Define Assemblies


The Define Assemblies function is used to create a set of elements (items, resources, subcontractors, sub-assemblies) that represent a portion of work that may be reused in other estimates.

For example, an assembly can be created to:

  • build an 8-foot high wall
  • repave a road
  • install or replace a roof
  • install electrical wiring
  • install flooring
  • installing plumbing, etc.

The update of the various elements data and options related to the assemblies is carried out as follows:

When opening an assembly:

  • resources are updated with the Resource Management;
  • items are updated firstly with the Table of Resource by Item/Estimate Type, then with the Catalogue Management.



The Configuration panel is where you specify the frequency for automatic backups to be performed by maestro* in minutes.





ClosedDefine Assemblies Icons

3.05 Icon


Used to


Générateur de rapport




Open the Document Management option.



Open the Contact Management option.

Inventory Inquiry


Open the Catalogue Inquiry option.



Open the Maintenance of JcSouRes File option.


Import the takeoff in order to save the variables without the quantities.

Recalculate Table


By default, this button recalculate the estimation (F9). When clicking on the drop-down control, costs, tables, and resources related to the items can also be updated.

Add Item from Catalog

Add an item from the catalogue from Catalogue Management or the Local Catalogue.

Add Subcontractor

Add a subcontractor from Supplier Management or Contact Management.

Add Labour Resource

Add a Labour or Other resource type from Resource Management.

Add Equipment Resource

Add an Equipment or Other resource type from Resource Management.

Add Assembly

Add an assembly from Define Assemblies option.

NOTE Sub-assembly details are not displayed in the Define Assemblies. Details are only displayed when used. If a sub-assembly contains variables, they are also not displayed in the Define Assemblies option.

Collapse Tree

Reduce the level of detail for the assembly.

Expand Tree

Expand the level of detail for the assembly.

Close Current Line

Reduce the level of detail for the current line.

Open Current Line

Expand the level of detail for the current line.

Move this field down

Move the selected line down.

Move this field up

Move the selected line up.

Only icons specific to this window are defined in the table above. 






maestro* > Projects > Estimating > Processing > Define Assemblies


Creating an assembly

  1. Choose the method for creating the assembly from the following table:



Create an assembly in Define Assemblies option

  1. Click on New icon.
  2. Click the Construction Estimate tab or the Distribution Estimate tab.

NOTE: This step is required if the Customer Orders module is installed.

  1. Select Assembly in the transaction type field, then click Accept.

NOTE: An assembly can be created using the Estimating option by clicking the New icon.

Create a copy of an existing assembly

  1. Select an assembly.
  2. Click Accept icon. The assembly is displayed on the screen.
  3. From the File menu, select the Create a new assembly from this one option. A copy of the assembly is available.
  4. Enter a code in the Assembly field.
  5. Make the necessary changes and Save.

Import an assembly from an Excel file

Used to import multiple new assemblies or modify existing ones.

Refer to the Exportation and Importation sections for steps on exporting and importing.

  1. From the Assembly screen, enter the required information in the ClosedDescription section:
  1. Enter the required information in the Detail tab:
    1. Complete total columns in the following table, which are located below the toolbar of the ClosedDetail tab as needed:
    1. Complete the detail columns as required in the following table. The detail columns are located under the totals columns.

    When an item or resource is selected, inventory can be checked for the element by clicking the Inventory Inquiry or Resource icon in the toolbar at the top of the screen.





    Identifies the line type when an icon is clicked (Item, Subcontractor, Resource, etc.).


    Displays the code that identifies the item (Item, Subcontractor, Resource, etc.).


    Description of the selected item.

    Long Description

    Used to indicate some details linked to the material (such as model, make, dimensions) or the scope of the work (for a subcontractor).

    For items, this description is transferred in the Long description of the Detail tab for resources by project, requisition or command from the catalogue.

    For resources, assemblies and sub-estimates, this description can be used in forms.

    For subcontractors, information is transferred in the Details sub-tab of the Original Contract tab, from the Subcontract Management option (Purchasing module).

    Additional Description

    Represents the descriptions of lines 2 and 3 for an item from Catalogue Management.

    NOTE: Column available only if the Integrate with purchasing box is checked in the General Settings > Projects > Construction Estimate.


    By default, the defined quantity is multiplied by the quantity of the assembly to be produced. If the Fixed Quantity column is checked, this quantity no longer depends on the quantity to be produced.

    NOTES: A quantity displayed in bold indicates that the quantity is the result of a calculation. Position the cursor in the field to see the formula used.

    The quantity may vary depending on the variables configured in the Variables tab.

    Fixed Quantity

    If selected, the amount remains the same, regardless of the quantity used in the assembly.

    EXAMPLE: To build an 8-foot wall, you must rent a scaffold. Regardless of the number of feet in the wall, the quantity for this item will always be 1.

    Unit Price

    Displays the supplier price by default, as defined in Catalogue Management. For resources, the price comes from the Resource Management.

    The unit price is provided for information purposes, given that the price used in the estimate is determined by the Cost Source selected in the estimate.

    Total Cost

    Total cost amount.


    Displays the inventory unit defined in Catalogue Management.


    Expense activity from Catalogue Management.


    Expense group from Catalogue Management.

    Replaced By

    Links a detail line in the assembly to a variable of one of the following types:

    • Choosing a catalogue item
    • Choosing a resource
    • Choosing a subcontractor

    NOTE: When the estimate is prepared, this line is replaced with the selected elements. Otherwise, the line from the assembly is retained.

    Contact Number

    Used to select a contract from the Contact Management instead of a supplier (i.e. subcontractor) from the Supplier Management.

    IMPORTANT: it’s not possible to select a supplier AND a contact. It’s one or the other. If the user select a contact, the Group and Activity should be specified in the ligne for the estimate.

    Can be modified only for the subcontractors.

    Number of Resources

    Displays the number of resources from Resource Management.

  2. Enter the required information in the ClosedVariables tab:

The variables are used to define the quantity (or the formulas for calculating quantities) for an item, resource, subcontractor and/or sub-assembly. These variables are then available for use in formulas for calculating Quantities in the Detail tab.





Identifies the name of the variable. This information is required when creating formulas to calculate the quantity.

NOTE: The Name may not contain spaces or special characters (, : . *).


Value from the worksheet based on the cell specified in the Calculating Sheet tab, or displays the value entered manually.

NOTE: If questions are defined, the default value for the answer is displayed.


Calculates a value based on functions supported in VBScript language.

To create a formula, click the ... icon to the right in the Formula field to display the formula definition screen.

Calculating Sheet

Identifies the Excel cell used to perform the calculation.


Identifies the unit of measure for the variable, for information purposes.


Detailed description that explains the variable, for information purposes.

Variable Type

Define the type of questions to ask the user when the variable is used in the Detail tab. ClosedAvailable values.

NOTE: When an assembly is selected in estimates, the user must answer questions that affect the calculations or the choice of elements (items, resources, subcontractors).

Multiple Selection Allowed

If selected, indicates that more than one element can be selected as an answer for an assembly that is added to the estimate. Otherwise, a single element may be selected.

NOTE: Not available for the Quantity variable type.



Question to ask the user in the estimate to indicate the information required in this field.

Min. Value

Minimum allowable value to validate the answer in estimates.

NOTES: Entering values separated by a semicolon makes it possible to offer a choice of answers to the user.

The value of the variable to be entered is the value preceding the hyphen. The rest of the value is the description. Example: 1-YES; 2-NO.

Maex. Value

Maximum value that the user can answer.

Display Cond.

Condition that lets you specify a formula that determines whether the question should be displayed or not.

NOTE: The formula can be built using the variables in preceding lines. If the answer is true, the question is displayed. If the answer is false, the answer is not displayed and the value of the variable will be the value defined by default. Applies only if there is a question.



Classification that restricts the search for an item or resource in the estimate.

NOTE: The classifications are from Define Item Classifications (Purchasing module > MaintenanceCatalogue).

Additional Fields

Column that is only visible if:

  1. additional fields have been defined in Catalogue Management (for which the Field Type is a number); AND
  2. the Variable Type, in the Variables tab of the assembly, shows the Catalogue Item Selection option.
  1. Calculating Sheet tab: This tab is used in the same way as a worksheet is used in Excel. By entering a worksheet, the user can then link the data from this sheet to the Variables tab.

There is no link between the Calculating Sheet tab from the Define Assemblies option and that in the estimate.

  1. The Additional Fields is used create fields for adding information about assemblies, if necessary.
  2. Click Save.
  3. Click Exit to close the Assembly screen.


Exporting an assembly

  1. From the main screen in the Define Assemblies option, click the Tools menu and then Export Assemblies.
  2. In the parameter selection screen, select the assemblies to be exported and click Accept. An Excel file opens.
  3. Complete the Excel file according to your needs and save.


Importing an assembly


To ensure that importing an Excel file into an assembly works correctly:

  • The format of the Excel file must be identical to the format generated by the Export Assemblies option.
  • The Excel file must contain two panels; one named Detail and another named Variables. It is important to keep the names of the columns intact, as well as the number of columns in the file.
  • For all assemblies, a code is required in the Code column, otherwise, the detail line will not be imported.
  1. From the main screen in Assembly Management, click the Tools menu and then Import Assemblies.
  2. Select the file to be imported and click Accept. The data from the file is displayed in the Import Assemblies screen.
  3. Click Validate the Table icon to ensure there are no errors.

Maestro* displays any errors found in red. Any required corrections can be made directly in the import screen.

  1. Click Apply to transfer the data from the file to the Define Assemblies option.

If the assembly already exists, maestro* displays a confirmation message indicating that it exists and asks the user if he wants to change it. If the user answers Yes, the assembly is replaced by the one in the Excel file. If the user answers No, importing elements linked to this assembly is canceled.

  1. Once the import is complete, a message is displayed indicating the number of new assemblies added, modified or with errors during import. Click OK to return to the assembly selection screen.


Importing variables from the Takeoff


See also


Last modification: February 20, 2025