Configuration - Quarry Tickets


The Configuration option is used to determine which general ledger accounts are used by maestro* to conduct certain transactions and to configure the various options or usage methods in the Tickets module.






maestro* > Tickets > Maintenance > Quarry Tickets > Configuration


Enter configurations

  1. Click General in the menu on the left.



Project Type

Displays only the projects associated with the selected type in the various options of the module.

NOTE: The type is associated with the project in Project Management.

Invoicing Project

Displays only the projects associated with the mask entered in the various options of the module.

NOTES: For example, if the mask 000XX is entered, maestro* only displays projects 00021, 00051, etc.

Maestro* only uses this field if the Project Type field is empty.

Consolidated Invoicing Project

Default project used to invoice tickets.

Invoicing Date

Available values:


Current date.


Date of the ticket.

NOTE: If B - Ticket is used and there are several tickets on different dates to be invoiced, the most recent date is used.


Allows you to create invoices with a specific date that will be entered when invoicing.

Post Revenues to

Available values:

Invoicing Project

Allows user to identify the project which will receive the billing revenue.

Source Project

Default value. The revenue is posted to the project billing identified in Ticket Invoicing - Quarry and Advanced Quarry Ticket Invoicing.

NOTE: If the billing project is not indicated, the revenue is posted to the source project.

The revenue is posted to the source project identified in each of the tickets invoiced.

Invoicing Type

Available values:

0 - Single product

Displays only one product per invoice.

1 - Multiple products

Displays several products on one invoice.

Invoicing order

Order in which information appears on the invoice. Available values:

0 – Counter

By transaction counter number.

1 - Ticket Number

By ticket number.

2 - Date, Ticket num

By date and ticket number.

Invoicing Method

Available values:

1 – Summarized

Combines the same product on one line.

NOTE: Maestro* displays the note entered in the Ticket Identification field and accumulates the ticket totals.

2 – Detailed

Displays all details. A given product may be displayed more than once.

3-Simplified with attached list

Display a line per product with the total quantity billed for the product.

NOTES: During the ticket invoicing, a detailed list of the invoiced tickets will be produced and attached to the invoice in the Document Management, under the category of documents identified in the Configuration – Quarry Tickets (General section). The created list will be in PDF format and saved as List of Tickets to Invoice.

With this billing mode, the ticket numbers billed do not appear on the invoice.

Invoice Grouping

Type of transaction group for invoicing tickets. Available values:

0 – Customer-Project

Groups tickets by customer, by project.

1 – Customer

Groups tickets by customer.

2 - Ticket

One invoice per ticket.

NOTE: Only checks with the Validation and Inquiry and Ticket Invoicing - Quarry options. Invalid in advanced mode.

Action if Price = 0

Used to define the action to be taken by maestro* if the unit price of the line is 0. Available values:

0 - Reject

Does not display line if the unit price is 0.

1 - Accept

Displays line even if the unit price is 0.

NOTE: We recommend using 1 - Accepted.

Category of Documents

Indicates the category in which the quarry ticket invoicing annexed lists will be filed.

NOTE: These lists are generated only when the invoicing method is 3-Simplified with attached list.

Discount Processing

Available values:

0 – Normal

Displays the price of the item, the discount rate as well as the net amount of the sale on the same line.

1 – Integrated

Displays only the result of calculating the discount in relation to the unit price.

2 - Separated

Displays the unit price and the discount applicable separately.

If needed, enter the discount suffix.

NOTE : During the creation of invoices, if the discount processing mode is set to Separate and a suffix is entered, the system will create a discount product code using the original product code as the suffix. If this product already exists in the catalogue, it will be added to the invoice discount line.

Product Pricing Source

Available values:

0 – Tickets

Displays the unit price entered in the balance in ticket for this product.

NOTE: The prices are managed by the balance and are not checked by maestro*.

If the “0-Tickets” option is selected, the unit selling price of a ticket that has already been entered will not be automatically recalculated when modifying the ticket.

1 - Maestro

Displays the unit price based on information defined in relation to the product in maestro*.

NOTE: For example, maestro* displays the unit price entered in Catalogue Management, Define Source Pricing, Define Customer Pricing or the list price from Catalogue Management.


A warning is displayed when a catalogue price is being used

Used to ignore prices suggested by maestro*, if the box is checked.

NOTE: A notice is entered on the product line during invoicing. The acceptance status of sales generated is at N.

Rec. Transport Qty and Pricing Source

Determines the value that will be used as quantity to calculate the amount of transport to be invoiced. Available values:

0 – Qty ticket, UP ticket

Uses the quantity and unit price entered into the ticket for this product.

NOTE: The prices are managed by the balance and are not validated by maestro*.

IMPORTANT: The unit price of the three sources listed below are derived from the information configured in the Transport section in relation to the product in maestro*.

For example, maestro* displays the unit price entered in the Catalogue Management, the Define Source Pricing, la Define Customer Pricing or the list price from the Catalogue Management.

1 – Qty ticket, UP maestro*

Uses the ticket quantity and the unit price from maestro*.

2 – Qty km, UP maestro*

Uses the number of KMs from the ticket and the unit price from maestro*.

3 – Qty time, UP maestro*

Displays the quantity time and the unit price from maestro*.

Internal Ticket

Used to define internal tickets that are not invoiced to customers. Available values:

0 - Internal Cust.

Used to identify internal tickets based on a pre-identified customer.

1 - Project

Used to identify internal tickets based on a project.

NOTE: If the project entered on the ticket exists in maestro*, it is considered an internal project.

Internal Customer

Internal customer linked to the Internal Ticket field.

NOTE: The customer is from Customer Management.

Cash Customer Code

Used to select the customer to which cash payments will be credited.

NOTES: The price on the ticket is used to invoice the cash customer. The prize is managed by the balance.

The customer is from Customer Management.

Hired Truckers?

Lets you specify whether transportation is handled by truck drivers or not.

Invoice Description

Used to enter variables that generate the description on the sales invoice.

NOTE: You can specify which variables should be displayed automatically in this field. For example, NOTCKT DATE DESC, representing the ticket number, date and description.

Long. desc.

Used to enter variables that generate the long description on the sales invoice.

NOTE: You can specify which variables should be displayed automatically in this field. For example, DELADDR DATE NOTCKT, representing the delivery address, date and ticket number.

Surcharge per Ton

Product code that identifies the applicable surcharge per ton.

NOTE: If this field is configured, the code is automatically added to the invoice.

Identification of Tickets

Note entered if the Invoicing Method field is set to 1 - Simplified.

NOTE: This text will be printed on the sales invoice.

Minimum Invoicing

Amount of the minimum charge.

NOTES: If the amount of the invoice is lower than the amount entered in this field, maestro* uses the product entered in the Minimum Invoicing Item Code field to invoice this amount. At this time, maestro* does not use the unit price entered.

If multiple tickets with a minimum are compiled on a given invoice and the total values exceed the minimum, the total will be used.

It is possible to assign a different minimum charge to various companies when in multidimensional mode. To do so, click on the icon to the right of the field - a window which allows to enter multiple minimum charge amount will open.

Minimum Invoicing Item Code

Product code used for a minimum charge.

Extras Invoicing

Available values:

1 - Included in the product price

Includes extras in the price of the product.

2 - Printed on a separate line

Displays the extras on a separate line.

3 - Grouped at the end of the invoice

Groups the extras at the end of the invoice.

Inventory Adjustment

Used to define the transaction type created by maestro* to deduct the material from the source project. Available values:

0 - Project-to-Project Transfer

Automatically creates a project-to-project transfer.

1 - Inventory-to-Project Transfer

Automatically creates an inventory-to-project transfer.

2 - Internal Sales

Automatically creates an internal sale.

Municipal Surcharge

Product code that identifies the applicable surcharge for each ton of product transported.

NOTE: If this field is configured, the code is automatically added to the invoice.

  1. Click Configuration in the menu on the left.



Sales Account

General ledger income account used by default for all invoicing.

NOTE: You can have multiple income accounts. However, a default account must be entered, preferably the most often used account.

Discount Account

General ledger account used by default to post discounts.

AR Account

Accounts payable general ledger account used by default.

NOTE: You can have multiple A/R accounts. However, a default account must be entered, preferably the most often used account.

Federal Tax Code

General ledger account used to post the federal tax in customer accounts.

NOTE: We recommend managing this tax code in Customer Management.

Provincial Tax Code

General ledger account used to post the provincial tax in customer accounts.

NOTE: We recommend managing this tax code in Customer Management.

US Tax Code

Tax code for the state from the US.

NOTE: Applies only if the Management of US Sales Taxes box is checked in the General Ledger section of the General Settings.

Invoice Form

Foreign used by default to print an invoice.

Invoice Subtotal

Used to display a partial total on the invoice. Available values:

0 – None

Does not display a partial total.

1 - Product Code

Displays a partial total by product code.

Combine Mat and Delv?

Used to group the sale of raw materials and transportation on a single invoice (during printing of the invoice only), if the box is checked.

NOTE: This configuration allows you to include the cost of transportation in the price of raw materials when printing the invoice.

  1. Expenses section:



RM Group

Default expense group used for raw materials and expense projects for payable tickets.


Default expense group used for transportation and expense projects for payable tickets.

  1. Invoice Reconciliation section:




Available values:

0 – Summarized

Combines the same product on a single line if the tickets generate a project purchase.

1 - Detailed

Displays all details. A given product may be displayed more than once.

R.M. Description

Default description used for raw materials in Hired Trucker Inv. Reconciliation.

NOTES: If the Method field is set to 0 - Summarized, this description is used as the description for the single generated line, without using variables.

If the Method field is set to 1 - Detailed, each product is detailed on a separate line and variables are used.

TR Description

Default description used for transportation if the Method field is set to 0 - Summarized.

NOTES: If the Method field is set to 0 - Summarized, this description is used as the description for the single generated line, without using variables.

If the Method field is set to 1 - Detailed, each product is detailed on a separate line and variables are used.

  1. Revenue section:




Available values:


Default source project income activity used to invoice tickets to customers.


Default income group used to invoice tickets to customers.


Available values:


Default source project income activity used to invoice internal tickets.


Default income group used to invoice internal tickets.

NOTE: This group can be the same as the one identified in the External field.

  1. Accrual Accounting section:

This section must be completed as part of managing accrued charges.





BALANCE project to generate a supply of accrued charges that will be reversed the next day.

NOTE: This project is optional, but is used to monitor accrued charges from Project Management.


Activity for the accrued charges in the BALANCE project.


Material group.

  1. Advanced Quarry Ticket Invoicing section:

This section allows user to determine the way the tickets will be presented in the invoicing.



Sort by

Order in which the information will be printed on the invoice generated by the advanced quarry ticket billing.

The base sorts are by source and by client code. It is not possible to change these choices.

However, it is possible to add sort options by checking the fields. It is also possible to change the order in which the sort fields by rearranging them using the arrow buttons on the right side of the sort by fields.

Group by

Type of transaction grouping available during the advanced billing.

NOTE: Only valid with the options Advanced Ticket Validation and Inquiry and Advanced Quarry Ticket Invoicing. Not valid in regular mode.

Use Consolidated Invoicing Project to Consolidate Invoices

If checked, allows the regrouping of invoices under the consolidated invoicing project.

  1. Click Transport in the menu on the left.



Receivable Transport

Product code used by default for receivable transportation.

Surcharge Code

Product code used for the gas surcharge applicable by default on receivable transportation.

NOTE: This code is only used for description purposes in Ticket Invoicing - Quarry.

Surcharge Type

Type of surcharge applicable on receivable transportation.

Payable Transport

Product code used by default for payable transportation.

  1. Basis for Delivery Product Code section:

User can configure the product to be used by default based on the various characteristics checked. For example, if the Product Code and Region (Zone) boxes are checked, you must create products equivalent to the various options in Catalogue Management to use them if a receivable ticket meets these characteristics.

Maestro* first checks whether the defined product exists. If this is not the case, it uses the product entered in the Receivable Transportation field by default.





Product code prefix to be used.

NOTE: For example, TRXXXXX.


Product code suffix to be used.

NOTE: For example, XXXXXTR.

  1. Payable Transport Product Definition section:

You can configure the product to be used by default based on the various characteristics checked. For example, if the Product Code and Region (Zone) boxes are checked, you must create products equivalent to the various options in Catalogue Management to use them if a payable ticket meets these characteristics.

Maestro* first checks whether the defined product exists. If this is not the case, it uses the product entered in the Payable Transportation field by default.





Product code prefix to be used.

NOTE: For example, TRXXXXX.


Product code suffix to be used.

NOTE: For example, XXXXXTR.

  1. Click Import in the menu on the left.

This section is used to configure information to be used when importing data into maestro*.




Scale Software

Name of maestro* from which the information is taken.

NOTE: The documentation attached to Ticket Management provides more information about the fields available for each manufacturer.

Import File Name

Default directory and name of the import file.

Separation Character

Separator character used to separate the data in the imported file.

Do not validate region during import

Used to ignore the region during import, if the box is checked.

Default Status

Default status of tickets after importing.

The choices are: 0 - Entry, 1 – On Hold and 3 - To be validated.

Automatically create Delivery Addr. when importing tickets

Allows to automatically create delivery address when importing tickets.

NOTE: For all manufacturer, the delivery address is created from the Address 1, 2 and 3 columns of the importation grid.

WARNING! This configuration applies only to version 3.05 and higher of maestro*.

  1. Click Save.


See also


Last modification: February 27, 2025