Project Management


The Project Management function is used to open projects in order to review expenses and income for a given project.


This option is the heart of maestro*. It is therefore very important to carefully structure projects according to requirements to ensure optimal use of maestro*.

Activities can be created automatically if templates are created in advance. These activities can then be updated automatically to reflect changes made to the templates using synchronization of projects linked to templates. For information on the fields changed by synchronization, refer to the help appendix of Define Project Templates.





ClosedProject Management Icons



Used to

Print (Ctrl + P)

Access the list generator or print the customized forms for project management.

NOTE: The customized forms come from the Form Configuration icon.


Display the saved documents from Document Management for the project.

Delete the Current Activity

Allows to delete the activity currently selected in the Activities and Budgets tab.

Insert a New Activity

Allows to insert a new activity in the project, under the Activities and Budgets tab.

Redistribute Project Costs

Redistribute the master project revenues and expenses to the sub-projects.

To obtain more details on this functionality, consult the Project cost redistribution topic.

Contact Management

Access the Contact Management.

To obtain more details on the subject, consult the help for Contact Management.

Dispatch Project Management

Access the Dispatch Project Management.


Import the project activities from a standard file or an Excel file. The different choices available to the users are as follows:

  • Import Activities from a Maestro Standard File
  • Import an Excel File (allowing as well to import the budget modifications into the projects)
  • Import Activities from a File
  • Import Activities for Multiple Projects

Apply Subcontracts

Access the selection of activities to add to contract screen, in order to apply changes.

See section Apply Subcontracts for more information.

Mass Change

Allows to automatically enable or disable the access to the different types of expense by activity.

In the window that is displayed, indicate how the changes will be applied. Furthermore, indicate if the changes must be applied to the values of maestro*, maestro*MOBILE or both (if at least one MOBILE license is active).

Form Configuration

Access the Form Configuration.

To obtain additional information on how to configure and print customized forms, consult the help Form Configuration topic.

Change Status

Allows the modification of the project status from Active to In Preparation, and vice versa.


Configure the project management screen behaviour in order to facilitate the creation of a new project.

NOTE: These configurations are saved by user.

Only icons specific to this window are defined in the table above. 






maestro* > Projects > Maintenance > Projects > Project Management


Create a Project


A user can create projects only if the functionality The user has the right to add a record is enabled in the Access Restrictions tab of the Security Management (General – Access to Master Files section).

If this box is not checked, the New icon will not be accessible.

  1. Fill in the Closedgeneral information fields:
  1. Enter the required information in the Project Desc tab:
    1. ClosedSite Information section: This section allows the user to enter the complete address of the project. It is also possible to link the project with Contact Management. By default, the user can select a Site type contact.

    To link the customer address with the project address, activate the Allow selection of all contacts types in the Site field in the Configuration of the window.

    By selecting a contact of the Company type, maestro* verifies if a customer code has been entered in it. If it is the case and there is no value in the Customer field, maestro* displays the customer code linked to the contact. It also displays the customer address in the site for information purposes. However, if the Site is modified, the user has to verify the customer and modify it if necessary.




    Use as a template for sub-projects

    Allows the user to copy information from the master project to a new sub-project, if the box is checked.

    Information copied from the master project to the sub-projects includes:

    • Project Desc tab:
      • General ledger accounts
      • Budget by period
      • Overtime calculation.
    • Activities and Budgets tab:
      • Project activities
      • Activity type
      • The status of each expense type (accounts section)
      • WC/CSST
      • Budget type
      • DWRB
      • Overtime Calculation Code
    • Groups tab:
      • Group restrictions

    NOTES: If an existing project is associated with a master project whose field is checked, the new activities are added to existing activities.

    To copy other information from the Description tab (in addition to those identified above), check the Copy information from the master project option available by clicking the Configuration icon.

    Start Date

    Date on which the project starts.

    NOTE: This date is used for information purposes only.

    Delivery Date

    Planned delivery date for the project.

    NOTE: This date is used for information purposes only.

    End Date

    Automatically displays an end date when a project is closed or ends.

    Closing Date

    Automatically displays a closing date when the Close a Project option is used.

    Hlbk Release Date

    Automatically displays the holdback release date.


    Indicates the unit of measurement for the project. The available units are Meter and Foot.

    NOTE: This field is available only if the Drilling Time Management option is installed.


    Template created in Define Template Projects.

    NOTE: Templates are used to automatically create activities and assign default general ledger accounts.


    CCQ sector of the project.

    NOTE: This sector determines the payroll calculation for the CCQ report (sectors 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5). It also determines the hourly pay rate.


    Salesperson associated with the project, from Salesperson Management.


    CCQ region of the project for the CCQ report.

    NOTE: For the various CCQ trade codes, go to the website, Collective Agreements section under the Salary Rates heading.

    Project Manager

    Name of the employee responsible for the project. In multidimensional mode, an icon appears to the right of the field to allow the selection of a project manager from another company.

    NOTES: The user can enter the code for a maestro* user or enter the name in the 2nd field. The user code will allow to manage the approval of invoices payable by the project manager in the Payable Invoice Status Codes Table or Payable Invoices Approval options.

    The project manager identified in the project can receive a notification by email when receiving goods. The Project Manager has to be checked in the Notify when receiving orders section. This configuration is available in Configuration – Purchasing under the Receipt of Goods section.


    Salary annex for the CCQ report.

    NOTE: For the various annex codes, go to the website.

    Site Supervisor

    Name of the site supervisor, which is issued from Contact Management.

    NOTES: This information is used to send emails within the Project Dispatch option when the Send dispatches for project X to the foreman function is used. If no site supervisor is entered, maestro* uses the project manager.

    The site supervisor identified in the project can receive a notification by email when receiving goods. The Site Supervisor has to be checked in the Notify when receiving orders section. This configuration is available in Configuration – Purchasing under the Receipt of Goods section.

    Other Contact

    Contact issued from Contact Management. In multidimensional mode, an icon appears to the right of the field to allow the selection of a contact from another company.

    NOTE: The contact identified in the project can receive a notification by email when receiving goods. The Other Intervener Related to Project box has to be checked in the Notify when receiving orders section. This configuration is available in Configuration – Purchasing under the Receipt of Goods section.

    Project Type

    Type from Define Project Types.

    The project type can be used to:

    • Generate reports by project type;
    • Limit the access to certain types via the Security Management.

    NOTES: Additional fields can be configured by project type and are then available in the Add. Fields tab.

    If the project type defined in the Configuration – Quarry Tickets is entered in this field, the Quarry Ticket Config. tab appears.

    Overtime Calc.

    Code for calculating overtime from Define Overtime Calculation Parameters.

    Used to configure the preferred method for calculating overtime for the entire project.

    NOTE: The information can also be from the Project Template.


    Category from Define Project Categories.

    The project category can be used to:

    • Generate reports by project category;
    • Limit the access to certain categories via Security Management.

    Purchase Order

    Customer’s purchase order number for the project.

    This number can be displayed by default in the following options:

    • Enter a Sale
    • Enter Work Orders

    Main Customer

    Identifies the main customer to which the project is linked.

    NOTE: Although the customer entered here must exist in Customer Management, it is not used for invoicing or accounts receivable. It may be used as criteria for selecting or grouping projects, in the list generator, miscellaneous reports and most project reports.


    Customer from Customer Management.

    Identifies the customer to be invoiced when the project is selected.

    The customer code is displayed by default in the options listed below when the project is selected, and if the customer has been identified in it.

    • Progress Billing Contracts
    • Contract Management – Cost Plus
    • Contract Management
    • Invoicing Contract W/O
    • Work Orders


    Supplier from Supplier Management and linked to the project by default.

    NOTE: This field is used to import tickets from the Tickets menu. If there is no supplier in the import file, maestro* uses the value specified in the project.

    Inventory Site

    Default location for the project from Define Sites.

    NOTE: This field is used to invoice tickets from the Tickets menu.


    Predefined budget template from Model Management.

    Administrative Region

    Administrative region of the project. Necessary in the Tickets module.


    Department from Define Departments.

    NOTE: Departments are used to group results on financial statements.

    1. Detailed Description section: The text can be from the information entered in the Quotations/Estimating module or entered manually.
    2. Memo section: Used to enter additional notes on a project that can be printed on forms.
    3. GL Accounts section: These fields are used to enter general ledger expense accounts to which the assets are transferred when work in progress is reversed if the calculation mode for WIP is set to Active.

    If the project is managed by Expense, these accounts are used to enter project expenses. The accounts specified by default takes precedence over those in Configuration, but not those specified in Activities and Budgets.

    This section is completed automatically if a template from Define Template Projects is attached to the project and if the selected template contains account numbers in the Accounts section.

    When posting interest using the Interest Accounting option, the A/R account defined here supersedes the account defined in the Standard Accounts receivable field in configuration available in invoicing module.

    1. Technical Details section: This section allows the user to enter information for the technicians to link with the project. This information will be available in Project Dispatch in the tooltips or in the message to send to the technicians.
    2. ElekNet section: This section allows the user to configure an ElekNet access per project in case special item prices are proposed for a specific project. Note the user code, the password, as well as the shipping and invoicing account numbers.
    3. Procore section: this section allows to indicate wheher the current project must be synchronized with Procore. The section also displays the synchronization dates of the project, its transactions, and its budget.
    4. Parameter


      Synchronize the Project with Procore

      When checked, this box indicates that the project must be available for synchronization with Procore.

      Project's synchronization date with Procore

      Indicated the project's (Project Management) synchronization date.

      Start date of transaction synchronization

      Displays the date on which the transactions were synchronized with Procore.

      Transaction's synchronization date with Procore

      Displays the date of the last succesfull synchronization of the project's transactions.

      Budget's synchronization date with Procore

      Displays the date of the last synchronization of the project's budgets.

    5. ClosedSpecific rate for a currency section:

    It is possible to use a certain currency for transactions (for example, a purchase project). Maestro* then uses this currency rate instead of taking that of the Currency Management, to calculate the costs of the project. However, on the accounting level, the transaction is recorded according to the rate of the Currency Management.





    Project currency code if Currency Management is used.


    Default exchange rate for the project.

    NOTE: By default, maestro* indicates the rate for the selected currency. However, this rate can be modified. This rate is used in all transactions related to the project.

    1. ClosedHoldback Rate section:
    1. ClosedParameters section:
    1. Activities section: This section displays all the project activities defined in the tab activities and budgets. It allows user to identify massively the activities which must appear in maestro*MOBILE. In maestro*MOBILE, the choice of activity is in function of the transaction type selected.
    2. ClosedOptions section:
    1. Place sub-tab: allows defining the production place for the current project. These places will be noted in the Production tab of Daily Entries.
  2. Enter the required information in the ClosedActivity and budgets tab:

To allow the entry of expense budgets in revenue groups and revenue budgets in expense groups, the Allow the entry of budgets without validating the type of groups field must be checked in Configuration – Projects.

The fields described below may differ if the Budget by Period option in the Project Desc tab is enabled.





Activity number.


Work Breakdown Structure number reference field to be linked with SAP software.


Description of the activity code.

Activity Type

Type of activity — Division, Section, Activity or Phase.


W/C - CSST code applicable for this activity.

Budget Type

Used to change the budget type. ClosedAvailable choices:


PBB code applicable to this activity.

NOTE: This code is only used for electricians.

Overtime Calculation Code

Code that identifies the basis on which the calculation of overtime is required.

NOTES: The available list is from the Define Overtime Calculation Parameters option.

This column is only available if the Automatic calculation of overtime option is installed.

Change Order

Check box for specifying whether the activity is used for change orders (for information purposes).

NOTE: This information is available from the list generator.


Allows user to indicate if the activity is active or completed.

NOTE: If the activity is at a completed status, the amount of the projection will be equal to the real amount.

  1. ClosedQuantity to Fulfill section:
  1. ClosedConstruction Management Billing Setion :
  1. ClosedAccounts section: These fields identify a general ledger account by activity for each of the expense or income types.

This information is completed automatically if a project template with this information is used.





General ledger account.


The transaction type is inactive if the box is checked.

NOTE: Transaction entry is impossible if the transaction type is inactive.

  1. Available in MOBILE section: This section allows the user to specify what activities must be visible in the maestro*MOBILE application. The user must identify in what context the activity can be used (Labor, Equipment, Material and/or Progress Percentage). In maestro*MOBILE, the choice of activity will be in relation to the transaction type selected.
  2. ClosedBudget Section:

In multidimensional mode, the information is displayed in a different tab for each company.

In Budget by Period mode, in the Total Budget tab, maestro* displays the total of all budgets defined by period in the Budget by Period tab.





Groups of expenses and income available for the selected activity.


Description of expense and income groups.

Type of Follow-Up

Used to identify the follow-up type by activity and by group, which can be Lump Sum or Unit.


Unit of measure for the expense group.

NOTE: Only to be used if the same unit of measure applies to all expenses in the group.


Work Breakdown Structure number reference field to be linked with SAP software.


Selling budget for the activity, for the specified group.

NOTE: The user can only enter a selling budget only for 2-Billing income group types. This type is defined in Define Cost Groups.


Modification to the selling budget for the activity, for the specified group. Can also be from the selling price for activity extras. Example: if the initial budget is $100 and the new budget is $400, $300 is entered. The amount can be negative if the budget is reduced.

NOTE: The user can only enter a change to the selling budget for 2-Billing income group types. This type is defined in Define Cost Groups.

Changes made to revenue budgets, as a result of importing modified Excel budgets, fall into this column.


Cost budget for the activity, for the specified group.

NOTE: The user can enter a cost budget for all expense groups except for the 2-Billing income type. This type is defined in Define Cost Groups.


Amount of the modification to the cost budget for the activity, for the specified group. Can also be from the cost price for activity extras.

NOTE: The user can enter a cost budget for all expense groups except for the 2 – Billing income type. This type is defined in Define Cost Groups.

Changes made to cost budgets, as a result of importing modified Excel budgets, fall into this column.


Budgeted quantity for the activity, for the specified group.

NOTE: The user can enter a cost budget for all expense groups except for the 2 – Billing income type. This type is defined in Define Cost Groups.


Modification to the activity quantity for the budget, for the specified group.

NOTE: The user can enter a cost budget for all expense groups except for the 2 – Billing income type. This type is defined in Define Cost Groups.

Changes made to the activity quantity for the budget, as a result of importing modified Excel budgets, fall into this column.

  1. Enter the required information in the Groups tab: This function is used to restrict access to groups for all project activities.
  2. The user can view the total amounts for activities by group in the Project Total tab.
  3. In the Quarry Tickets Config. tab, it is possible to enter values and configurations used for the severance taxes and quarry tickets.

This tab is only visible if the Project Type of the current project is the one entered in the Project Type field of the Configuration – Quarry Tickets.


The Severance tax section allows the user to enter a product code that corresponds to a mining tax or a surcharge and that has to be applied to the invoicing unit of the ticket. It is also possible to enter the revenue Project, Activity and Group to which the severance tax has to be imputed. This section only applies to Receivable (Invoicing Type) tickets.


The Severance tax is automatically applied when invoicing Quarry Tickets that are linked to the current project. It appears on a distinct line on the invoice.

To create a ticket that is free from this tax, the DOT box has to be checked when creating a Quarry Quotations. For more information, please refer to the help document on Quarry Quotations and Ticket Management.


Checking the Use source specific settings box allows the selection of quarry tickets configurations specific to this project. The entered values in these fields replace the ones defined in the Configuration of the Quarry Tickets module. For more information on how to use these configurations, please refer to the help topic on Configuration (Quarry Tickets).

The Do not post the inventory adjustment report box has an impact on the use of the Inventory Adjustments option of the Quarry Tickets:

  • When the box is not checked (by default), the inventory adjustments and posting of amounts is carried out only if the user prints the Inventory Adjustment report and answers Yes to the question Do you want to post these amounts?
  • When the box is checked, the question Do you want to post these amounts? Is not asked. The tickets are automatically considered as treated and the amounts are not posted when the report is accepted.

The External Source field is used to enter the manufacturer’s equivalent project number. A link is created between the identified source in the import file and the project in maestro*. The external source must be unique.


The External Source is available only in the version 3.05 of maestro*.

  1. In the Default Values by Trade tab, it is possible to define, by trade, the shift, the sector, the annex and the union code that will appear by default in the different input screens for hours, when transactions are entered for the current project.

When a trade code is specified and that the sector is empty, maestro* uses the area identified in the project, under the Project Desc tab, to view the annexes.

  1. In the Certificates tab, it is possible to enter, for informational purposes, the certifications required to work on the project. The certifications come from the Certification Management option, available in the Purchasing module, under the Maintenance section.
  2. Click Save (F12).

For a subproject, the Type of Projection and Entry level of progress % are calculated according to the value in these fields. It does not consider the value for the master project.


Import a Budget

The user can import a budget. Importing in this way makes it easier to enter budgets for a project by using an existing Excel file. The Excel file used must contain all of the necessary information to import.

Generate a standard reusable Excel file

  1. Click on the Import icon in the menu at the top of the screen.
  2. From the available menu, select Import an Excel file.
  3. Click Cancel.
  4. Click the right mouse button in the grid and then click Transfer to Excel.

Import Data

  1. Complete the Excel file according to the project and save it. This file can be reused for all future imports into projects.
  2. Click again on the Import icon and select Import an Excel file.
  3. Select the previously completed Excel file and save.
  4. Click the Confirm Table icon to check its validity.
  5. Click the Apply icon to import the data.

The Import activities from a standard Maestro file and Import activities from a file functions only work with a flat input file (.txt or .csv), not an Excel file.


Apply Subcontracts

In a residential construction context, when a price per model exists, the Apply Subtractions icon makes it possible to create a Purchase order attached to the subcontract for all phases.

  1. Click on the Apply Subcontracts icon.
    The Selection of activities to add to a contract window will appear.
  2. Select and check the box of the line corresponding to the subcontracting contract linked to the price per model.
  3. Click on the Apply icon.
    A new purchase order has been created in the subcontract Purchase Orders tab. The details of each phase will be explained in the Breakdown sub-tab.


see also


Last modification: February 18, 2025