Send a Message


The Send a Message option is used to send one or more documents to one or more contacts in the maestro* address book and keep track in the Transmittal Log.


This option also lets you send messages to contacts outside of the maestro* address book (Outlook for example).

Various maestro* options use the Send a Message option; simply click on the icon to open the Send a Message window.






maestro* > Maintenance > General Maintenance > Contacts > Send a Message


Send a Document

  1. First enter a Subject. It will be entered in the Subject field of the messaging software used.
  2. Click on the French button to enter the French version of the subject.


The spftware will display the subjet in the contact's preferred language.

  1. Enter the required information in the Recipients tab:
    1. Select an address book.
    2. Choose a method to handle all attachments.



    Address Book

    Available values :


    Used to select one or more contacts from among the employees entered in Define Employees.


    Used to select one or more contacts from among the contacts associated with a quotation.


    Used to select one or more contacts from among the suppliers entered in Supplier Management.

    MS Outlook

    Used to select one or more contacts from among the contacts available in Microsoft Outlook.


    Used to select one or more contacts from among the customers entered in Customer Management.

    Issue Mgmt.

    Used to select one or more contacts from among the contacts associated with a specific issue management item.


    Used to select one or more contacts from among the contacts associated with a project.


    Displays all available contacts.


    There are three ways to handle attachments: 

    • Send each attachment in its original format;
    • Convert each attachment into PDF;
    • Merge all attachments (.pdf) into one PDF document;
    • Merge all attachments (.pdf) as well as the main form into one PDF document.
    1. Click on the Contact or Distribution List icon. All information entered in the contact's file will automatically be displayed.
    2. For each recipient, indicate whether the message must be sent to them by checking the Send box.
  2. Enter the required information in the English Message tab:
    1. In the left section, enter the text of the message you wish to send. If needed, use the text format tools (font, font size, font properties, numbering, etc.). The text sample is automatically displayed on the right.
    2. Select a signature option:
  3. Field


    Use the signature in e-mails

    Adds a signature to a message, if the box is checked. By default, the box is checked or not depending on the settings defined in Mailing Configuration or in the Preferences option.

    NOTE: It is possible to check or clear the box for sending at any time. The configuration applies to the current e-mail message.

    The signature can be from Outlook or a directory of signatures. The signature is selecting by clicking the Select of an e-mail signature icon.

    Selection of an e-mail signature

    Lets the user select the signature to be added to the e-mail. The source can be either Outlook or a directory of signatures.

    NOTE: By default, if a signature has been defined in the Preferences option, it is proposed by default. You can change it for the e-mail by selecting another signature.

  1. If needed, attach files to the message in the Attachments tab.
    1. If needed, select a Context.
    2. To add documents, click on the Link to an "Other" File or Link a file coming from Document Management icon. It is possible to select mutliple documents by clicking on Shift + Click or Ctrl + Click.
    3. It is possible to view the highlighted document by making a double-click on the file.
    4. If needed, check the Convert to PDF box of each applicable documents.
  2. Click Send.


See also


Last modification: February 18, 2025