Accounts Receivable 101

July 25, 2023 version


Unit AR03

Printable Version

Maestro* offers multiple alternatives when creating a contract and/or billing a customer. This document explains the general operations linked to the basic billing method, the one who offers the most leeway to users: time and material, and equipment invoicing. Also included in this document are explanations on how to enter receipts in maestro*, release holdbacks, account for interests, create liens and releases, and finally, explanations on the different reports allowing to follow-up on operations and accounts linked to sales in the software.





Invoicing a Customer in maestro*

Time, Material, and Equipment

Of all invoicing methods available in maestro*, time and material, and equipment invoicing is the most basic invoicing option. It is available to all clients and differs from other billing methods in that it is easy to use, can be applied in many different ways and does not require using the maestro* catalogue. In fact, it is often used by concrete, quarry, and subcontracting companies, and specialized contractors who use work orders and/or that do not use lump sum or progress billing. The user can simply enter and invoice material used (three wires and a strap, for example), time worked, or travel time. They are free to enter elements to bill in the detail or not, and in the desired order. Furthermore, the Enter a Sale option, where this type of billing is performed, allows to account for and print the invoice in the option itself. In sum, it is a simple and quick billing method to use that can be used, for example, to produce an invoice by a contract who sells their shovel to buy a newer one, or to bill a service rendered. Time, material, and equipment invoicing is also used, by some, to rebill subcontractors.

In any case, it is important to define, from the outset, the different invoicing methods that will be used, the corresponding invoicing options, and the context and conditions of use of each method. For, while the time, material and equipment invoicing method is quite easy to use, it could tempt and enable a new user to generate invoices for a project using this option instead of using, for example, the Progress Billing option, which is prefered when making a progress bill.

Let us recall that the Item Management option, which was explained in course document AR02, allows to create models listing elements to invoice and/or predefined text that can be used for repetitive and/or frequent sales, in part, from the Enter a Sale option. These reusable descriptions (or items) speed up data entry for invoices that must be repeatedly generated, for recurring products or services (i.e. monthly rent, cleaning services, labour, office supplies, materials, etc.). They must not be mistaken with using an invoice template which, in fact, only allow to save a reuse values entered in the header section of an invoice (and not those entered in the breakdown section of said invoice).

Finally, it is important to mention that the Enter a Sale optoin also allows to account for and print invoices initiated in other options, such as the Invoice Preparation (W/O), Equipment Billing, Quarry and Concrete Ticket Invoicing options, as well as direct invoicing through the Work Orders, holdback invoicing and the accounting of interests, when used. What's more, the option allows to import invoices in batch, from Excel, by clicking on the Import from Excel icon, and also perform a sale from a kit1.



maestro* > Invoicing > Invoicing > Processing > Enter a Sale



Online Help (F1) - Enter a Sale


To enter a sale and thereby bill a preexisting customer in maestro*:

  1. In the Enter a Sale window, click on the New icon.
  2. Select the customer and billing address, if needed.

The symbol, which follows a field name, means that the said field can/must be completed at this stage of the implementation process. Information and the use of the other fields will be shared throughout the training sessions, according to the modules and options on which they have an impact.

  1. Complete the fields in the Detail tab.



Invoice #

The invoice number is automatically entered during the transfer of the transaction or when the user clicks on the Generate a New Invoice Number icon (selecting a customer, a project, and completing the breakdown grid are prerequisites to using this icon). It follows the numerical sequence set up for the account receivable used in the Define Sales Department option (maestro* > Invoicing > Maintenance > Customers > Define Sales Department).

NOTE: If an invoice number is manually entered, the invoice will be considered as printed by maestro* when it is transferred. Consequently, the invoice will not be available in the Print Invoices option et and the invoice must be printed before the transfer of the sale, by clicking on the Print icon.


Accounting date.

Due Date

Invoice due date.

NOTE: The date is automatically calculated if a credit term is entered in the field to this effect, in the option. The calculation is done from the real date.

Period... To

Reference period.

NOTE: This period has no link or impact with the accounting period.


Indicates that the sale can be transferred, if the field is set to Yes.

NOTE: The Batch Acceptance icon allows to change the Accepted field to "Yes" for multiple invoices.


Allows to print different forms for a single sale transaction2. The printed form, if applicable, will correspond to the selected status.

Available values:


Prints the invoice form.


Prints the quotation form.


Prints the contract form.

NOTES: Each status form corresponds to those selected for the account receivable in the Define Sales Department option (maestro* > Invoicing > Maintenance > Customer > Define Sales Department).

Three icons, in the toolbar of the Enter a Sale option, correspond to each of these status. It is therefore posible to display sale transactions by status.


Allows to know the source of a time, material, and equipment sale. Indeed, the sales displayed in the Enter a Sale option may have been initiated in the option itself (standard sale) but also come from the W/O Billing option or another invoicing method.

Available values:


Standard sale.

Quarry Tickets

Sale linked to a quarry ticket.

Concrete Tickets

Sale linked to a concrete ticket.

W/O Grouped

Sale linked to a work order for which the Invoicing Method, defined in the invoicing project, is Grouped References.

NOTES: The Grouped Reference Invoicing Method is only available if the Drilling Time Management module is installed.

If, in the Invoicing Contract (W/O) option, the Invoicing Method is Grouped Reference, the particular printing functionalities will also be available when printing this invoicing sub-type.


Allows to identify the intercompany sale transactions.

Credit Terms

Allows entering (or modifying) a credit term set in the Credit Terms Management option (see document AR02), and therefore automatically generate the Due Date in the field to this effect.

NOTE: The credit term entered in the Credit Term field, of the Enter a Sale option, will have priority over the credit terms entered in the customer file (Customer Management option) and/or in the General Settings (Customer option of the Invoicing module), if applicable.

Discount Amount

Discount amount to apply to the sale.

NOTE: It is possible to enter an amount but an amount can also be automatically displayed if one was already defined in the Customer Discounts Table option (see content in document AR02)

Discount Account

Sales discount account.

NOTE: Though it can by modified if needed, the general ledger account entered to this effect in the General Settings (in the General option, of the Invoicing module), is displayed by default.

Work Order

Maestro* work order number applicable to the time, material, and equipment sale.

NOTE: This field is not linked to the Work Order option and can be used for another use, if needed. If is not validated by maestro*.


Project to which revenues will be charged in maestro*.

NOTES: This project allows generating projet AR reports.

The project indentified in the Detail tab also allows selecting a delivery site, when the Location field is set to "Project" (in the Delivery tab, of the Enter a Sale option).


Customer purchase order number, other than the one displayed in the Customer P.O. field, allowing to link the customer to their given discounts through the Customer Discounts Table option.

NOTE: This functionality requires that the discounts, in the Customer Discounts Table, are entered by purchase order. To do so, the "Purchase Order" type will have to be selected in the Unit Price Source field, of the Project Receivables option, in the Configuration option of the Invoicing module.

Customer Project

Customer project number, linked to a lien.

NOTE: This number allows the maestro* user to refer the customer, when needed, to the corresponding project number in maestro*.

Customer P.O.

Purchase order number in maestro*, for the customer.

NOTE: BY default, the project purchase order is applied.


Quotation number, from the Concrete Quotation or Quarry Quotation options.

AR Account

Customer general ledger account.

NOTES: It is the maestro* sales department (maestro* > Invoicing > Maintenance > Customer > Define Sales Department) linked to this general ledger account that will determine the numerical sequence of invoice numbers, as well as the forms used. Please read the ACC02 document for more information on the Define Sales Department option.

Furthermore, in intercompany mode, the AR account will be replaced by the Interco Account identified in the Configuration option (in the Projects module, Intercompany option, Sales section), if applicable.


Sale currency.

Price List

Price list code from the Maintain Price Lists option.

NOTE: This functionality, covered in the AR02 course, allows to identify a specific price list for a customer, a customer type, or a customer address.

Do not affect inventory

Checkbox that, when checked, allows to not reduce the inventory, if applicable, when transferring the sale for the items that come from the Catalogue Management option.


When checked, this box tells maestro* that the sale is subject to immediate payment.

NOTE: When the sale is transferred, an accounting entry debiting the supplier accounts and crediting the bank account will be generated, in addition to the entry created by the sale itself.

Cheque No.

Customer cheque number.

Bank Account

Bank account used for immediate payments.

NOTES: In intercompany mode, the displayed bank account will be the one entered in the Configuration option (Projects module, Intercompany option, Sales section, Bank Account field), if applicable. Otherwise, the bank account will be determined as per usual, meaning that maestro* will use the one specified in the General Settings (Invoicing module, General option).


Payment ammount.

NOTE: By not specifying any amount, maestro* will pay in whole the invoice.

  1. Complete, if needed, the fields in the Holdback section in case the settings to this effect, defined in the maestro* General Settings, do not apply to the sale. For more information of managing holdbacks in the software, please read the section to this effect in the document titled The Different Invoicing Methods in maestro*.




Holdback percentage applicable to the sale.


Holdback amount applicable to the sale.


Holdback management mode.

Available values:

With Tax

Takes into account the holdback tax when calculating the total amount to be paid.

Without Tax

Does not take the holdback tax into account when caculating the total amount to be paid.


Does not take the holdback tax into account when calculating the total amount to be paid. Taxes will be calculated when invoicing the said holdback, through the Release Holdback option.

NOTE: Although the mode to manage holdbacks applicable to the sale, if any, can be modified here, the default holdback management mode if defined in the General Settings (Invoicing module, General option).

  1. Complete, if needed, the fields in the Commission section.




Salesperson linked to the sale.

NOTES: Maestro* displays the salesperson entered in the Customer Management option. However, this information can be modified.

For sales issued from other modules, such as W/O Billing or Customer Relationship Management (CRM), the salesperson comes from the transaction. If no salesperson is specified on the transaction, maestro* uses the salesperson entered in the Customer Management option.


Commission percentage applicable to the sale.


Commission amount applicable to the sale.

NOTE: Maestro* does not generate any accounting entries for accrued costs following the completion of the fields in the Commission section and the sale transfer. To know the salesperson's commission amounts, if applicable, view report Salesperson Commissions (maestro* > Invoicing > Analysis and Inquiry > Special Sales Reports > Salesperson Commissions).


  1. Finally, complete the vreakdown grid to list the elements to invoice.


Reminder: It is possible to reduce the number of displayed columns in the grid by making a right click and selecting the Configuration option. The user will therefore be able to check the fields they wish to make available only.




Inventory code of the billed item, if applicable, issued form the Catalogue Management option.

NOTE: If this functionality is used, it is possible to view the quantities in inventory by clicking on the Inventory Inquiry icon.


Item description.

NOTE: It is possible to use the F7 key to access the Item Management option (read course document AR02 for more information of creating item lists in the Item Management option). Furthermore, if the maestro* catalogue is used and a Code is selected or entered in the previous column, the description will be automatically displayed. It is however possible to enter a description manually, without having a code linked to this description.


Company name.

NOTE: Available in multidimensional mode only.


Conversion unit.

NOTE: The unit varies according to the factor entered in the item in the Catalogue Management option, if used. That factor could be, for example, litres, metres, a dozen, etc.


Location of the used item.

NOTE: If a site is specified in the Catalogue Management option, this site will be entered by default. Otherwise, maestro* will use the one defined in the Configuration option (in the Purchasing module, Inventory option, Site field.


Location of the used item.

NOTE: To find out the origin of the location, read help document on Reading Locations for Inventory Items.


Item characteristics.

NOTE: If the item comes from the maestro* catalogue, the characteristics may come from the latter.


Identification of the used item.

NOTE: The identification can be a serial number if the Item Management Mode is set to 3 - Serial No. or a dimension if the Item Management Mode is set to 4 - Variable Size in the Catalogue Management option.

Reservation No.

Reservation number.

NOTE: This number can be manually entered by the user. It can also be automatically entered in the order was created through another option (Requisitions, Purchase Planning, Customer Orders, etc.).


Determines for each breakdown line to which project the income is allocated.


Determines for each breakdown line to which activity the income is allocated.


Revenue group.


Revenue account.

NOTE: The PAG determines which account is used. Furthermore, in intercompany mode, the revenu account will be replaced by the one indicated in the Interco Account field in the Customer Management option, if present, or otherwise by the revenue account specified in the Configuration option (Project module, Intercompany option, Sales section), if applicable.

Stock Quantity

Displays, if applicable, the inventory quantity.

Reserved Quantity

Displays, if applicable, the inventory quantity for which there is a reservation number.

Available Quantity

Displays, if applicable, the available inventory quantity according to the following calculation: stock quantity - reserved quantity.

Start Quantity

If applicable, allows to enter the start quantity. This quantity can be manually entered or come from the Daily Drilling Report.

NOTE: If the Drilling Time Management module is installed, the Progress Billing functionality will automatically fill this column.

End Quantity

If applicable, allows to enter the end quantity. This quantity can be entered manually or come from the Daily Drilling Report.

NOTE: If the Drilling Time Management module is installed, the Progress Billing functionality will automatically fill this column.


Item quantity to be billed.

NOTE: If start and end quantities have been entered, the Quantity will automatically be calculated by substracting the Start Quantity from the End Quantity.


Item unit price.

NOTE: If the items come from the maestro* catalogue, the selling unit price will automatically be displayed and take into accout, if applicable, the dis counts set up in the Customer Discounts Tables option. Note that it is however possible to manually modify the unit price.


Applicable discount percentage.

NOTE: A discount percentage for the item can be manually entered or have been previously set up in the Customer Discounts Table option, if in use.


Total amount of the breakdown line.


Applicable tax code.

NOTES: To manually modify tax amounts, press on the Ctrl+F7 keys. By doing so, maestro* will switch to calculating taxes per line and no longer on the total amount of the invoice.

To return to calculating taxes on the total invoice amount, click on the Balancing of Taxes icon at the bottom-left of the window, under the breakdown grid.

To know where the code and applicable tax rate come from, read help document Reading of Tax Codes in maestro*.

Tax Amount

Tax amount.

Long Description

Long description of the item.

NOTE: This field allows to enter up to 100 characters and add additional details to those imported from the catalogue in the Description field. If the displayed invoice in the window was generated by an option other than Enter a Sale, maestro* will automatically fill this fields, if applicable. Finally, remember that the form has to be adapted, if needed, if applicable, to adequately display very long descriptions.


Reference number that comes from entering work orders, if applicable.

NOTE: The Invoicing Preparation (W/O) functionality will automatically fill this column.

Customer Reference Code

Comes from the Customer Discount Table option. Allows to obtain the customer reference number by item or customer.

NOTE: The Invoicing Preparation (W/O) functionality will automatically fill this column.


Identify's the number of the piece of equipment used and billed.

NOTE: If the Drilling Time Management module is installed, the Invoice Preparation (W/O) functionality will automatically fill this column.

Transaction Date

Original transaction date used to generate this invoice transaction, from the Enter a Sale, Invoice Preparation (W/O), Equipment Billing, or Ticket Invoicing - Concrete options.

NOTE: Transactions created in one of these previously mentionned options will also appear in the Enter a Sale option so another user (or the same) may validate, verify, modify, and/or print the invoice.

Do Not Print

Indicates if the line will be printed or not on the invoice.

NOTE: By default, all lines entered are printed on the invoice.


By default, taxes are calculated on the total invoice amount, when saving the transaction. Therefore, if a discrepancy is noted between the taxes calculated per line and those calculated on the global amount of the invoice, maestro* will automatically adjust taxes on the last detail line, according to the tax codes. It is possible to calculate tax per line by checking the Do not automatically balance taxes option in the Configurations (Invoicing module, General option).


  1. Click on the Save icon.
  2. Then click on the Delivery tab and make the required selections.


The information displayed by default comes from the Customer Management option.

It is possible to set a default (delivery) site through the Configuration icon in the window.




Delivery site.

Available values:



Allows entering a temporary address.


Allows using an address linked to a contact, in the Contact Management option.


Allows using the customer address linked to the sale.

NOTE: It is possible to select another address for the same customer by selecting an address from the Define Customer Address option.


Allows selecting a project where the delivery must be done.

NOTES: The address comes from the Project Management option.

If a project was entered in the Details tab of the sale, it will automatically be selected as the delivery site, if the Location field is set to "Project". Afterwards, if a project is manually selected in this field, it will be kept, even if the project in the Detail tab of the sale is modified.



Gives access to the databases linked to the value selected in the Location field, if applicable.

  1. Click on the Save icon.
  2. Finally, click on the Memo tab.

This tab includes a fields in which it is possible to enter a general text, linked to the invoice. The content of this field can be printed on the invoice, or not, according to the variables defined and used in the sale form (invoice template).


The memo will also be displayed in the Customer Inquiry option by using the drilling functionality on the invoice.

  1. Finally, if the selected sales transaction is part of an active workflow and the Workflow Management5 module is installed, a Workflow Details tab will be displayed. It will display a grid allowing to view the different steps of the said workflow.

Simultaneously Entering a Sale and Cashing_in a Receipt in maestro*

It is sometimes possible and more efficient to cash in receipts directly through the sale in maestro*, in one step instead of two. That is the case when the payment comes before the reception of the invoice or, for example, when rental revenues must be entered in maestro* (such as rent, received monthly).

To do so, the user must make sure to check the Payment box in the Detail tab (Enter a Sale option) and complete the Cheque No., Bank Account, and Amount fields. The transfer of the transaction will generate the accounting entries linked to the sale, as well as those linked to the receipt entry.


Partial Payment and Deposit

It goes without saying that partial payment of an amount due, received before the invoice is generated, can be enterd when creating the invoicem as is the case when a user wished to enter a sale and the receipt simultaneously in maestro*.

However, if a deposit is received for a customer but they cannot yet be linked to an invoice, they will have to be entered in maestro* same as the receipt. Please read section Entering a Deposit in maestro*of this document for more information on this subject.


Transferring a Sale

As for project purchases, a sale saved in maestro* is not systematically accounted. It is necessary to transfer the sale. That is in fact the case for all transactions created in the software.

Two locations allow to transfer sale transactions:

  1. The Transaction Transfer icon, displayed in the main menu toolbar , also allows to simulate accounting entries (see the provided explanations in the Transaction Transfer section of the MAES02 cours document);
  2. The Transfer icon displayed in the Enter a Sale option.


Recall that in all cases, the Accepted field of the sale must be set to Yes for the transaction transfer to be possible.

Through the Enter a Sale Option

Once the sale is finalized and saved in the Enter a Sale window, it is possible to immediately transfer the transaction.


maestro* > Invoicing > Invoicing > Processing > Enter a Sale




Note that a transaction transfer functionality is available in multiple maestro* options. However, the Transfer icon displayed in an option window does not only allows to transfer transactions whose nature is the same as the option's.


To transfer a sale transaction in the Enter a Sales option:

  1. In the Enter a Sale window, display the non-transferred transaction(s) by clicking, if applicable, on the Display Only Non-Transferred Entries icon.
  2. Select the transaction to transfer in the Summary of Non-Transferred Transactions section by making a double-click on the former, and making sur the Accepted field in the transaction detail is set to Yes.
  3. Click on the Transfer icon.

  1. Answer Yes to the confirmation message.

Maestro* systematically opens the viewer and displays the transaction transfer report. The latter can be printed, saved, and/or the window can be closed.



Printing an Invoice

Even though invoices can directly be printed through the Enter a Sale option, before or after being finalized (and therefore transferred), the Print an Invoice option allows to print them in batch. Indeed, the user could decide to create them but print them later. Furthermore, the Print an Invoice option not only allows to print invoices created by the user but also those created by colleagues, if they are allowed to do so6.

Two limitations must however be taken into:

  1. Only invoices created in the Enter a Sale, Invoice Preparation (W/O), and Release Holdback options will be available to print (other similar options titled Print Invoices) allow to print invoices from the Contractual Billing7 sub-module;
  2. The invoices must not have been previously printed once the transfer completed (whether in the option used to create the invoice or in the Print an Invoice option). If a transferred transaction that has already been printed must printed again, for whatever reason, it is the Reprint Invoices option (maestro* > Invoicing > Maintenance > Invoicing > Reprint Invoices) that will have to be used.

maestro* > Invoicing > Invoicing > Processing > Print an Invoice



Online Help (F1) - Print an Invoice


To print sale invoice(s) through the Print an Invoice option:

  1. In the option window, first select a Sales Department.

The department is equivalent to the department account for which the invoices are printed.

  1. Check the Holdback Invoices box so as to only display invoices created in the Release Holdback8 option. If this box is not checked, these will not be displayed in the invoice list.
  2. Check the Current Maestro User Only box so as to only display invoices created by the user.

  1. Click on Accept.

The Invoice Selection window appears.

  1. Select the invoice to print in the grid by checking the box in the Selected column.

  1. Click on the Select icon.

If the user answers Yes to the question Did printing complete successfully?, the invoices will disappear from the Print an Invoice option. To print them again, it is necessary to do so through the Reprint an Invoice option. If the user answers No, the invoices will remin available for print in the Print an Invoice option.


Recording Cash-Ins (Receipts) in maestro*

AS is the case in various many modules, multiple maestro* options are made to be adaptable when it comes to entering receipts. Maestro* allows to enter and link, in all receipt options of the Invoicing sub-module, customer cash-ins to sales issued from a time, material, and equipment invoice or a progress bill, save holdback payments, enter advances/deposits, group different customer cash-ins in a single entry, generate a deposit list, etc.

Entering a Receipt

The Enter Cash Receipts option allows to save, in maestro*, payments received following a the generation or completion of an invoice in the Enter a Sale9 option.

Only accounted invoices, meaning transferred invoices, can be accessed to link to receipts.


maestro* > Invoicing > Invoicing > Receipts > Enter Cash Receipts


The Enter Cash Receipts option is made up of two windows, which are displayed one after the other:

  • The first allows selecting the customer linked to the payment of the invoice for which a receipt has to be entered (or even a previously initiated receipt transaction that has yet to be completed);
  • The second is used to enter the said receipt.


Online Help (F1) - Enter Cash Receipts


To enter a payment in maestro* and link it to an invoice: 

  1. In the lower part of the Enter Cash Receipts window, select the customer who issued the payment or enter their number in the Customer Code field.
  1. Then click on the Accept icon.

The Receipt Entry window appears.

  1. Click on the New icon.

  1. Complete/validate the fields in the Details tab using the following information.




Cheque date.

NOTE: By default, maestro* displays the current date but it can be modified.

Cheque No.

Used to enter the customer cheque number.


Used to enter a discount rate applicable to the payment.

NOTE: If a rate was entered in the Customer Management option, it will be displayed by default when entering the receipt.


Allows entering the amount of interest to pay on the invoice.


Allows entering an advance amount disbursed by the customer.

NOTE: Entering a positive value makes it possible to credit a customer and a negative value makes it possible to cancel the advance amount disbursed by the customer. See section titled Entering a Deposit in maestro* for more information.


Used to specify the currency applicable to the receipt.

Reference No.

Allows entering a reference number during the entry of a customer advance, to make follow-ups easier.

NOTE: This field is only available if the Advance field has been completed, if applicable.


Allows entering a comment/description, if required and for reference purposes.


Displays the total receipt amount, according to the completed fields and the breakdown grid.


Displays the bank account that will be charged by the receipt.

NOTE: Maestro* displays the bank account entered in the General Settings (Billing module, General tab) by default.


Displays the general ledger account that will be used when generating the account entry.

NOTE: Maestro* displays by default the general ledger account defined in the Discount on Receipts field of the General Settings (Billing module, General tab).


Displays the general ledger account for advances that will be used when generating the accounting entry.

NOTE: Maestro* displays by default the general ledger account defined in the Customer Advance field of the General Settings (Billing module, General tab).


  1. In the breakdown grid, where the transferred customer invoices are displayed, enter the amounts paid on the lines corresponding to the invoices paid in the Payment column.


The Payment option in the toolbar offers different choises allowing to quickly complete the breakdown grid.

  • Pay all invoices (without discount);
  • Pay all invoices (with discount);
  • Pay selected invoice (without discount);
  • Pay selected invoice (with discount).

Furthermore, controls to the right of the breakdown grid can also be used.




Thje box must be checked if a payment is made to holdbacks.


Allows entering the automatic payment according to the balance to receive for all invoices in the grid.


Allows entering the automatic payment according to the balance to receive, taking into account the discount entered in the Discount Rate field, for all invoices in the grid.


By selecting an invoice, allows to automatically enter the balance to receive.


By selecting an invoice, allows to automatically enter the balance to reveive, taking into account the discount entered in the Discount Rate field.

  1. Complete/validate the content of the other columns if needed, using the information below.




Note applied to the receipt.

NOTE: It is possible to enter a memo linked to the receipt by making a double-click on in the Memo field of the applicable line. This memo can then be displayed in different reports.

Invoice Date

Invoice date.

Invoice No.

Invoice number.

Customer Name

Customer name.


Customer address.


City of the customer.


Balance of the invoice to receive.


Payment amount.


Applicable discount.

Holdback Balance

Holdback balance.

Holdback Payment

Payment made to the holdback.


Project number entered when invoicing.


Source of the invoice.

NOTE: The source indicates the option used for invoicing, for example: Enter a Sale, Customer Order, W/O Billing, etc.

Customer Project No.

Customer project number entered during invoicing.


Indicates, if this box is checked, that a lien is linked to the invoice.


Invoice currency.


Comments displayed by maestro* in case of problems with the transaction.

Order Number

Order number linked to the invoice.

Customer P.O.

Value from the Customer P.O. field, in the Enter a Sale option.


Allows displaying the prefix of the company to which the receipt is linked.

NOTE: Available in multidimensional mode only.

Original Inv Amt

Total amount of the invoice.


Tax amount.

Original Total Amount

Total payment amount.

Payment Received

Payment received to date.

Total Balance

Total balance to be paid.


Maestro* indicates in red invoices for which the currency is different than the customer's. It is necessary to modify the customer's currency in the Customer Management option to be able to process the transaction.

Furthermore, it is possible to set, in the Customer Inquiry option, the display colours for the invoice status.

  1. Click on Save.

The payment is then displayed at the top of the window, in the Summary of non-transferred transactions.

  1. Then click on the Transfer icon to record the payment in maestro*.
  2. Answer Yes to the question Do you want to transfer this transaction?.

The maestro* viewer opens and allows viewing and/or printing and/or saving the transaction.



It is always possible to transfer a transaction using the Transaction Transfer icon displayed in the toolbar of the maestro* main menu (read document MAES02 for if needed).

It should also be noted that any payment started in the Enter Cash Receipts option but that have not been transferred, can be modified if needed. To do so, simply select it in the Summary of non-transferred transactions.

Entering a Deposit in maestro*

Saving the deposit or advance of a customer must also be recorded through the Enter Cash Receipts option. The former, when transferred, will result in the Customer Advance general ledger, defined in the General Settings (Billing module, General option), being credited and the bank account being debited. Once the invoice created and transferred in the software, it will be necessary to apply the advance to this invoice by debiting the en contrepartie,account and, in return, by crediting the customer account receivable.

To enter a deposit in maestro*:

  1. In the Enter Cash Receipts window, select the customer at the source of the deposit or enter their number in the Customer Code field.
  2. Then click on the Accept icon.
  3. In the Details tab of the Receipt Entry window, enter the Date, the deposit amount in the Advance field, and a Reference No. if applicable.
  4. Validate the information entered in the Bank and Advance fields (Account section).
  5. Click on the Save icon.
  6. Click on the Transfer icon.
  7. Answer Yes to the question Do you want to transfer this transaction?.
  8. The maestro* viewer opens and allows viewing and/or printing and/or saving the transaction.
Linking a Deposit to an Invoice

To apply an advance to an invoice:

  1. In the Enter Cash Receipts window, select the customer or enter their number in the Customer Code field.
  2. Then click on the Accept icon.
  3. In the Details tab of the Receipt Entry window, enter the Date, the deposit amount as a negative in the Advance field and a Reference No. if applicable.
  4. Validate the information in the Bank and Advance (Accounts section).
  5. In the breakdown grid, enter the deposit value (as a positive) in the Payment column field on the invoice line for which you wish to apply the discount.
  6. Make sure the value entered in the Amount field of the Details tab is 0.
  7. Click on the Save icon.
  8. Click on the Transfer icon.
  9. Answer Yes to the question Do you want to transfer this transaction?.
  10. The maestro* viewer opens and allows viewing and/or printing and/or saving the transaction.


A Cash Receipts option exists in the Contractual Billing sub-module (maestro* > Invoicing > Contractual Billing > Processing > Cash Receipts). However, even if a deposit was entered in the Advance field of the Enter Cash Receipts option of the Invoicing sub-module (maestro* > Invoicing > Receipts > Enter Cash Receipts), it will still be possible to apply the deposit to a contractual bill. Please read course document CONTBILL02 for more information.



Entering an Individual Receipt

The individual receipt allows entering a receipt linked to a customer that is not set up in the system or to a tax return.



This option must not be used if financial statements are set up per project since this type of receipt is not linked to a project, an activity, nor a group. Also note that tax returns, just like remittances, can also be entered in maestro* through the Project Purchase option (see course content AP03).



maestro* > Invoicing > Invoicing > Receipts > Enter an Individual Receipt



Online Help (F1) - Enter an Individual Receipt


To enter an individual receipt in maestro*:

  1. In the Enter an Individual Receipt window, click on the New icon.
  2. Complete the fields in the Detail tab using the information in the following table.



Customer Code

Code issued from the Customer Management option.

NOTE: On selecting a customer code, the latter's coordinates will be automatically displayed.

Individual Customer

Allows entering the coordinates of a customer that is not set up in the system, if the box is checked.

NOTE: If a preexisting customer was previously selected, it is erased when this box is checked.


Date of entry of the receipt.

NOTE: By default, maestro* displays the work date, but it can be modified.

Invoice No.

Invoice number linked to the payment.

Cheque No.

Customer cheque number.

Total Amount

Total sale amount.

NOTE: Maestro* displays the total of amounts entered in the breakdown grid.


Discount amount applicable to the sale.

Account: Bank

Bank account in which the deposit will be made.

NOTES: Maestro* displays by default the account set in the Configurations for receipt deposits which are not linked to a preexisting customer.

For receipts linked to a preexisting customer, maestro* will display the account entered in the Customer Management option. If that field is empty, the software will display the one entered in the Configuration option.


Displays the currency of the selected customer.

NOTE: The field is left empty for an individual customer.


Discount account to use.

NOTE: Maestro* displays by default the account set up in the Configuration option.

Type of Direct Receipt

Allows including or excluding these types of receipts on reports: 

Available values: 

1 – Standard

All other receipt types, excluding the following one.

2 – Sales Tax Refund

Receipt linked to a tax refund.


Description for reference purposes.

  1. Complete the breakdown grid using the following information.




Creditor account.


Receipt amount.


Company name.

NOTE: Available in multidimensional mode only.

  1. Click on the Save icon.
  2. Click on the Transfer icon.
  3. Answer Yes to the question Do you want to transfer this transaction?.

The maestro* viewer opens and allows viewing and/or printing and/or saving the transaction.

Generating a List of Receipts

The List of Receipts option allows generating, for informational purposes, a list of all accumulated receipts and transactions, in part from the Enter Cash Receipts and Enter an Individual Receipt option, whether they were transferred or not and whether they were generated from a standard or contractual invoicing method10. In addition, this list displays the receipts according to a given date range and for one or more users who have entered the receipts.


maestro* > Invoicing > Invoicing > Receipts > List of Receipts



Online Help (F1) - List of Receipts


To generate a list of receipts:

  1. In the List of Receipts window, select an Accounting Date Range and/or Entry Date Range.
  2. Select a value in the Transaction Status and Transaction Type fields, according to the user's needs and available values.

Available values for the Transaction Status field:




Displays both non-transferred and transferred transactions.

Not Transferred

Only displays non-transferred transactions.


Only dislays transferred transactions.

Available values for the Transaction Type field:




Displays receipts that come from the invoicing transactions of the Cash Receipts options (Contractual Billing sub-module and Homebuildersales module).


Displays transactions that come from the Enter an Individual Receipt option only.


Displays transactions that come from the Enter a Cash Receipt option (Invoicing sub-module) only.


Displays all receipt transactions.

  1. Select one, more, or all users linked to the receipts to display.

The list of users is displayed according to the access level configured for the user requesting the list, in the Security Management option.

  1. Click on the Accept icon.

  1. Once the process completed, view the information displayed in the Maestro Report Viewer and, if needed, save and/or print the report.
  2. Close the viewer window, as well as the option.

Cancelling a Receipt

The Cancel a Receipt option allows cancelling a receipt that has been recorded in maestro* through the Enter a Cash Receipt or Enter an Individual Receipt options and transferred to the general ledger. A cancellation may be necessary, for example, because the receipt was linked to the wrong customer or because of a bounced cheque.


Note that other Cancel a Receipt and Cancel Cash Receipts options are also available in maestro*. for contractual billing, as well as for service management invoicing.

Furthermore, it is possible to delete a receipt if the period to which it belong is closed.

Maestro* technically makes it possible to cancel a receipt in two ways: either by completely deleting the transactions (by using the X in the option toolbar) or by creating a reversal transaction (by using the blue double arrow, once again in the maestro* toolbar). It goes without saying that completely deleting a transaction, therefore erasing every trace of the receipt, is not recommended, for many known accounting principals. Every transaction must be cancelled through the creation of a second transaction, reversing the first one.


maestro* > Invoicing > Invoicing > Receipts > Cancel a Receipt



Online Help (F1) - Cancel a Receipt


To cancel a receipt:

  1. In the Cancel a Receipt window, select the receipt to cancel in the grid by clicking on it of by entering the transactio number in the field to this effect.


The transaction number corresponds to the accounting entry transaction number. It is possible to find a receipt transaction number in the Receipts tab of the Customer Inquiry option, by selecting the Display All Invoices file or by viewing the receipt list for transferred transactions.

  1. In the Cancellation Date field, select the date on which you wish to cancel the receipt.

The following fields display the information on the receipt to reverse:

  • The accounting date of the receipt;
  • The name of the customer for whom the receipt was cashed in;
  • The cheque number to reverse;
  • The amount of the initial cheque that was cashed in a maestro* general ledger account.

  1. Click on the Cancel this Receipt by Reversing It icon.
  2. Close the window.

Use the Transfer Transaction icon in the main menu to record the cancelled receipt (read course document MAES02 for more information on making transfers via the main menu).

Combining Receipts for a Deposit

Multiple maestro* options are used to record receipts (see to cash-ins). As for the Deposit Receipts option, it allows selecting multiple receipts that have already been recorded and transferred in maestro* to include them in a same bank deposit. That way, it is the total sum of these receipts that is displayed in the bank reconciliation, making the task easier. Indeed, if a good number of cheques have to be deposited at the bank at the same time, maestro* allows identifying the payments corresponfing to these cheques, indicates that the cash-in was performed, and also accumulates the amounts to generate an accounting entry totaling the whole deposit. That being said, the receipts may come from different customers and result in any invoicing type, including contractual billing.


As for many functionalities, specific parameters must be set up beforehand. The following must be set for the Deposit Receipts option:

  • A general ledger account corresponding to an internal bank must have been created in the chart of accounts (through the Chart of Accounts option);
  • A bank account linked to this general ledger account must also have been created through the Bank Accounts option. The Account Type must be internal and the chosen option to Reconcile Receipts must be combined.
  • The internal bank account must be selected in the Bank Account for Cash Receipts option of the General Settings (General Ledger - General) and must be the one used to record receipts beforehand (in the Enter Cash Receipts, Cash Receipts, and Enter an Individual Receipt options, etc.).



maestro* > Invoicing > Invoicing > Receipts > Deposit Receipts



Online Help (F1) - Deposit Receipts


To combine receipts with the goal of making a single bank depôsit, proceed as follows: 

  1. In the Details section of the Deposit Receipts window, enter the deposit date.

  1. Select the internal bank account in the Bank Account field of the Details section.
  2. If needed, enter all comments linked to the deposit in the Comments field.
  3. Enter the deposit number in the field to this effect.
  4. Then, in the Receipts Selection section, select the receipts to include in the deposit.

In the Details section, the Deposit Total corresponds to the sum of the selected receipts. Furthermore, it is possible to use the Bank Account field in the Receipts Selection section to filter the receipts displayed in the grid.

  1. Click on the Save icon.
  2. Click on Ok when the confirmation message appears.
  3. Select the deposit you just saved in the Summary of Non-Transferred Deposits section.
  4. Print a deposit slip if needed.
  5. Transfer the transaction using the method of your choice (either using the maestro* main menu Transfer Transactions icon or using the Transfer icon in the window) to record the corresponding accounting entry.
  6. Click on the Quit icon.



Generating a Customer Statement

Customer statements allow displaying, even printing, the cumulative balance of invoices to be paid for a customer based on a given date or period. Customer statements generated through the Customer Statement option apply to every customer, whether they are subject to contractual billing or not.


maestro* > Invoicing > Invoicing > Processing > Customer Statement



Online Help (F1) - Customer Statement




It goes without saying that a customer statement form must be configured and specified, beforehand, in the Forms option of the General Settings (Billing moudule). This form can be adapted to the needs of the company using different variable.s

The customer statement in this document is used as an example.


To generate a customer statement:

  1. If so desired, select the Date Range of the customer statement to generate.
  2. Select the customers for which a customer statement must be printed.
  3. Select the project(s) for which a customer statement has to be printed.
  4. Complete the window parameters according to the user's needs and using the explanations given in the following table.



Sales Department

Sales department used during invoicing.

NOTE: If a department is selected, only the invoices linked to the former are taken into account. To see all transactions, no matter the sales department, leave the field empty.

Printing Order

Order in which information will be displayed on the customer order.

Available values:

Customer Code

By customer code.

Like Grid Selection

Same order as the customers appear in the selection grid.

Customer Name

By customer name.

Detail Printing Order

Order in which detailed information will be printed on the customer order.

Available values: 


Transaction in the customer statement will be displayed as follows: The first part will display all sales transaction, from the oldest to the newest, and the second part will display all payment transactions, once again from the oldest to the newest.

NOTE: Default value.

Purchase Order

Transactions in the customer statement will be grouped by purchase order. Between each grouping a page break will be inserted.

In every grouping, the transaction will be displayed by date (from the oldest to the newest).

Combined Invoice and Payment

Transactions in the customer statement will be grouped by invoice number. They will also be displayed in an increasing date and invoice number order, starting with the oldest transaction in the grouping.


Transactions in the customer statement will be grouped by project and displayed in increasing date order for each project.

A page break is entered between each project.

Project Combined Invoice&Pmnt

Transactions in the customer statement will be displayed in the Combined Invoice/Payment order, in addition to being ordered by project.

As for the Combined Invoice/Payment display mode, a page break will be inserted between each project.

Job Number

Transactions in the customer statement will be displayed as follows: the first part will display all payment transactions, from the oldest to the newest, and the second part will display all sales transactions, once again from the oldest to the newest.

Calculate Aging in

Available values:


Calculates the account age according to the number of days that have passed between the invoice date and the customer statement print date.


Calculates the account age according to the number of months that have passed between the invoice date and the customer statement print date.

All Receipts Applied

Available values:


The customer statement report will not take into account the end date entered in the Date Range and will take into account all receipts (Payment column) up until the current day.

Until Date Requested

The customer statement report will take into account the date entered in the Date Range when cumulating the receipts (Payment column).

NOTE: Default value.

  1. Click on the Accept icon.

  1. Once the customer statement is displayed in the maestro* viewer, you may print it, save it, or share it as needed.
  2. Close the window.


About interests...

For interest to be calculated and displayed on a customer statement: 

  • Credit conditions must have been created in the Credit Terms Management option (read cours document AR02 if needed);
  • Credit conditions must have been applied (entered) when entering the sale in maestro*;
  • The variable which allows displaying interests on the customer statement form must have been used when setting up the latter.

Displaying an interest amount on the customer statement does not mean these have been billed. The user must proceed with Interest Accouting for these to be billed. Once billed, interests will appear on the customer statement invoice. Read section Accounting and Generating Interest Invoices for more information.

Releasing Holdbacks

As mentionned in the Standard Holdbacks and Holdback Release in maestro* section of the concept document The Different Invoicing Methods in maestro*, release holdbacks allow completing the invoicing process for invoices with a holdback amount for which the tax calculation mode is set to Standard. That process includes: 

  • calculating tax on the holdback,
  • transfering the holdback amount to accounts receivable, and
  • printing a new invoice with the amounts that are now payable for the customer.

In sum, releasing holdbacks generates the following transactions (read concept document The Different Invoicing Methods in maestro*to view a detailed example of holdback calculations in standard mode, as well as the accounting entries generated once the transaction transfer completed):

  • An invoice on which the amount is no longer a holdback but an account receivable on which taxes are calculated;
  • A transaction consisting of the credit holdback amount, without tax, used to reverse the balance of the original holdback;
  • A receipt of zero to consolidate the balance of the original holdback with the credit holdback invoice.

The calculation of these three transactions is done in the Release Holdback option. Furthermore, the option also allows printing the result of this calculation, as an invoice.

As for all transactions, a transfer will have to be performed to ensure the recording in the general ledger accounts. Also, although the calculation of the holdbacks and possibly of the invoice was done via the Release Holdback option, the user will have to transfer the transactions using:

  • the Transfer icon in the Release Holdback option toolbar, once the holdbacks have been calculated;
  • the Transfer Transactions icon in the maestro* main menu (see course content MAES02 if needed); or
  • The Enter a Sale option (maestro* > Invoicing > Invoicing > Processing > Enter a Sale).

Indeed, once the holdback calculation completed in the Release Holdback option, the transaction will be displayed in the Summary of Non-Transferred Transactions in the Enter a Sale option. The user will therefore be able to make additions and modifications to the transaction (or invoice) before it is transferred.


It is impossible for a user to modify or delete breakdown grids that have been generated by the release holdback program. However, the user will be able to add lines and later on modify and delete them - contrary to the original lines.

Finally, note that Release Holdback option can display two different locations in maestro*, according to the modules and options held by the company and the access given to the user. The Release Holdback option presented here is available through the Invoicing sub-module which allows to calculate standard release on sales invoiced by time, material, and equipment and those billed through work order invoicing11. Of course these sales will have to be transferred before applying holdbacks is possible.


maestro* > Invoicing > Invoicing > Processing > Release Holdback


To release holdbacks:

  1. In the Release Holdback option, select the applicable Sales Department.
  2. Select the projects for which the release holdback must be performed.
  3. Enter the holdback percentage to bill in the field to this effect.

  1. Click on the Accept icon.
  2. In the new Release Holdback window, select the Invoicing Date.
  3. Enter the applicable tax codes in the Tax 1 and Tax 2 fields and check, if applicable, the Apply to All Transactions box.

  1. Check the box in the Accepted column to select holdbacks to release and for which invoices must be generated.

The following table describes the grid columns.




Indicates that the invoice must be generated and transferred.

NOTE: It is possible to accept transactions in batch by clicking on the Select All icon.

Holdback Invoice

Allows making a link between the original invoice when there has already been a holdback release or when a holdback invoice has already been generated.


Displays the customer to invoice, for informational purposes.

NOTE: A red square indicates that a note can be displayed if the customer is exempt from tax. This note is displayed at the bottom, in the status bar.

Invoice No.

Displays the number of the invoice that will be reversed.


Displays the original invoice date.


Displays the balance of the original invoice.

Holdback - Balance

Displays the holdback balance to invoice.

Holdback - %

Invoice percentage for release holdback.

Holdback - Amount

Amount to invoice for the holdback.

Tax 1

First tax code applicable to the holdback invoice.

NOTES: To know where the applicable tax code and rate come from, read help on Reading Tax Codes in maestro*.

If no tax is found, the values entered in the Default Values section will be applied.

Tax 2

Second tax code applicable to the holdback invoice.

NOTES: To know where the applicable tax code and rate come from, read help on Reading Tax Codes in maestro*.

If no tax is found, the values entered in the Default Values section will be applied.


Displays the project charged in the original invoice for informational purposes.


Displays the activity charged in the original invoice for informational purposes.


Displays the group charged in the original invoice for informational purposes.

  1. Click on Apply to generate the holdback invoices.

  1. When the validation message Do you wish to generate the holdback invoices for the selected transactions? appears, click on Yes to initiate the holdback calculation.

  1. Click on Ok when the holdback calculation confirmation message appears.
  2. If so desired, click on the Print icon to display the holdback invoice in the maestro* viewer.
  1. Click on Print then close the viewer.


It is possible to print the holdback invoices at this step but also through the Print an Invoice or Enter a Sale options.

  1. Confirm whether printing was successful.
  2. Click on Transfer if no modifications have to be made to the invoice.


Once the holdback calculation completed, the invoice is displayed in the Summary of Transferred Transactions or the Summary of Non-Transferred Transactions section of the Enter a Sale option.

  1. Click on Quit.



Setting Up Customer Invoices Codes

The Receivable Invoice Status Codes Table allows defining invoice statuses after their transfer. Defined statuses may represent verification steps (or individuals) the invoice must follow to be validated before being printed and the receipt entry.


maestro* > Invoicing > Maintenance > invoicing > Receivable Invoice Status Codes Table



Online Help (F1) - Receivable Invoice Status Codes Table



It is possible to customize five (5) approval codes. Codes whose status is assigned by the numbers 0, 1, 7, 8, and 9 are the default maestro* codes.

Default Code



Invoice entered but not transferred


Invoice transferred and printed


Receivable invoice


Invoice for which the holdback is due


Invoice completely paid

All invoices identified by a code lesser than 7 are not available to print nor enter in receipts.

To add a code to the preexisting ones (or modify one):

  1. In the Table of AR Invoice Status Codes window, click on the desired line in the table.


The software's default steps cannot be modified or deleted.

  1. Enter a French and/or English description.
  2. Click on the Save icon.
  3. Close the window.



In the General option of the General Settings (Billing module), a status can be assigned by default to transferred invoices in the Invoice Status field.


Recording and Generating Interest Invoices

Recording interests allows managing, on a monthly basis, interest invoices that are calculated on all unpaid invoices, except for interest invoices, according to the credit term entered in the customer file in maestro* (via the Customer Management option) and interest rates defined in the Credit Term Management option.

The newly created interest invoice is assigned to the original customer but affects the project, activity, and group defined in the Configuration option (Billing module, Customer option, Interest Accounting section).


Calculated interests are for the period where the recording of interest is performed. It is recommended to perform this exercise monthly.



maestro* > Invoicing > Invoicing > Processing > Interest Accounting



Online Help (F1) - Interest Accounting


From an operational point of view, the act of recording interests is carried out in much the same way as release holdbacks. Once the interests have been calculated, an invoice is generated. The latter can be printed and transferred via the Interest Accounting option but also through the Enter a Sale option. To record and generate interests: 

  1. Select a Period.
  2. Choose a Sales Deparment to indicate where invoices come from.
  3. Select on or more Customer(s).


To select all customers, check the All box.

  1. Click on Accept.


Maestro* analyses the data according to the entered parameters and displays a list of invoices for which an interest invoice must be generated.

Enter the required information:



Tax 1

First tax code applicable to the interest invoices.

NOTE: If no tax code is selected, no tax will be applied to the interest invoice.

Tax 2

Second tax code applicable to interest invoices.

NOTE: If not tax code is selected, no tax will be applied to the interest invoice.

Interest Invoicing Date

Interest invoice date.

NOTE: This date is considered the accounting date.

  1. Validate the Interest Amt column.


By default maestro* displays the interest calculated in accordance to the due date and interest rates indicated in the Credit Terms Management option and linked to the customer. It is however possible to manually change the amount by clicking on the field.

  1. Select the invoices for which an interest invoice has to be generated by checking the Accepted column.


It is possible to select and deselect all invoices by using the icons to this effect.

The drilling functionality is available for the Customer and Invoice No. columns to get more details on the customer or transaction.

  1. Click on the Apply icon oncethe information in the table has been validated.


Answer Yes to the question "Would you like to generate the interest invoices for the selected transactions?". Then click Ok to the message "The creation of interest invoices has been completed".

By this step, interest invoices have been created (for each customer) in the Enter a Sale option. The accumulator number of each invoice is displayed in the Interest Invoice Cpt column. It is possible to access these invoices by making a double-click on the field.

  1. Click on the Transfer icon.


This step allows transferring the sale invoice directly to accounting if the user answers Yes to the question Transfer the interest to accounting?. If the user does not perform the transfer (or answers with a negative), the invoices will be available in the Enter a Sale option and will be available for later transfer.

  1. To print invoices, it is possible to do so using the Print icon in the Interest Accounting window, via the Enter a Sale option, via the Print Invoices option.
  2. Click on Quit.



Generating Liens in maestro*

Maestro* offers its clients options designed to managing liens12 - these can both create liens but also save those received by their subcontractors and generate receipts.


Option allowing to create receipt contract liens

maestro* > Invoicing > Invoicing > Lien > Lien Management

Option allowing to save received liens

maestro* > Projects > Project Costing > Processing > Lien Management


The Lien Management option (displayed in the Invoicing module) allows generating and saving liens, as well as their linked receipts13.

Creating a Lien and Saving a Release Form

The lien allows to generate liens by customer project and know the invoicing level, the payments, and receipts for each of these liens. This option complements the different maestro* sale and invoicing options: Enter a Sale, Customer Order, Customer Order Invoicing, Contract Management, Invoicing (Lump Sum), Progress Billing, Contract Management (Service), etc. It is also important to mention that the Lien Management option does not automatically come with maestro*, that its purchase is optional.


maestro* > Invoicing > Invoicing > Lien > Lien Management



Online Help (F1) - Lien Management



Creating the Lien

To create and save a new lien:

  1. In the Lien Management window, click on New.




Automatically displays a code when saving a new lien, which corresponds to a sequential number.


Status of the lien.

NOTE: The following two values are available: Active or Closed.

End Date

Displays, for informational purposes, the lien end date.

NOTE: This date is automatically displayed when receipts correspond to the lien amount.


Lien balance after the receipts have been saved.

  1. Enter the required information in the Details field:


The fields followed by a * are mandatory.




Customer targetted by the lien.


Project targetted by the lien.


Lien date.


Lien amount.

Order Number

Order number linked to the lien.

Payment Delay

Number of days the customer has to pay.

NOTE: For informational purposes only. This field is not used in any calculation. It appears on the Lien Report and can be printed on forms.

  1. Customer Project section:




Customer project code.


Customer's contact name.

Address 1 and 2

Customer project address.

  1. Origin section:



Last Name

Last name of the person who created the lien.


Phone number of the person who created the lien.

  1. Owner section:




Code originating from the Contract Management option.


Name of the owner project.

  1. General Contractor section:




Code originating from the Contract Management option.

  1. Click on the Save icon.
  2. Click on Ok when the message Lien added appears.

The new lien will now appear in the grid at the top of the window, in the Summary of Active Liens section.

Saving a Release Form

To save a release: 

  1. In the Lien Management window, make a double click on the one needing release in the Summary of Active Liens grid.
  2. In the Releases section, enter the date, the amount, and the release number in the columns to this effect.
  3. Click on the Save icon.

When the release amounts correspond to the total amount of the lien, maestro* will change the lien's status to the Closed status.


The Invoice Detail section allows to view the invoices and allows to drill down in sale invoices. Furthermore, if the Lien Management option is used, it is necessary to indicate the lien forms beforehand, in the maestro* General Settings (Lien section, Forms option, Billing module).



Generating a Lien Report

The Lien Report option allows to view the progress status of liens linked to customers.



maestro* > Invoicing > Invoicing > Lien > Lien Report



Online Help (F1) - Lien Report

To print the Lien Report: 

  1. Select one or more Customer.


By default, all customers are selected.

  1. Select a Date Range, if so desired.


If no date is entered, this parameter will be ignored.

  1. Select the other information according to your needs.



Lien Budget %

Amount Invoiced / Lien Amount.

NOTE: Only the liens who's result to this calculation is greater than or equal to the entered percentage will be displayed on the report.


Allows displaying only the liens with the Active and/or Closed status.

  1. Click on Accept.



Generating Different Reports Linked to Sales in maestro*

Maestro* allows generating a number of reports and information linked to customer accounts which can then be viewed, saved, printed, shared, or even exported to an Excel file. The following table lists and summarizes the main invoicing reports/options and the information that can be viewed/displayed.



Option Name/Report

Information Inquiry in maestro*

Displayed as a Report

Content Description

Elements to Specify to Generate the Report and/or Information, if Applicable

List of Sales



Allows displaying, for the selected customer(s), a list of sales according to where they come from (option used to generate the sale) and the transaction status. It is possible to select a specific date range, a specific sales department, a salesperson, and a user(s) who initiated the transaction(s). On the report can also be viewed the invoice numbers, charged projects and activities, holdbacks, discounts, transaction numbers, etc.

  • Transaction Status
  • Customer
  • Sales Department*
  • Date Range - Accounting, Entered, and/or Due*
  • Salesperson*
  • User
  • Origin


Receivables List



Allows displaying, for the selected customer(s), the transactions and accounts receivable totals for the latter. It is possible to select a specific date range, a specific sales department, a salesperson, and, if applicable, to apply a mask and display the comments saved for the transactions. The report displays the information by client and details the amounts to receive, the saved receipts, applied discounts, balance receivables, total holdbacks and those to be paid, advances, customer's credit limit, if applicable, payment due dates, main contacts and their phone numbers, etc.

  • Customer
  • Sales Department*
  • Date Range*
  • Salesperson*
  • Mask*
  • AR Progress Documents


AR Aging Report



Allows displaying the age and the total balance of customer accounts receivable. The report therefore allows to see the customer, their phone coordinates, the amounts due from 0 to 30 days, 31 to 60 days, 31 to 90 days, 91 to 120 days, 121 days +, holdback amounts to be paid, and the total amount due. The user may specify, before generating the report, if they wish to apply all receipts or juste those up to a certain date, include payment advances, and whether the aging accounts are calculated in days or periods. Finally, they can decide to apply a mask or not and display or not comments saved for transactions.

  • Report End Date*
  • Sales Department*
  • AR Progress Documents
  • Selection of the AR Calculation in Days or Periods
  • Inclusion of Advances or Not
  • Mask*
  • Application of all Receipts or up to a Certain Date
  • *Optional
  • AR Aging Report - Detailed



    Allows displaying the age and total balance of accounts receivable, by customer, but also for each transactions that led to this balance. As for the AR Aging Report, are displayed amounts due from 0 to 30 days, 31 to 60 days, 61 to 90 days, 91 to 120 days, 121days +, holdback amounts to be paid, and the total amount due on a specific day. The user can also specify , before generating the report, if they wish to apply all receipts or until a certain date, for a specific department or not, include payment advances, and whether the account age is calculated in days or periods. Finally, they can decide whether to apply a mask or not and display or not comments saved on transactions. Holdback may appear separately or be integrated to amounts and the calculate the age accorning to the accounting date or the current date.

    • Report End Date
    • Sales Department
    • Customer
    • Separated and Integrated Holdbacks
    • AR Progress Documents
    • Selection of the AR Calculation in Days or Periods
    • Calculate the age based on the accounting or due date
    • Inclusion of Advances or Not
    • Mask
    • Sort by Customer Code
    • Application of all receipts or up to a certain date

    AR List by Project



    Allows displaying, by project and customer, the amounts invoiced, holdbacks, discounts, and receipts.

    • Project
    • Sales Department
    • Customer

    List of Invoices



    Allows displaying invoices for a specific period and account. The report selection parameters also allows to limit the display to a single customer, project and/or series of invoice numbers. The list of invoices to generate displays the invoice numbers, the transaction dates and numbers, the customer codes and names, and finally, the invoice amounts.

    • Date Range
    • Account
    • Invoice Number Range*
    • Customer*
    • Project*


    Receipts by Customer



    Allows displaying, by customer and for a given period, individual and total payments received (including advances and holdback payments) and all information linked (date, transaction number, cheque number, discount).

    • Customer
    • Period Range

    Receipts by Project



    Allows displaying, by project and for a given period, the individual and total payments (including discounts and holdback payments) and all information linked (customer, date, cheque number, and invoice number).

    • Customer
    • Period Range

    Customer History



    Allows displaying invoiced and cashed-in sums by customer, for a given period. More specifically, it is possible to find the name and customer number, the transaction date and numbers, invoice numbers, cheque numbers, purchase order number if applicable, as well as the amounts, discounts, and holdbacks.

    • Customer
    • Period Range

    Recovery Delay



    Allows displaying, by customer, the total amount invoiced for each period and the number of days since the invoice(s) was(were) issued and the receipt cashed-in.

    • Customer
    • Period Range

    Customer Inquiry



    Allows to view on the screen all the transactions and information linked to a customer, such as the invoices, receipts, customer orders, contracts, liens, and quotations linked to a customer. It also allows to view a customer's certificates.

    • Customer Code



    List of Sales

    The List of Sales option allows generating a list containing all sales and transactions cumulated in the different maestro* sales options.


    maestro* > Invoicing > Invoicing > Processing > List of Sales


    To generate the sales list:

    1. In the List of Sales list, select an accounting data range, entered date range, and/or due date range.
    2. Choose one, more, or all user(s) linked to the sales to display.


    The users list is displayed according to access set up for users in the Security Management option.

    1. Select one or more customers.

    1. Perform all other selections using the information given in the following table.



    Transaction Status

    Allows selecting the sales to display according to their status.




    Displays both non transferred and transferred sales.

    Not Transferred

    Only displays non transferred sales.


    Only displays transferred sales.

    Printing Order

    Displays transactions according to the selected criteria: Customer, Accounting Date, Entry Date, Invoice #, and Transaction #.


    Allows to generate a list for a specific salesperson by selecting one from the Salesperson Management option.

    NOTES: The salesperson must have been linked to a contract when invoicing.

    Selection of Sales Department

    Allows selecting a specific sales department, originating from the Define Sales Department option.


    Allows selecting the source of transactions to be displayed.




    Displays all sales, no matter the source.


    Displays the sales originating from the Enter a Sale option only.


    Displays the sales originating from the Homebuilder Sales option only.

    Progressive/Specialized Invoice

    Displays the sales originating from the different Invoicing option only (lump sum, progress billing, and cost plus).

    Mandate Invoicing

    Displays no transactions.


    Displays the income originating from the Rent Collection option only.

    Service Call

    Displays the sales originating from the Invoicing (service management) option only.

    With Detail

    If this box is checked, maestro* displays the description displayed on the invoice.

    1. Click on Accept.
    2. View the report, share it, or save it, then quit.

    Accounts Receivable List

    As its name indicates, this option allows generating a list of account receivables according to the parameters entered by the user.


    maestro* > Invoicing > Analysis and Inquiry > Reports > Accounts Receivable List


    To generate the accounts receivable list: 
    1. In the Accounts Receivable List window, select the customer(s) to take into account.

    It is possible to select all customers by checking the box to this effect or to select multiple ones by keeping the Ctrl key pressed down.

    1. If applicable, select the Salesperson to limit the data displayed to sales linked to this said salesperson.
    2. In the Selection of Sales Department field, select an account receivable to only display the details linked to the latter on the report.
    3. Then indicate, if applicable, the start and end dates in the Range of Due Dates fields to restrict the display to a specific period.
    4. If so desired, check the AR collection documents? box to display, on the report, the camments by invoice entered in the Enter Receipts of Customer Inquiry options.
    5. If applicable, enter a mask in the Mask for Project field to limit the display of accounts receivable to a specific project.

    1. Click on the Accept icon.

    1. Once it has been processed, view the information displayed in the Maestro Viewer and, if needed, save ad/or print the report.
    2. Close the window.

    AR Aging Report

    As it's name indicates, the option allows generating the AR Aging Report according to the parameteres entered by the user.



    maestro* > Invoicing > Analysis and Inquiry > Reports > AR Aging Report


    To generate the AR Aging Report

    1. Enter the End Date of the transactions that must be taken into account to generate the report.
    2. Select the desired calculation option in the Calculate Aging According to field:
      • The Period option will make it so AR aging is calculated by period.
      • The Day option will make it so maestro* calculate the invoice aging according to the number of days past between the invoice date and the date on which the report is requested.
    1. In the Selection of Sales Department grid, select the account(s) receivable.
    2. If applicable, check the box Include advances to display customer advances on the report.
    3. If needed, enter a mask in the Mask for project field to limit the accounts receivable display to specific projects.
    4. If so desired, check the AR Collect Documents? box to display on the report all comments per invoice entered in the Enter a Receipt or Customer Inquiry options.
    5. Select the desired option in the All Receipts Applied field:
      • When selected, the All option will make sure that invoiced amounts will not be taken into account to generate the report if the payments have been performed after the selected date, as these amounts are now settled.
      • As for the Until Date Requested option, it assures that receipts are applied to the invoiced amounts until the report date. If cheques are cashed in after the report date, the corresponding invoices will not be considered settles to generate the results of the report.

    1. Click on the Accept icon.

    1. Once the process completed, view the information displayed in the Maestro Viewer and, if needed, save and/or print the report.
    2. Close the window.

    AR Aging Report - Detailed

    As its name indicates, this option allows generating the Detailed AR Aging Report according to the parameters set by the user.


    maestro* > Invoicing > Analysis and Inquiry > Reports > AR Aging Report - Detailed



    Online Help (F1) - AR Aging Report - Detailed


    To generate the report: 

    1. In the AR Aging Report - Detailed window, first select the date for which the report is requested. Invoices with a date later than the one entered in the Date Range field will not be taken into account.
    2. Then select the desired option in the Holdback field:
      • The Separated option makes it so the holdback amounts are displayed in a separate column of the report (titled Holdback).
      • The Integrated option makes it so the holdback amounts are displayed on separate lines (identified by the R code). These amounts are also classified according to the age of AR accounts on the report (0-30 days, 31-60 days, etc.).
    3. Select the desired calculation option in the Calculate Aging According to field:
      • The Period option makes it so the aging of AR accounts will be calculated by period.
      • The Days options makes it so maestro* will calculate the age of invoices according to the days elapsed between the invoice dates and the date for which the report is requested.
    4. In the Sales Department grid, select the account(s) receivables.
    5. Select, in the right portion of the window and the Customer grid, the customer(s) to display on the report.


    It is possible to select all the customers by checking the box to this effect or to select more than one by pressing and holding the Ctrl key. Furthermore, the user can click on the column titles in the grid to modify the display order in the grid.

    1. If applicable, check the Advance box to display customer advances on the report.
    2. Check the Sort by Customer Code box to replicate the display order of selected customers in the report grid. If this box is not checked, the selected customers will be ordered on the report according to their customer code.
    3. Selection the desired option in the All Receipts Applied field:
      • When selected, the All option makes it so the invoice amounts are only displayed on the report if the payments have been performed after the report date, as these amounts are now settled.
      • As for the Until Date Requested option makes its so the receipts will be applied to the invoiced amounts until the report date. If cheques have been cashed in after the report date, the corresponding invoices will appear as though they have yet to be settled on the report.
    4. If so desired, check the AR Collection Documents? box to display on the report the comments per invoice entered in the Enter a Receipt or Customer Inquiry options.

    1. Click on the Accept icon.

    1. Once the process completed, view the information displayed in the Maestro Report Viewer and, if needed, save and/or print the report.
    2. Close the window.

    AR List by Project

    The AR List by Project option allows generating a report displaying, by project and by customer, the invoices amounts (including the invoicing dates and due dates), the holdbacks, discounts, and receipts.


    maestro* > Invoicing > Analysis and Inquiry > Reports > AR List by Project


    1. In the AR List by Project window, first select the project(s) for which you wish to view the data.
    2. If needed, select a salesperson (if set up and used).
    3. In the Sales Department field, select the account receivable.
    4. Choose the customer(s) to display on the report.

    It is possible to select all the customers by checking the box to this effect or to select more than one by pressing and holding the Ctrl key.

    1. In the Printing Order field, select one of the fours options to determine the information display order: 
    • Customer Name / Project No.
    • Customer Code / Project No.
    • Project No. / Customer Name
    • Project No. / Customer Code
    1. Click on the Accept icon.

    1. Once the process completed, view the information displayed in the Maestro Report Viewer and, if needed, save and/or print the report.
    2. Close the window.

    List of Invoices

    The List of Invoices option is used to generate an invoice list for a period and data account. The selection parameters for the report also allow to limit display to a customer, project, and/or series of invoice numbers. As for the list of generated invoices, it displays the invoice numbers, transaction dates and numbers, customer codes and names, and finally, invoice amounts.


    maestro* > Invoicing > Analysis and Inquiry > Reports > List of Invoices


    To generate this report: 
    1. In the List of Invoices window, first select, if applicable, the first and last invoice numbers to take into account to limit the selection.
    2. Then complete the Date Range by indicating the start and end date to take into consideration. The date of invoices included on the report will be contained between those two dates, inclusively.
    3. Then select the supplier account.

    1. If so desired, limit the list of invoices to a client by selecting the later.
    2. If so desired, limit the list of invoices to a project by selecting it.
    3. Click on the Accept icon.

    The maestro* report viewer is displayed with the invoices corresponding to the selections made.

    1. Print and/or save and/or analyse the data and then close the window.

    Receipts by Customer

    The Receipts by Customer option allows generating a report which displays, by client and for a given period, the individual payments and totals reveived (including advances and the payment of holdbacks) and all the information linked (date, transaction number, cheque number, discounts).


    maestro* > Invoicing > Analysis and Inquiries > Reports > Receipts by Customer


    To generate this report: 
    1. In the Receipts by Customer window, first select the period range by clicking on two periods in the list; the oldest will serve as the start period and the newest as the end period. The data included in the report will fall between these periods.
    2. Then select one, multiple, or all customers.


    It is possible to select more than one customer by pressing and holding the Shift or Caps key when selecting them.

    1. Click on the Accept icon.

    The maestro* report viewer appears with the data corresponding to the previously made selections.

    1. Print and/or save and/or analyse the data, then close the report.

    Receipts by Project

    As for the Receipts by Project option, it allows to generate a report similar to the one in the Receipt by Customer option but displaying by project and for a given period the individual payments and totals received (including the discounts and the holdback payments) and all information linked (customer, date, cheque number, a d invoice number).


    maestro* > Invoicing > Analysis and Inquiry > Reports > Receipt by Project


    To generate this report: 
    1. In the Report by Project window, check the All box or open the tree structure by clicking on the + sign and check the boxes of the projects for which you want to display the receipts.


    At the top of the section for selecting projects, maestro* makes it possible to select a tree structure template, making selections easier and allowing to display projects by project type, category, department, master project, etc. Furthermore, the user will be able to create additional tree structure templates by clikcin on the button to the right of the template field. It can therefore create tree structures of finished and/or closed projects, if needed, or even tree structures specific to a company (when maestro* is used in multidimensional mode).

    The tree structures created in the Receipt by Project option also becomes available in the template selection in the Project Inquiry option.

    1. Then complete the two fields to indicate the Date Range by entering the start and end dates in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD.


    Note that it is possible to directly click on one of the fields to display a calendar and select the date in this same calendar.

    1. Click on the Accept icon.

    The maestro* report viewer is displayed with the data corresponfing to the previously made selections.


    If the maestro* report viewer is not closed following a previous inquiry, tabs with the previous reports will be displayed i the viewer in addition to the one generated with the new selections.

    1. Print and/or save and/or analyse the data then close the window.

    Customer History

    The Customer History option allows displaying all amounts invoiced and collected per customer, for a given period. More specifically, it is possible to find the customer's name and number, the transaction dates and numbers, the invoice numbers, cheque numbers, purchase order numbers if applicable, as well as the amounts, discounts, and holdbacks.


    maestro* > Invoicing > Analysis and Inquiry > Reports > Customer History


    To generate this report:
    1. In the Customer History window, first select the period range by clicking on two of them; the oldest will act as the starting period, whereas the newest will act as the end period.The report history will be contained between these two periods, inclusively.
    2. Then select one, multiple, or all customers.


    It is possible to select more than one customer by pressing and holding the Shift key when selecting them.

    1. Click on the Accept icon.

    The maestro* report viewer will be displayed with the history corresponding to the previously made selections.

    1. Print and/or save and/or analyse the data, the close the window.

    Recovery Delay

    The Recovery Delay option allows displaying a report illustrating the payment delays of customers following an invoice being issued. For each customer selected by the user and for the periods in the included in the selected range, it is possible to see the total amount invoiced for each period and the number of days that have passed between the invoice(s) being issued and the receipt being cashed in.

    This report is sometimes requested by banking institutions when comes the time to renew a line of credit, for example. It allows viewing, globally, the required time to get paid by customers.


    maestro* > Invoicing > Analysis and Inquiry > Reports > Recovery Delay


    1. In the Recovery Delay window, select the customer for which you wish to view the recovery delay by clicking on the latter in the grid.

    It is possible to select all the customers by checking the box to this effect or by selecting more than one by pressing and holding the Ctrl key.

    1. Select a period range by clicking on the first and last one.

    The total period selected for analysing recovery data may not exceed 12 months. Furthermore, the holdback amounts are not taken into account.

    1. Click on the Accept icon.

    In the example above, we can see that $1,035 have been billed in April 2021 and that 144 days were required to recover all the amount due.

    1. Save, print, or close the window once the report was read.

    Customer Inquiry

    The Customer Inquiry option allows viewing on the window all the invoices, receipts, customer orders, contracts, liens, and quotations linked to a customer. It also allows viewing the certificates of a customer.


    maestro* > Invoicing > Analysis and Inquiry > Customers > Customer Inquiry



    Online Help (F1) - Customer Inquiry



    Configuration icon

    In the Customer Inquiry window, the Configuration icon allows defining certain parameters linked to the display of data, such as:

    • the display of the last viewed customer when opening the option,
    • the access to a filter to display sales,
    • the calculation of the recovery delay for the last five years,
    • the application of colours to display holdbacks, transferred transactions (or not), according to the invoice status,
    • Etc.


    To view information about a customer's data and transactions :

    1. In the Customer Inquiry window, select the customer in the Customer Code field.
    2. Click on the desired tab, according to the wanted information.


    Shared Information


    This tab shows the general information on the customer, entered in maestro* when creating the customer in the Customer Management option.


    This tab displays the invoices entered by invoice type and for the selected customer.


    Share Information


    This tab displays all the sales, independently from the options with which they were entered in maestro*.

    NOTE: Some icons, at the top of the window, allows displaying all the invoices or only those that have not been paid.

    Standard Sales

    This tab displays all sales invoiced through the Enter a Sale option.

    Contract Invoicing

    This tab displays invoices entered through the Invoicing (Lump Sum) and Prepare Progress Billing options.

    Service Call Invoicing

    This tab displays the invoices entered through the Invoicing and Combined Invoicing options of the service management module.

    Customer Order Invoicing

    This tab displays the invoices entered through the Invoicing and Invoicing - Point of Sales options of the module customer orders.

    Mortgage Invoicing

    This tab displays the invoices entered through the Homebuilder Sales option.

    Cost Plus Invoicing

    This option displays the invoices entered through the Cost Plus Invoicing option.

    Construction Management Billing

    This tab displays the invoices entered through the Construction Management Billing option.

    NOTE: It is possible to make a double-click on a transaction to view the detail. In addition, icons at the top of the window show which transactions have or have not been transferred for the billing method displayed.


    This tab displays the payments made (transferred receipts only) on sales invoiced through the different maestro* options.

    NOTE: It is possible to make a double-click on a transaction to view the detail.


    This tab displays all the customer orders entered through the Customer Order option, no matter their status in maestro*.

    NOTE: It is possible to make a double-click on a transaction to see the detail.


    This tab displays all the contracts entered through the Contract Management option in the Service Management module.

    NOTE: It is possible to make a double-click on a transaction to see the detail.

    Collection Delay

    This tab displays the sales total for the selected month and the recovery delay applicable to these invoices.

    NOTE: The average recovery delay is calculated according to the invoice date until the receipt is entered. It does not take holdbacks into account.


    This tab displays the liens and releases linked to the customer.

    NOTE: It is possible to make a double-click on a transaction to view the detail.


    This tab displays the quotations entered in the Quotation module.

    NOTE: The Selected column reproduces the result of the Selected column in the Customers tab of a distribution quotation, meaning that it indicates the customer that accepted the contract. Furthermore, it is possible to make a double-click on a transaction to view the detail.

    Billing Information

    This tab displays the information of invoices entered in the Billing Information tab of the Customer Management option.


    This tab displays the information related to advances entered in the Receipt option of the Invoicing and Contractual Billing sub-modules.

    Work Order

    This tab displays the work orders linked to the selected customer and entered through the Work Order option.

    NOTE: It is possible to make a double-click on the transaction to view the detail.


    This tab allows viewing the customer's certificates. These were entered in maestro* through the Customer Management option, in the Certifications by Customer icon.

    Service Quotation

    This tab displays the quotations that have been created through a work order or service call with the help of the Service Quotation module.

    NOTE: The quotations can be viewed by making a double-click on the lines in the grid.

    1. Click on the Quit icon to close the window.









    Configurations to be completed


    Approval or meeting with management


    Tests and trial runs


    Unit AR03





    Due Date




    Enter a sale in maestro* using the Enter a Sale option so as to charge accounts receivable.






    Perform a sale and cash-in the receipt simultaneously in maestro*, using the Enter a Sale option.






    Transfer a sale through the original option.






    Print an invoice:

    • through the Enter a Sale option
    • through the Print Invoices option.






    Save a receipt in maestro*.






    Save a customer deposit in maestro*.






    Apply a deposit to an invoice.






    Save an individual receipt in maestro*.






    Generate a list of receipts.






    Cancel a receipt.






    Combine receipts for a deposit.






    Generate a financial statement.






    Bill holdbacks.





    C et A

    Set up accounts receivable invoice codes.






    Account and generate an interest invoice.






    Manage liens:

    • Create a lien
    • Create a release
    • Generate a lien report






    Generate the following reports:

    • List of Sales
    • Accounts Receivable List
    • AR Aging Report
    • AR Aging Report - Detailed
    • AR List by Project
    • List of Invoices
    • Receipts by Customer
    • Receipts by Project
    • Customer History
    • Recovery Delay






    View the information linked to a customer.









