Customer Orders


You can print and send a confirmation of the customer order to the customer, use the catalogue of items with the selling price (discounted or not) or determine the availability of products sold from stock. It also makes information on quantities to be delivered or already delivered available.








maestro* > Invoicing > Customer Orders > Processing > Customer Orders


Create a customer order

  1. Enter the required information:

You can copy a customer order by clicking the Copy icon. If an order is copied, maestro* displays the original order number in the Original P.O. Number field.





Customer order number.

NOTE: A counter and a mask can be defined in Configuration.


Status of the order.

The default maestro* statuses available to the user include: Reserved, Quotation, Entered and Confirmed.

NOTE: New statuses can be created using the Table of Order Statuses option.

If the advanced order approval function is enabled in Configuration - Purchasing and Procurement, the status can only be changed when the order is saved. The status available will be those from the Table of Order Statuses.

Credit is checked based on the Credit Limit field in Customer Management when the order is saved in Confirmed status. Certain actions can be configured by the user in Security Management, Access Restriction tab.

Credit is not checked for orders with a V - Active (or transferred) status.

Contract Type

Order type.

The choices are: Regular Purchase Order and Open Order and Equipment Rental.

NOTE: An open order must be closed manually using the Close a Customer Order option.

The Equipment Rental type is only available if the Equipment Rental module is installed.

Quotation Type

Used to specify the type if the Status field is set to Quotation.

The types available to the user include: Entered, Proposed, Rejected, Cancelled and Granted.

NOTE: This choice is only available if the Status field is set to Quotation.

The Display Entered/Proposed Quotations file only contains quotations with the Entered or Proposed status.

  1. Enter the required information in the Details tab:



Cust Code

Customer code from Customer Management.

Address No.

Customer's address number.

NOTE: By default, maestro* displays the address from Customer Management.

You can configure multiple addresses for a given customer using the Define Customer Addresses option.


Customer's contact name.

Original P.O. No.

Number of the original purchase order.

New Contract

New contract number.


Project number affected by the sale.

Customer P.O.

Customer order number.


Default site for sold items.

NOTE: The sites are from Define Sites.

Order Date

Date of the order.


Expected delivery date of the order.

Credit Terms

Payment terms for the invoice from Credit Terms Management.

Holdback %

Holdback percentage applicable to the order on invoicing.

Print Order

Orders set to Yes are printed when printing is started using the Print Customer Orders option.

Orders set to No are not printed when printing is started using the Print Customer Orders option.

Price List

Code of the price list from Maintain Price Lists.

NOTE: This function is used to create a specific price list for an order or project.

Customer Project

Customer's project number.

Customer Project Name

Name of the customer's project.

Procurement Management

Used to generate a stock order from catalogue or requisition automatically and reserve items in stock during the transfer, if the box is checked.

NOTE: A stock order from catalogue is generated if Direct Delivery is checked in the site field and the supplier code is specified in the same place. Otherwise, a requisition is generated. The user can change the requisition or stock order from catalogue created one the customer order is saved.

If the box is checked, two new columns are available in the breakdown: Qty to be Reserved and Qty to be Ordered. These columns are completed automatically depending on the quantity ordered by the customer and according to the quantity available in stock. For example, Qty Avail. = 10, Qty Cust Order = 15, Qty to be Reserved = 10, Qty to be Ordered = 5.

  1. Detail section:

You can click the Configuration icon to save the project number, activity number and site number that will be used by default by user for all entries in the Detail section.

After choosing a product in the Detail section, the Sales History window provides an overview of past sales for the selected Customer Code.




Inventory Code

Inventory code from Catalogue Management.

When clicking the icon, the Select a record window appears. If needed, filter the items to be displayed in order to narrow the selection.

If the item is a kit, see section Create a customer order from a kit.


Description of the item. Can contain up to 100 characters.

Line Type

Displays the type of transaction where the line is from.

NOTE: This field is only available if the Equipment Rental module is installed.


Conversion unit.

NOTE: The unit varies based on the factor entered in the item in the Catalogue Management option.


Site on which the item is located.


Actual location of the item in maestro*.


Item characteristic.


Item identification.

Reservation No.

Reservation number.

NOTE: This number is displayed automatically by maestro* if the Manage Procurements box is checked.


Determines the activity to which each breakdown line belongs.

Qty On Hand

Quantity available in stock at the moment of the order entry.

NOTE: The unit varies based on the factor entered in the item in the Catalogue Management option.

Qty Reserved

Equipment rented

NOTE: This field is only available if the Equipment Rental module is installed.

Qty Available

Quantity available in stock at the time the order is entered.

Qty Ord. Invt.

Quantity ordered based on the inventory unit.

Inv. Unit

Unit of measure associated with the inventory in Catalogue Management.

Qty Ord Cust

Quantity ordered according to the customer's unit.

Cust. Unit

Unit of measure associated with the customer in Catalogue Management.


Equipment rental

NOTE: This field is only available if the Equipment Rental module is installed.

Significance of the colours:

Cyan: A caution is displayed on the screen in extension mode only to indicate that the ordered quantity is insufficient according to the inventory quantity and the quantity reserved.

Indicates that the material has been reserved for another order and indicates that the quantity becomes inadequate.

Qty Delv. Invt.

Order quantity delivered according to the inventory unit.

Qty Delv. Cust

Order quantity delivered according to the customer's unit.

Rental Cost

Equipment rental

NOTE: This field is only available if the Equipment Rental module is installed.

U.P. (Invt)

Unit price based on the inventory unit.

U.P. Cust

Unit price based on the customer's unit.

Disc %

Discount percentage.

NOTE: This percentage can be configured in Define Customer Pricing.


Breakdown line amount.

Tx 1

Tax code applicable.

NOTE: This code may have been determined by default in Customer Management.

Tx 2

Tax code applicable.

NOTE: This code can be determined by default in Customer Management or Catalogue Management.

Reason for N/C

Reason for no charge.

Cost Price

Used to enter a cost for parts not from Catalog Management.

NOTE: If there is an amount in the "Cost Price" column, this is the value that will be used to make the calculation of the Profit columns as well as for the total of the cost price.

It is now possible to register a cost price for the inventoried products.

Average U.P.

Average unit price.

Amount - Profit

Amount profit.

% - Profit

Percent of profit.

Delivery Date

Planned delivery date.

Expected Return Date and Time

Equipment rental

NOTE: This field is only available if the Equipment Rental module is installed.


Completed by default when the order is saved based on its progress in maestro*.


Requisition number associated with the customer order line.

NOTE: Displayed only if Procurement Management is checked and a requisition has been generated.

Line No.

Requisition line number.

Suppl. Order

Stock order from catalogue number associated with the customer order line.

NOTE: Displayed only if Procurement Management is checked and a stock order from catalogue has been generated.

Line No.

Stock order from catalogue line number.

Qty Returned

Equipment rental

NOTE: This field is only available if the Equipment Rental module is installed.

Line of Substitution

Equipment rental

NOTE: This field is only available if the Equipment Rental module is installed.

Original Line

Comes from the rental order.

NOTE: This field is only available if the Equipment Rental module is installed.

Do not print

If the box is checked, does not print the line on the invoice.

Not modifiable, comes from the rental order.

  1. Enter the required information in the Location tab:

This tab is only displayed if the contract type is equipment rental and if the Equipment Rental module is installed.

The icon Substitute an equipment on rental allows the user to replace a rental equipment not delivered by another item. 2 new lines are automatically created in the grid.




Start Date and Time

Date and time of start.

Return Date and Time

Date and time of return.

  1. Invoicing section:



Date of departure

Date of departure

Return Date

End of return.

  1. Payment Detail section:

This panel is displayed only if the user has access to the display of the amounts of the customer order to the delivery.




Amount of required deposit

Amount of the required deposit.

Amount of recv deposit

Amount of deposit received.

Discount amount

Amount of discount.

  1. Enter the required information in the Delivery tab:




Location for the work. Available values:


Used to create a temporary address.


Allows you use an address associated with a contact in Contact Management.


Allows you use an address from Customer Management.


Allows you use a previously entered address.


Uses the project address entered in Project Management.


Provides access to databases linked by function to the selection in the Location field.


Transportation from Define Abbreviations.


Incoterm from Define Abbreviations.


Salesperson associated with the customer order.

Attention of

Delivery contact.


Specification for the order from Define Specifications.

Start Date

Select the start date.


Select the start time.


Select the driver.

Return Date

Select the return date.


Select the return time.


Select the driver.

Estimated Time

Enter the estimated time.

Hourly Rate

Displays the hourly rate.


Displays the amount.

  1. Enter the required information in the Production Resources tab.




Resource code.


Resource description.


Displays the mode.

Maximum Quantity

Displays the maximum quantity.


Enter the quantity.


Enter the delay.


Select the function.


Start date.


Start time.


Select the status.


Enter a note.


Displays the amount

  1. Enter the required information in the Memo tab: Used to enter a memo for the order.

The memo is transferred to the stock order from catalogue if procurements are managed and the Transfer Memo to Supplier Order box is checked.

  1. Click Save.

Only orders with a Confirmed status can be transferred.

Some fields that are not related to the value of the order can be changed following the transfer.

This authorization must have been configured in Security Management, Access Restriction tab.

You can display the profit on the order based on the settings in Security Management.


Create a customer order from a kit


This feature applies to items whose Status corresponds to Kit in the Catalogue Management option.

  1. In the Breakdown grid, enter the kit's inventory code in the column or click on the icon to select a kit through the Select a record window. The Component Selection window opens.
  2. Enter the amount of kits (Quantity) needed in the order.
  3. Check the kit items to include in the order.
  4. Click on Select.
    All chosen kit items will automatically be added to the order.
  5. Save the order.


See also


Last modification: February 20, 2025