Creating Suppliers in maestro* and Settings

December 06, 2023 version


Unit AP02

Printable Version

In maestro*, it is necessary to set up all suppliers for which transactions have to be generated. These transaction can be, but not exclusively, orders and/or invoice payments. In addition to the supplier's name and contact information, a number of parameters have to be set for each of them, to be able to perform and generate future transactions: payment terms, applicable tax and discounts, certificates, etc.

Even though suppliers can be created one by one in maestro*, when one needs to be added, it is obviously much more efficient to set up all of the supplier parameters before the Go-Live. That way, users can concentrate on the transactions to generate instead of having to spend a ton of time setting up parameters every time a supplier is used for the first time in maestro*. A functionality which allows to import all the necessary data to the creation of supplier files in maestro* has therefore been created. This import is made using an Excel file.

This document presents the procedure to mass import and create supplier files in maestro*, as well as how to set up and assign the parameters to each supplier in the Excel file, used for the import.





Setting Up Supplier Types

The Define supplier types option allows to create supplier types to categorize them in order to:

  • group them into lists,
  • facilitate searches,
  • define discounts that apply to some of them and perform batch disbursements.

Each supplier created in maestro* will be assigned, if applicable, a supplier type. The creation of supplier types must answer the company's needs - the latter could want, for example, to group suppliers according to the nature of sold products, their region, etc. Furthermore, it is not necessary to create to "subcontractor" type since the Project Type field, in the Supplier Management option, already makes it possible to assign this characteristic to a supplier, to later generate the necessary report to complete the T5018 Statement of Contract Payments form.


maestro* > Purchasing > Maintenance > Suppliers > Define Supplier Types



Online Help (F1) - Define Supplier Types


To Create a Supplier Type

  1. In the Supplier Management window, click on the New icon.
  2. Enter a code and a description in the fields to this effect.
  3. Click on the Save icon.
  4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 to add new types or click on the Quit icon.



Setting Up Payment Terms

Maestro* allows to create different payment terms, a predetermined number of days for the payment of supplier invoices. Even though one of these payment terms can be selected as the default term in the Configuration option, this does not prevent the identification of a different payment term specific to each supplier. Also, the payment term will be used by the supplier for project purchases, subcontracts, and/or purchases made through a service call. Maestro* will use the defined payment term to determine the payment's due date1.

If payment terms are set before the supplier import, it will be possible to specify, in the Excel import file, the term to use for every supplier. This will avoid having to go back in each supplier's file to identify the term to be applied.



maestro* > Purchasing > Maintenance > Suppliers > Payment Terms Management



Online Help (F1) - Payment Terms Management


To Create a Payment Term in maestro*

  1. In the Payment Terms Management window, click on the New icon.
  2. Enter a Description corresponding to the payment term.
  3. Enter the number of days in the field of the same name. This number will be calculated starting on the transaction date to determine the date on which the invoice is due. For example, for a 30 day term, an invoice issued on August 13th will be due on September 12th.


  1. Enter in the Day field the date on which the transaction amount is due and, in the Number of months field, the number of months when the amount will be due. For example, if 15 is entered in the Day field and 0 in the Number of months field, the invoice will be due on the 15th day of the current month. If the invoice is dated September 14th, it will be due on September 15. If it is dated September 16th, it will be due on October 15, since the 15th day of the current month is passed.

If it is still 15 in the Day field but 1 is entered in the Number of months field, the invoice will be due on the 15th day of the next month. An invoice dated September 14th will therefore be due on October 15, and an invoice dated September 16th, will also be due on October 15.

  1. Click on the Save icon.
  2. Repeat this operation for all payment terms to create.
  3. Click on Quit.



In the Purchases section of the Purchasing module's Configuration option, the Payment Terms parameter is used to indicate one of the terms set up in the Payment Terms Management option as default for all suppliers. This term will therefore apply to all suppliers, unless a payment term was previously set by default for this specific supplier (in the Supplier Management option). Furthermore, this default Payment Term for all suppliers will also apply to "immediate" project purchase payments - it will however be possible to override this default condition and ignore the message to this effect by erasing the term displayed in the Project Purchase window.



Setting Up Supplier Discounts

Setting up payment discounts applicable to supplier invoices allows to link these discounts to suppliers using codes and/or to systematically benefit from said discounts, if these are set as default.


maestro* > Purchasing > Maintenance > Suppliers > Early Payment Discount Codes



Online Help (F1) - Early Payment Discount Codes


To Set Up a Discount

  1. In the Early Payment Discount Codes window, assign a description to the discount to create in the Description field.
  2. Then, using the scroll-down menu, select the Discount Type that must apply. The available choices are: 
    • Number of Days - the payment period, in number of days, associated with the validity of the discount.
    • Day of next month - the day of a month following the reception of the invoice from which the discount is valid.
  3. In one of the boxes dedicated to the Number of Days, enter the number of days from the date of the transaction if the Discount Type is Number of days, or the date number is the Discount Type is Day of next month.
  4. If the Discount Type is Day of next month, enter the number of months in the box to this effect.
  5. Then not the applicable Discount Rate. For a 10% discount, for example, write 0.1000.
  6. Click on the Save icon.
  7. Repeat steps 1 to 6 so as to create all necessary discounts.


Though maestro* can ignore it when performing a payment in the software, payment discounts created in the Early Payment Discount Codes option can be selected to apply be default at any time (through the maestro* General Settings) or for specific suppliers (through the Supplier Management option). However, take care to not that, to apply, the Advanced option of the of Discount  Calculation section also has to be selected in the Configuration icon of the Selected Disbursements option. This parameter is in fact a user-specific configuration that every user will have to set.



Setting Up Payable Invoice Statuses

As many other of the software's elements (orders, service calls, projects, etc.), maestro* assigns statuses to outstanding invoices. These statuses allow to follow the evolution of said invoices in the payment workflow, as well as display or select the invoices characterized by a specific status. From the outset, three statuses are set up in maestro* and automatically assigned to invoices according to actions taken by users:

  • 0 - Invoice entered but not transferred
  • 8 - Invoice transferred to payable
  • 9 - Invoice fully paid


The adjective "transferred", used in two of the previous statuses, could be replaced by "accounted". A transfer in maestro* formalises a transaction in the general ledger (GL) and therefore generates accounting entries. More information is available in the document MAES02.

It is possible to set up additional invoice statuses in the Define AP Status Codes option. These additional statuses can be used, in part, to explain the reasons why the payment of an invoice was refused (a litigation, for example) or then again to integrate an outstanding invoice approval workflow2. Furthermore, maestro* can manage the assignment of default statuses to all invoices, either by supplier or according to predetermined conditions.


maestro* > Purchasing > Maintenance > Suppliers > Define AP Status Codes



Online Help (F1) - Define AP Status Codes


To Create and Add a Payable Invoice Status in maestro*, i.e. 1 - Invoice to Approve

  1. In the Define AP Status Codes window, select an unused code and enter the status description to create in the Description and/or French Description fields.


It is possible to set a colour per approval code by clicking on the Configuration icon in the Define AP Status Codes window.

  1. If the invoice has to be approved by a specific user before moving to the next status:
  1. Enter this user's number in the User for Approval column field, or
  2. Check one of the following two columns' box: 
  • Approval from Project Manager if the invoice has to be approved by the project manager assigned to the project for which the invoice has been issued before being paid.
  • Display for users who have access to the project if the invoice has to be displayed in the Payable Invoice Approval option and be approved by a user with an access to the project linked to the invoice before being paid.


Whoever the user identified for approval is, they will have to access the Payable Invoice Approval option on a regular basis to approve said invoices. Contrary to the Workflow Management option, no email will be sent to the approver to tell them an action is required on their part and, once the invoice is approved, it will be impossible to retrace the approver (in the case where multiple users are approvers) and know the moment an approval is required.

Furthermore, if the Approval from Project Manager option is chosen as the status of a given invoice, it will be necessary to review the security parameters applied to each project manager to make sure they only have access to their own projects, and thus make sure they only see the invoices linked to the projects they manage in the Payable Invoice Approval option. Obviously, they also have to be identified as project manager for their projects, in the Project Management option.

  1. Click on the Save icon.
  2. Repeat steps 1 to 4 to create the necessary outstanding invoice statuses, up to nine different statuses.
  3. Click on Quit to close the option.



Assigning Default Statuses to All Invoices

As it will be discussed when completing a supplier's file in maestro*, it is possible to associate an default outstanding invoice status to a supplier so that the letter's invoices will display this status once they are entered and transferred into the software. A minimum amount can also be specified so that only invoices with an amount greater than the indicated one will be subject to this default status.

More generally, the maestro* Configurations offer users different parameters to specify default outstanding invoice statuses to apply when no information to this effect is specified for the issuing invoice's supplier.


maestro* > Purchasing > Maintenance > Supplier > Configuration



Online Help (F1) - Configuration


  1. Open the tree-like structure under the Purchasing option in the left-most section of the window and click on Purchases.

In the right section of the window, four parameters are linked to the status of outstanding invoices: 

  • Invoice Status - the status applied by default to an invoice following the transaction transfer.
  • Lien Invoice Status - the status to apply, by defualt, to invoices linked to a lien.
  • Status if the invoice meets the approval requirements - the status to assign to invoices that can be automatically approved if they are linked to stock orders from catalogue and if they meet the criteria predefined and determined by maestro*.
  • Minimum Amount - the minimum total amount of an invoice for the status, defined in the Invoice Status field, to automatically be applied.
  1. Complete these four fields, if needed, and click on the Save icon.
  2. Click on the Quit icon to close the option.






As for all configured elements in maestro*, the status of invoices to be paid and invoice approval workflow will have to be tested and validated before the Go-Live.


Setting Up Supplier Certifications

Maestro* makes it possible to save certifications required by various legislative authorities to perform certain work or to validate whether a supplier or subcontractor is allowed to practice3. Indeed, it is possible, in the Supplier Management option, to link a certificate to a supplier and to follow-up on whether the certification type was selected in the Define Supplier Certificates option. For example, here are a couple of certificates that are frequently saved for suppliers:

  • Revenu Québec Attestation
  • RBQ License
  • Civil Liability Insurance
  • Tax Numbers Validation
  • CNESST certificate of compliance
  • Status Letter - CCQ

maestro* > Purchasing > Maintenance > Suppliers > Define Supplier Certificates



Online Help (F1) - Define Supplier Certificates


To Create a Certification Type in maestro*

  1. In the Define Supplier Certificates, click on the New icon.
  2. Enter the certification's name in the Description field.
  3. Check if the Supplier option is selected in the Certificate Type field.
  4. Click on the Save icon. Maestro* automatically generates a code linked to the created certificate.
  5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 to create all the necessary certificates. It is possible to click on the button to right of the Code field at all times to view the previously saved certificates.
  6. Click on the Quit icon to close the window.



Let's remember that once the certificates are assigned to suppliers and expiration dates, maestro* will be able to stop the generation of disbursements or display a warning message when a supplier's certificate expires. For this to work, the Action of Expiry of Certificates parameter, in the Purchasing module's Configuration option, will have to be completed.




Creating and Setting Up Suppliers in maestro*

Once most of the supplier settings have been completed in maestro*, it si time to create the actual suppliers and assign them the previously created settings. Though it is possible to individually create the suppliers in the software, it is a lot quicker, during implementation, to first import a supplier list, even if it is partial or incomplete. Each new general import will bonify the maestro* supplier data with the new and additional information displayed in the import file. The entry and update of suppliers in maestro* can thus be performed in stages and it is always possible to massively add new suppliers through an import.


In maestro*, the suppliers and subcontractors are combined in a same and single database. It is a specific field in the Supplier Management window, the Project Type4, that allows to indicate whether the supplier is a subcontractor, or not, and thus facilitate the identication if subcontractors to complete the T5018 Statement of Contract Payments report.



Creating an Import File

For a massive import of supplier data, Maestro suggests to collect all data in an Excel file. Furthermore, the implementation of a new software is the perfect time to update the company's list of suppliers. After a couple of years and possible correspondance changes, a little cleaning is necessary. As all suppliers have to be created or imported in maestro*, it is important to spend time on reviewing their codification. This long-term work can in fact start at the very beginning of the implementation process to accelerate it.


Supplier Codification

If the codification between the last system used and maestro* differs, it is really important to keep a trace of the older codes (in an Excel file, for example) and especially of the correspondance between the older and new codes. Why? When first using maestro*, also called the Go-Live, it will be necessary to import the opening balance of all suppliers. If the supplier codes change, it will be necessary to create a correspondance to charge the right amounts to the right entities.

As for the supplier (and customer) codification, Maestro recommands to not use phone numbers as code since these can change throughout the years.

For the list of all the fields in the Supplier Management option that can be entered on an Excel file, to then be imported in maestro*:

  1. In the Supplier Management window, click on Tools in the menu bar.
  2. Select the Import an Excel File option.

A window titled Import Data appears and lists all the Supplier Management fields. Furthermore, some columns indicate the type, the length, and the default of possible data values that can be entered in each fields.

In the Excel file created for the import, the first line is used to indicate the nature of the information that will be entered in each column, and then a line per supplier is used to enter the said information. Obviously, the more information is included in the mass import, the less time will be needed to manually enter the missing information in each suppliers' files.

Generally, the following data appears in the file:

  • Supplier status: A for Active
  • Code: Assigned by the customer
  • Supplier name and main coordinates (one address only)
  • Main contact, title, email
  • Supplier type
  • Project type: S for Subcontractor
  • Tax codes
  • Tax numbers
  • Due date (payment terms)
  • Payment mode: Transfer (direct payment) or Cheque
  • Account number (if Transfer)
  • Transit number (if Transfer)
  • Invoice status (if applicable)

Importing a File


maestro* > Purchasing > Maintenance > Suppliers > Supplier Management



Online Help (F1) - Supplier Management


To Import a Supplier Data File in maestro*

  1. In the Supplier Management window, click on the Tools menu.
  2. Select the Import and Excel File option.


To make sure you see all the of a window's options and fields, in maestro*, it is recommended to always work in fullscreen mode.

  1. Select the Excel file containing all supplier information in the File Explorer.

When you select the Excel file, the name of the columns (which are entered in the first line of the file) appear in the right section of the Import Data window, titled Imported Fields.

  1. Link the information by selecting the line of the field to be filled in the grid on the left, then, when it is highlighted, make a double-click on the name of the column where the information to be imported is displayed.
  2. Repeat the last step for all fields to be linked.


If the information to import is a date, select the desired format beforehand by clicking on the Date Format field's scroll down menu.

  1. Click on the Transfer icon.

An error message will indicate if all the information has successfully been imported and/or the list of all errors occured.

  1. Click on Ok.
  2. Click on Close to close the report viewer and on Quit in the Import Data window.
  3. Click on the Save icon to keep, in maestro*, the recently imported information.

The suppliers and their information is now entered in maestro*. It is possible to validate them by clicking on the icon, to the right of the Code field, in the Supplier Management option.

For more information on the import of suppliers and their data, view the Performing a General Import section of the training document Maestro* Overview and Customization and/or the How-To - Using an Excel Template to Import Data in maestro*


Combining Suppliers

When justified, maestro* allows the merging of two suppliers in a single one and, at the same time, groups the history of both suppliers. It is then possible to delete the supplier that is no longer needed. View the F1 - Merge Suppliers for more information.

Setting Up Supplier Addresses

The Define Supplier Addresses option allows to enter, as its name indicates, additional addresses and other information to suppliers who possess multiple offices or for which the head office address differs from the warehouse or points of services. This supplier address database will make it possible, when setting up the supplier itself, to identify the default order address. It will also be possible, when entering any stock order from catalogue in maestro*, to select the address where the order has to be ordered from. This option is very useful when a same supplier owns multiple branches and that the payment is always made to the head office.

As many other setting options, it is possible to mass save data through data imports from an Excel file. The file's columns will simply have to be associated with the option's fields. A new user will therefore find it advantageous to simultaneously create an additional Excel file, listing multiple supplier addresses, while designing the initial supplier import file.


maestro* > Purchasing > Maintenance > Suppliers > Define Supplier Addresses



Online Help (F1) - Define Supplier Addresses


To Manually Enter and Add an Additional Address to a Preexisting Supplier in maestro*

  1. In the Define Supplier Addresses window, click on the New icon.
  2. In the Code field, select the supplier to which a new address must be assigned.
  3. Enter the branch number in the No. field.


The Branch Code field is only used to identify the Eleknet branch code when orders are placed using this e-commerce intermediary. Be careful not to confuse those two fields.

  1. Complete the other contact, correspondance, language, applicable tax codes fields, as well as the customer number given by the supplier when the file was opened, if applicable.
  2. Click on the Save icon.
  3. Click on the Quit account to close the window.

Creating and/or Completing a Supplier File

Once the suppliers and most of their data has been imported, complete each of their files in maestro*.


maestro* > Purchasing > Maintenance > Suppliers > Supplier Management



Online Help (F1) - Supplier Management


The symbol that follows the name of a field means the latter can/has to be completed at this step of the implementation process. The use and information concerning the other fields will be shared with you throughout training sessions, according to the modules and options on which they have an impact.

The field names followed by a asterisk (*) are mandatory.

  1. In the Supplier Management window, first click on the button to the right of the Code field to select the supplier for which the data must be displayed.




Alphanumerical field.


Supplier's name.


Status of the supplier in maestro*: A - Active, B - Blocked, and 1 - Closed.

NOTE: It will be impossible to link transactions to this supplier if their status is 1 - Closed. It is however possible to generate disbursements if the status is B - Blocked.


When checked, this box indicates that the purchase transactions with this supplier have to be processed in intercompany mode.

NOTE: This box is meant for companies that wish to perform intercompany transactions between different companies in maestro* when the software is not used in multidimensional mode. When the box is checked, the expense accounts indicated in the Intercompany option Project module's General Settings replace the expenses accounts in the purchase transactions with this supplier. Furthermore, if the box is checked, all the invoices linked to the supplier will be checked Interco in the Project Purchase option. This can however be modified when entering a project purchase.

Company Mask

Allows to link a supplier to a specific company using a company mask.

NOTE: Available in multidimensional mode only.

  1. Complete the Address section of the Main Fields tab.




If applicable, indicate's the supplier's division.







Supplier's postal and telephone contact details.







Postal Code


Zip Code



Long Distance



Business language mainly used by the supplier.


Currency used by the supplier.


Main supplier contact.

  1. Complete the Other section.




Text field used to assign a type to the supplier.

NOTE: This field does not come from the Define Supplier Types option, but is used as a complement to the Supplier Type field.

Supplier Type

Type from the Define Supplier Types option.

Holdback Rate

Holdback rate applied by default to all orders and invoices linked to this supplier.

Discount Rate

Discount rate granted by the supplier and applied by default to all disbursements to which they are linked.

Discount Calc.

Discount calculation mode applied by this supplier.

Available Values


With Tax

Discount calculated after tax.

Without G.S.T.

Discount calculated on the purchase amount plus PST.

Without P.S.T.

Discount calculated on the purchase amount plus GST.

Without Tax

Discount calculated before tax.

Disc. Code

Code set up in the Define Discount Codes option.

NOTE: To take into account only if the Purchase Order Management option is used, which is becoming increasingly rare.

Payment Terms

Payment term, entered in the Define Payment Terms option, applicable to this supplier's orders and invoices.

Early Disc. Group

Discount group (credit terms) linked to the supplier for disbursements. The former comes from the Early Payment Discount Codes option.

NOTE: This discount group is only applied if the Advanced mode is activated for the Discount Calculation in the Configuration icon of the Selected Disbursements option.

Rec. Proc. Mode

Receipt of goods processing mode. Allows to modify the software's behaviour when receipts of goods are entered.

Available Values



No change can be made to the unit price in receipts of goods. The displayed unit price is the one on the order.

Average Cost

The unit price displayed in the receipt of goods is the item's average cost instead of the price entered on the order. It is also possible to modify this unit price.

NOTE: This functionality is used with the Accrued Cost Reconciliation option.

Landing Cost

The unit price in the receipt of goods is the price entered in the order to which a landing cost has been added. These fees come from the order, in the Additional Fees field, and are distributed in proportion to the items ordered.

NOTE: This functionality is used with the Accrued Cost Reconciliation option.


Allows to identify an internal supplier. This is used with the Work Order Dispatch option to create a project order.

Auto. Generation of EDI Transactions

Generates an automatic EDI transaction (EDI Transaction Management option) during the transfer of the stock orders from catalogue linked to the supplier, if the box is checked.

NOTE: Only available if the Interface - EDI Interface option is installed.

  1. Complete the Numbers section.



Customer Code

Number assigned to the customer by the supplier, if applicable.

External Code

Supplier code assigned for external use.

Business Number

The business number of the supplier's company.

NOTE: In Quebec, the business number is called the NEQ. This information is used in the Payment Declaration repport for suppliers that are subcontractors. To be included on this report, the supplier must also be indentified as Subcontractor in the Project Type field.

RBQ Number

The supplier's RBQ number, if said supplier is a subcontractor.

NOTE: For informational use only.


The supplier's W/C-CSST number.

NOTE: For informational use only.


Supplier's CCQ number.

NOTE: For informational use only.


Supplier's federal tax number that can be printed on the different personalized forms and the Subcontractor Payment Declaration – T5018 Form report.

NOTE: The format to transmit the T5018 XML payment declaration has to respect the following format: 000000000RZ0000 or 000000000RT0000.


Supplier's provincial tax number that can be printed on the different personalized forms.

NOTE: The provincial tax number has to repect the following format: 000000000TQ0000.

  1. Complete the Project section.




Default project activity, if applicable, for all invoices and orders linked to the supplier.

Project Type

Supplier's project type.

NOTE: It is important to indicate if the supplier is a subcontractor since this information determines whether the supplier is included in the Subcontractor Payment Declaration – T5018 Form report or not. Furthermore, if the supplier is a subcontractor, the Payment Declaration tab has to be completed.

Project Group

Expense group offered by default for all of the supplier's invoices and orders.


  1. Complete the default value selection to apply to the supplier in the Defaults section.



Tax Code

Tax code applicable by default to all orders and invoices linked to the supplier. These codes come from the Define Tax Codes option.


Supplier's tax exemption number.

NOTE: If a number is entered, maestro* will not apply the default tax code no matter where the transaction comes from (supplier, inventory code, etc.). However, if a tax code is manually entered in a transaction for an exempt supplier, the tax will be applied.


This field is used to indicate the general ledger account linked to this supplier.

Delivery Days

Number of days associated to this supplier's delivery time.

NOTE: For informational purposes only.

Del. Address

Delivery address applied b y default to all orders linked to the supplier. This address comes form the Define Supplier Addresses option.

Invoice Status

Supplier's invoice status that will be applied by default after they are entered and transferred in maestro*.

NOTES: If no status was specified, maestro* will use the one defined in the Configuration option. The available statuses are those displayed in the Define AP Status Codes table.

Min. Purchase

Allows to enter a minimum amount linked to invoice statuses.

If not minimum amount is entered, the invoice status will be the one entered in the Invoice Status field.

  1. If applicable, enter any pertinant Notes in the section to this effect.
  2. Click on the Save icon then on the Direct Payment tab.
  1. Complete this tab's fields.



Payment Mode

Payment mode for this supplier's invoices - either Cheque or Transfer.

NOTES: The Transfer mode equals to a direct payment. The Cheque option is the default value.

If the payment method varies for a supplier, it will be necessary to modify, when needed, the selected mode for this supplier to make the payment by cheque or transfer. For example, to generate post-dated cheques for a snowplower, the Payment Mode for the latter will have to be Cheque. If, later in the season, we wish to pay for the purchase of abrasive material to the same supplier using a direct payment, il will be necessary to modify the Payment Mode field of said supplier, before making the payment, in the Supplier Management option.

Confirmation Mode

Payment confirmation mode, if the supplier's payment mode is Transfer - either Email or Fax.

Confirmation Contact

Name of the person, at the supplier's headquarters, to whom the payment confirmation must be sent.

Confirmation Fax

Fax number to send the payment confirmation if the payment confirmation mode is Fax.

Long Distance

This box is checked if the Confirmation Fax number is a long distance call.

Confirmation Email

Supplier's contact's email used to send payment confirmations, if the confirmation mode is Email.

Account Number

Supplier account number for automatic deposit payments.

Transit Number

Supplier's transit number for supplier direct deposit.

NOTE: The transit number is made up of the financial institution numner, followed by the branch transit, for example: 81530606. Furthermore, nine characters are required for NACHA bank institutions in the bank account's configurations. For other financial institutions, the transit number requires a maximum of eight characters.


  1. Click on the Save icon.
  2. Then click on the Payment Declaration tab.

The information in this section is required to generate the T5018 Payment Declaration in XML. If the Type is Individual, all the fields must be completed. For corportations, only the Type has to be specified.

  1. Complete the Recipient section.



Last Name

Surname of the beneficiary.

First Name

First name of the beneficiary.


Adjustment amount (either positive or negative) that allows to modify the amount displayed in the Payment - T5018 Form declaration.

NOTE: This field has no financial incidence and only allows to adjust the amount displayed on The T5018 form. It can be used, for example, when an invoice was entered for a subcontractor but the Project Type field did not indicate Subcontractor. Furthermore, the adjustment amount is not cumultive. It is automatically applied to the original amount paid to the supplier.

  1. Complete the T5018 section.



Social Insurance Number

Beneficiary's social insurance number.


Beneficiary type. The three available values are: Individual, Corporation, and Partnership.

  1. If applicable, complete the 1099-MISC section. This section applies to US suppliers only.




Supplier type. Available values:

  • Individual
  • Corporation
  • Partnership
  • Trustee
  • Designated Person
  • Maximum Type
  • "Tax Exempt Organization"
  • Private Foundation
  • Artist or Athlete
  • Other
  • Unknown Type


Available values:

  • 01 - Rent
  • 02 - Royalties
  • 03 - Other Income
  • 04 - Federal Income Tax Withheld
  • 05 - Fishing Boat Proceeds
  • 06 - Medical and Healthcare Payments
  • 07 - Dispatch Type
  • 08 - Substitute Payments in Lieu of Dividends or Interest
  • 09 - Payer-Made Sales of $5,000 or More
  • 10 - Crop Insurance Proceeds
  • 13 - Excess Golden Parachutes Payments
  • 14 - Gross Proceeds Paid to an Attorney


This field is used to enter the american social security number.

Employer ID Number (EIN)

Employer identication number.


  1. Click on the Save icon.
  2. Click on the Remit to tab and fill in the fields that are displayed if the name and the address to enter, when printing supplier cheques, is different than those entered in the Main Fields tab.
  1. Click on Save.
  2. Click on the Interfaces tab (that is only displayed if the EDI interface is installed) and complete the fields if needed.
  1. Click on the Save icon.



Assigning Certifications to Suppliers

As previously mentionned in the Define Supplier Certifications option, it is possible to attach certifications to a specific supplier to follow-up and/or view the information as needed. To do so:

  1. In the Supplier Management window, click on the Certification by Supplier icon.
  2. In the Certification by Supplier window and on the first empty line, click on the Code column field. Select the applicable certification, previously created in the Define Supplier Certification option. The corresponding description will appear in the corresponding field.
  3. If the certification has to be applied to a specific project, enter it in the field to this effect.
  4. If applicable, complete the Reference No. field.
  5. Enter the certification emmitance date in the Date of Issue field.
  6. Enter the expiration date of this same certificate, if applicable.
  7. Note the validation number in the field to this effect, as well as its date.
  8. Enter all additional and relevant information in the Note field.
  9. Click on the Save icon.
  10. Repeat steps 1 to 9 for all certifications that must be added to the supplier's file.


Additional Notes and Reminder

In the General option of the Purchasing module's Configurations, a parameter titled Action on Expiry Certificates allows to validate or block transactions linked to a supplier for which a certificate is expired. Let us mention, however, that the Expiry Date field, that must be completed when entering a certificate for a specific supplier, is not mandatory and that users with an administrator access can, at all times, override the warning message that is displayed when a certificate is expired.

The box titled Inactive allows to preserve, in maestro*, the information linked to an expired certificate, such as the validation number. Multiple users choose to simply modify the issue and expiry dates of a certificate when the latter is renewed.


Validating Supplier Certifications

If a document linked to a certification is saved in the Document Management, a recall date can be entered so that it appears in the user's maestro* calendar and remind the latter that a certificat will soon be expired; a follow-up with the supplier is needed. Otherwise, Maestro recommends to assign the responsibility to follow-up on certifications to a maestro* user. This persone must add to their routine, in a predetermined fashion, the verification of supplier certifications to make sure those are renewed before the expiration date entered in the software.

The Verification of Certification option allows a user to validate multiple certificates at once, for a given period and the desired suppliers. A certification list can also be printed if needed.


Maestro* allows to automate renewal requests by sending emails to suppliers whose certification is expired when the Mailing Configurations and Contact Management options are used by the company. This functionality also makes sure that the recall date will be entered in the supplier's file.



maestro* > Purchasing > Maintenance > Suppliers Maintenance > Verification of Certifications



Online Help (F1) - Verification of Certifications


To validate expired certifications or, ideally, to target certifications that must be renewed before they expire:

  1. In the Verification of Certifications window, select one, many, or all suppliers.
  2. Select the applicable dates in the Range of Expiration Dates to perform the verification according to expiration dates.
  3. Select the applicable dates in the Recall Date Range field to perform the verification according to recall dates.
  4. Check the Certificates Without Expiration Dates box to include them in the analysis.
  5. Check the Include Inactive Certificates box to include them in the analysis.
  6. Click on the Accept icon.



Creating and Using Supplier Templates

As time goes on, more and more suppliers will be added to those already created in maestro*. To standardize the eventual supplier addition process, it is possible to create supplier templates in which certain informations have already been filled in. If using a template does not help save any time, it still helps minimize the risk some key parameters, such as the tax codes for example. A default template, made up of standard information, can also be created and systematically displayed when the user clicks on the New icon.


maestro* > Purchasing > Maintenance > Suppliers > Supplier Management


To Create a New Supplier Template in maestro*

  1. In the Supplier Management window, click on the New icon and fill in the desired fields for the template.
  2. Then click on the Template option, in the menu toolbar.
  3. Then select Create/Modify a Template.
  4. In the window that appears, check the Create a New Template option.
  5. Replace the text Default Values by the name that you wish to assign to the template.
  6. For the template to be the one displayed by default for all users, check the box to this effect.
  7. Click on Ok.
  8. When the Template Saved message appears, click on Ok once again.

To Use a Preexisting Supplier Template in maestro*

  1. In the Supplier Management window, click on the New icon.
  2. Then click on the Template option in the menu toolbar.
  3. The select the desired template, using its given name.

The template's completed field will then be transposed in the corresponding window's fields.

  1. Then complete the other fields with the information specific to the created supplier.
  2. Click on the Save icon.
  3. Click on Close.



Creating a MISCELLANEOUS Supplier

it is recommended to create, in maestro*, files for every supplier in use to benefit from the purchase history. However, there may be times when impromptu or one-time purchases occur - purchases for which there is little benefit to creating a supplier file. For example, a purchase made at Dollorama, a small amount, or a purchase that only has to be made once at a supplier.

That is why it is possible to create miscellaneous suppliers in maestro* - a supplier that will be used to group all invoices paid to an occasional supplier for which we do not wish to create a supplier file. It will be possible to view the miscellaneous supplier and all purchases linked to it the same way we would any other supplier. Furthermore, by selecting the miscellaneous supplier when entering a project purchase, an additional window will appear and allow you to enter the name and coordinates of the supplier. The disbursement will be generated immediately.


How-To - How To Generate a One-Time Supplier?


To Create a Miscellaneous Supplier


maestro* > Purchasing > Maintenance > Suppliers > Supplier Management

  1. In the Supplier Management window, click on the New icon.
  2. Assign a code and enter Miscellaneous in the Name field.
  3. Click on the Save icon.
  4. Quit the option.



maestro* > Purchasing > Maintenance > Suppliers > Configuration

  1. Then, in the Configuration option of the Purchasing module, select the Purchases option in the tree-like structure in the left-most part of the window (this option might be selected by default).
  2. In the right section of the window, select the newly created miscellaneous supplier in the Miscellaneous Supplier ID field.
  3. Click on the Save icon.
  4. Click on the Quit icon.








Configurations to be completed


Approval or meeting with management


Tests and trial runs


Unit AP02





Due Date




Setting up supplier types.






Setting up payment terms and, if necessary, setting one as default on the Purchasing module's Configuration option.






Setting up supplier discounts.






Setting up payable invoice statuses.






Assigning default invoice statuses.






Setting up supplier certifications.






Creating the supplier Excel import file.






Making a supplier import in maestro*.






Completing the supplier import file in maestro*.






Creating an association file between the previous software's supplier codes and those imported to maestro*, if they are different.






Creating the different supplier addresses Excel import file.






Importing the different supplier addresses in maestro*.






Linking certifications to suppliers.






Creating supplier templates if needed.






Creating and setting up a miscellaneous supplier.






Validating supplier certifications.