Statement project template. The difference: the selected general ledger accounts (which will become project activities) will be filtered to match those used in the project. Also, users will sometimes choose to create additional groups to those already present in maestro* to meet their needs.

Importing Activities for a Specific Project Template
  1. In the Define Project Templates window, click on the New icon.
  2. Enter a description in the field to this effect.
  3. Click on the Import GL Accounts icon.
    1. In the Select a Record window, click on the desired accounts, while holding down the Ctrl key, so as to highlight them all.
    2. Click on the Select button.
    3. Back in the Define Project Templates window, the breakdown grid will now be completed. The selected general ledger accounts will now be displayed as activities.


  1. Hover the cursor over the breakdown grid and make a right click.
    1. Select Transfer to Excel. An Excel file appears, a copy of the maestro* breakdown grid.

  1. Enter or copy the codes and activities in columns A and B (Code and Description) of the new file.
  2. Type Activity in column C (Type).
  3. Copy-paste the Excel file content to the breakdown grid in the Define Project Templates window, selecting the exact number of lines.
  1. Depending on the nature of the project template and the method used to import activities, complete the Type column fields and the groups, just as you would for customer project templates.
  1. Click on Save once done.


For more information on the different data import methods in maestro*, view section Importing Data to maestro* Using an Excel File in the training document titled MAES02.



Managing Groups and Families in maestro*

PAG structure groups in maestro* are managed through the Define Cost Groups2 option. It is therefore possible to view in this option the six standard maestro* groups - those already set up and that correspond to the main expense and revenue groups.


maestro* > Projects > Maintenance > Project > Define Cost Groups


  1. To view the groups already available in maestro*, click on the Code field in the Define Cost Groups window.
  2. Then click on the button (ellipsis) to view all created groups, which are:
  • Labour - L
  • Equipment - E
  • Subcontractor - S
  • Material - M
  • Miscellaneous - D
  • Revenue - 2

It is then possible to select of these codes to view all corresponding information in the window. Only the Code, Description, and Type fields are automatically completed.


Other than the Available in *MOBILE box, which can be checked if needed, never enter a general ledger account number for these groups created by default. The general ledger accounts must not only be linked to a group but also to an activity for a project. Entering a default general ledger account number for a group will limit the use of the group to this general ledger account only.


Creating a New Group

It is possible to add groups to meet specific needs. For example, two methods could be used when making an installation with two different commercial activities and for which costs are also managed differently. The first approach could be to define specific activities for each project. The second could be to have target groups and limit the use of these groups by project. Indeed, it is possible in maestro* to limit access to certain groups3 in projects, so as to manage financial transaction entries and data. This situation is what frequently justifies the addition of new groups. The new group is selected in the project (through the Project Management option) and replaces the group entered in the project template. Finally, a company could need to have, for example, two expense groups for equipment: a first to internal equipment and a second of external equipment.

  1. To create a new gorup, click on the New icon in the Define Cost Groups window.
  2. Enter the new group code in the field to this effect and, if needed, view all existing groups using the button.
  3. Enter a description.
  4. Then select an applicable group Type in the scroll-down menu.
  5. Complete any other needed fields.


View the online help (F1) if needed - Define Cost Groups

  1. Click on Save.
  2. Click on Quit.





Adding/Modifying the Value, the Group, the Activity of a Template in Use

The account numbers, groups, activities, phases, sections, and divisions of a preezisting template, used for current projects, can be modified. Maestro* has a functionality called Synchronize Projects Linked to Templates that allows the application of modifications made to a template to projects that use said template. However, though it is possible to change the general ledger account names or numbers, it is impossible to delete them.


Remember! All added general accounts or modified account labels in the chart of accounts will also have to be added or modified in the project templates.


Using the Synchronize Projects Linked to Templates Functionality

  1. To use the previously described functionality, first select the template to be modified in the List of Project Templates section, Define Project Templates window.
  2. Then make the desired changes and save the template once again.
  3. Click on the Synchronize Projects Linked to Templates icon. The following window appears.

  1. Then check the boxes that match the modified elements for which you want to update the projects. View the Synchronize Projects Linked to Templates section of the Online Help (F1) - Define Project Templates document for more information on each synchronization option.
  2. Click on Ok.

The affected projects will now display the modified elements.


Note that the functionality to synchronize projects linked to templates allows to add and/or modify activities but it does not delete any activity. Thus, if activities are removed from a project template, these will remain in the list of activities of projects previously created with this template. If applicable, it will be necessary to access the Project Management option and open the affected projects one by one to delete the activity.








Configurations to be completed


Approval or meeting with management


Tests and trial runs


Unit P02





Due Date




Know the manager's needs and expectations concerning project costs and financial statements.






List the company's project types.





A - C

In an Excel file, make a list of project activities, coded for each project types.





A - C

Adding phases, sections, and divisions to project type templates, if applicable.






Creating the necessary project templates in maestro*:

  • For each customer projects
  • For the balance sheet
  • For financial statements
  • For internal departments, if needed
  • For loans, equipment, and others.






Adding/modifying an activity, group, phase, section, or division to a preexisting template.





A - C

Creating a new group for a group family.






Setting up the detail level for the display of general ledger entries.