Creating Projects and Importing Budgets

Last modification: February 20, 2025


Unit P03 - Project Management

Printable Version - 2023-02-14

It is the Project Management option that is at the origin of all projects created in maestro*. Indeed, once the project template set up, it is from this option that projects can be opened and modified. The latter's expenses and revenues can also be analysed - it is possible to import budgets.

Without being mandatory, a lot of information linked to the project or characteristics can be entered in the Project Management option, when creating the project. However, since most of these have to be set up beforehand and are not critical, they will not be mentionned in this document. A project can indeed be created with a minimum of information, and more added later. This document will present the basic functionalities linked to projects, meaning the creation of a projet in its most basic firm, importing a budget, as well as closing, reopening, and deleting a project. Will also be mentionned master projects and subprojects, and project groups by type, categories, and departments.






Creating a Project in maestro*

Once the necessary project templated created in maestro*, it becomes easy to create a project. All projects, regardless of their nature, are created from the Project Managment option.


maestro* > Projects > Maintenance > Project > Project Management



Online Help (F1) - Project Management

  1. To create a new project, click on the New icon in the Project Management window, then enter its number in the Number field.


Project numbers are made up of a maximum of 10 alphanumeric characters. However, it is recommended to establish a short, simple, logical, and constant codification to make it easier for users to remember project numbers. Special characters, such as the star (*), the comma (,), the pound (#), the colon (:), and accented letters are not supported in project numbers. Furthermore, it is possible to activate the automatic numbering of project by entering a counter number in the Configuration option.

For internal projects, such as the balance sheet, the financial statement, and administration, for example, the project numbers can be as simple as BS, FS, and A. Equipment project numbers can be formulated using the equipment number.

  1. Enter a project Description in the field provided.
  2. Check the Equipment box if it is an equipment project. This action will allow the users with access to the Equipment module (this can be set up in the Security Management option) to access the project.
  3. Then click on the ellipsis button , displayed to the right of the Template field when we hover the cursor over this said field, under the Project Desc tab.
  4. Select the desired template.
  5. Back in the Project Management window, click on the Save icon. The other tabs in the window will then become avtive and accessible.


Since a project template has been imported, click on the Activities and Budgets tab to view the activities already added to the project. In fact, by making a double click on the activity code or description, the general ledger accounts linked to the expense group will be displayed in the upper right corner of the window.

Do not forget that if the activities and/or general ledger accounts are modified in the template, they will ahve to be synchronized with the project for additions. Removed activities or accounts have do be done manually.




Completing the Fields in the Project Desc Tab

The symbol, following the name of a field, means that this said field must/can be completed at this step of the implementation process. Information and the use of the other fields will be given throughout the whole training process, according to the modules and options they have an impact on.

  1. Complete the Site Information section.

This section allows to enter the complete project address.


When the Contact Management option is used and set up, it becomes possible to generate the project coordinates by entering a Site or Company contact. For more information, please read the F1 - Project Management.

  1. Complete the other fields in the left section of the window.



Use as a template for the sub-project

When checked, this box links certain project fields with the content in the selected master project fields.

NOTE: For more information, please read the section to this effect in this document.

Start Date

Project start date, for informational purposes.

Delivery Date

Planned delivery date of the project, for informational purposes.

End Date

Project end date automatically displayed at the end of the project or when it is closed.

Closing Date

Automatically displays a close date when using the Close a Project option.

Hlbk Release Date

Automatically displays a holdback release date.


This field is only available if the Drilling Time Management option is installed. When that is the case, it is used to select the measurement unit, either metre or feet.


Allows to select the applicable project template and, consequently, link the project to the activities, groups, and general ledger accounts to use. The project template must have previously been created in the Define Project Templates option.


CCQ project sector.

NOTE: This field is important as it is the project sector that determines the hourly rate of that project's CCQ employees. Four specific sectors are defined to negotiate construction industry collective labour agreements. Click HERE for more information on each of these.


Salesperson assigned to the project, if applicable, from the Salesperson Management option.

NOTE: See training document P02 if needed.


CCQ project region, required to complete to the CCQ report and for payroll.

NOTE: Be careful not to confuse this field with the Administrative Region field, displayed in the same window.

For a list of the different region codes, please refer to the following website:, Collective Agreements section.

Project Manager

Employee in charge of the project.

NOTE: It is important to enter a maestro* user code or the latter's name in this field.

Identifying a project management allows, in part:

  • to manage the approval of outstanding invoices;
  • to generate warnings, by email, when receiving merchandise.


Wage annex required to complete the CCQ report and for payroll.

NOTE: The annex must have been set up previously in the Define Annex option. For a list of the different annex codes, please go to the following website:

Site Supervisor

The project site supervisor, issued from the Contract Management option.

NOTE: Identifying a site supervisor allows to send the resource list to the latter when the Project Dispatch option is used - if not, the information is sent to the project manager. It is also possible to generate, in maestro*, warning messages by email for the site supervisor during receipts of goods.

Other Contact

Contact linked to the project, issued from the Contact Managment option.

NOTE: This contact will also receive, by email, warning messages during receipts of goods, if set up as such.

Project Type

Project type linked to the latter, issued from the Define Project Types option.

NOTE: Explanations on selecting a project type are given a little further down this document.

Overtime Calc.

Overtime calculation, issued from the Define Overtime Calculation Parameters option, and allowing to set up, for the whole project, the preferred method for calculating overtime.

NOTE: This information can also be set up in the project template.


Category assigned to the project, issued from the Define Project Categories option.

NOTE: Explanations on selecting a project category are given a little further down this document.

Purchase Order

The client purchase order number for the project, that can be displayed by default in the following options:

  • Enter a Sale
  • Purchase Order

Main Customer

Main customer to whom the project is linked, issued from the Customer Management option.

NOTE: The customer selected as the main customer is not used when invoicing accounts receivable. It can be used as a selection criteria to group projects in multiple maestro* reports, as well as in the List Generator option.


Customer issued from the Customer Management option, that is used to identify the customer to invoice by default when the said project is selected.

NOTE: This default customer is available in the following options, when the project is selected:

  • Progress Billing Contracts
  • Contract Management - Cost Plus
  • Contract Management - Lump Sum Invoicing
  • Invoicing Contract (W/O)
  • Work Orders


Default supplier linked to the project and issued from the Supplier Management option.

NOTE: This field is used during the import of tickets available in the Tickets menu. If there are no suppliers in the import file, maestro* will use the value entered in the project.

Inventory Site

Default inventory site for the project, issued from the Define Sites option.

NOTE: This field is used when billing available tickets in the Tickets menu.


Predefined project template, issued from the Define Model Management option.

NOTE: Explanations on selecting a budget template are given further down in this document.

Administrative Region

Project region, mandatory is the Tickets module is used.

NOTE: See training document P02 is needed.


Department linked to the project, issued from the Define Project Departments option.

NOTE: Explanations on selecting a project department are given further down this document.




  1. Enter a Detailed Description, if so desired.
  2. Add a Memo if needed.

The Memo tab can be used to add additional notes to the project, that can be displayed in the forms.

  1. Complete the GL Accounts sub-tab if the work in progress calculation mode is active for this project. The fields in this tab serve to enter expenses general ledger account numbers where the assets will be transferred when reversing works in progress.


These fields will automatically be completed if a template issued from the Define Project Templates option is linked to the project and if the selected template contains account numbers in the Accounts section.

Accounts defined by default, for expense groups, are prioritized to those found in the Configuration option but not to those found in the Activities and Budgets tab. Furthermore, when accounting for interests, the AR account define here has priority over the one defined in the Standard Accounts Receivable field in the Configuration option, of the Invoicing module.

  1. Complete the Technical Details sub-tab if project information has to be communicated to the technicians during project dispatch (if used).
  2. Complete the Eleknet sub-tab if an Eleknet access has to be set up for the project and if special prices are offered for certain items in this project. Note the user code, the password, as well as the invoicing and delivery account numbers.
  3. Though all accounting transactions are performed using the currency rate set up in the Currency Management option, it is possible to use a different rate than the one entered in the option to calculate project costs. Complete the Specific Rate for a Currency section if needed.




Currency code for the project, if the Currency Management option is used.


Default change rate for the project.

NOTE: Maestro* displays by default the rate of the selected currency. It can be modified manually. It will be used in all transactions linked to this project, such as project purchases.

  1. Complete the Holdback Rate section.




Holdback rate applicable to the project.

NOTES: When creating a subcontract, the holdback rate applicable to the project will have priority over the holdback rate entered in the Supplier Management option.

When creating an invoicing contract, the holdback rate specified in the project will automatically be displayed.


  1. Complete the Parameters tab.



Price List

Price list to use for the project, issued from the Maintain Price Lists option.

Separate Orders

When checked, this box tells maestro* that a separate order must be created for this project.

NOTE: During the procurement process, maestro* checks if this field is activated for the project and creates a separate order for the latter if it is activated.

Default Equipment Rates

Default charge rate of the machine.

NOTE: If applicable, this rate will be used when entering hours in the Enter Hours option.

Work in Progress Method

Work in progress management method selected for this project.

Available Values

Short Description


For every expense transaction, maestro* generates an automatic cumulative in a work in progress assets account. The assets are transferred to an expense account only at the end of the project and closing of the month.

NOTE: In general, this mode is used by engineers in the residential sector.


For every expense transaction, maestro* generates a cumulative in the expense accounts.

Interco Accepted

Makes it possible to determine, for this project, if the intercompany transaction in non multidimensional mode are accepted, or not.

NOTE: Maestro* identifies that transaction as being an intercompany transaction only.

Budget by Period

When checked, this box adds to the Activities and Budgets tab the Budget by Period and Quantity to Fulfill by Period sub-tabs. The import of an Excel file will then allow to complete and enter budgets by financial period.

Type of Projection

Allows, using the scrolldown menu, selecting the projection calculation method to use for this project.

Entry Level of Progress %

Allows, using the scrolldown menu, selecting the entry method/level of the project progress percentage.

Billable Project

When checked, this box means that hours worked on this project will be billed internally according to the chosen option:

  • Use the rate at cost
  • Use the marked up selling rate
  • Use the selling rate without markup

Four fields then allow to enter the markup percentage of internal salary markups.

NOTE: This functionality is linked with the use of the Enter Hours - Invoicing option. The markup percentage is calculated on the hourly rate.


  1. Complete the Activities tab if the maestro*MOBILE Project interface is used.

This section displays all the project activities defined in the Activities and Budgets tab. It allows to massively identify the activities that must be displayed in maestro*MOBILE - selecting activities is based on the functionality of the transaction type. More information will be given if needed, if the maestro*MOBILE Projects interface is used and if it is part of the training session.

  1. Complete the Options tab by checking the functionalities that must apply to the project.



Post selling budgets from change orders to cost activities and groups

This box is used to determine to which activity and group the selling budget will be affected in the Change Order Management option. If the box is checked, these amounts will be affected to the expense group and activity selling budgets, which are defined on each breakdown line in the Change Order. Otherwise, these amounts will be affected to the activity and group defined in the Revenues section.

NOTE: Only displayed if, in the project Configurations, General section, the Allow the entry of budgets without validating the type of groups parameter is activated.

Activate Accrual Management in the subcontracts

Allows determining a default value to apply to all subcontracts linked to a project.

NOTE: If the Activate Accrual Management in the subcontracts box is not checked for the project, the Accrual Accounting box will be unchecked and non modifiable for the contract.

Do not create an intercompany transport ticket for this project

When running the Creating Intercompany Tickets functionality, no intercompany transport tickets will be created from tickets charged to projects for which this setting is not checked.

NOTE: This box is linked with using the Quarry Tickets module in multidimensional mode.


  1. Click on the Save icon.

Completing the Fields in the Activities and Budgets Tab

  1. Validate and complete the information displayed in the window for the selected activity.




Activity number.


This field is no longer used.


Activity code description.

Activity Type

Activity type, either Division, Section, Activity, or Phase.


W/C-CSST code applicable to this activity.

Budget Type

Allows modifying the budget follow-up type.

Available Values



This value makes it so the original budget amount is automatically modified when adding a quantity in the Modification field of the Quantity to Fulfill section.

Lump Sum

This value allows making manual modifications to the budget, without affecting the quantities.


PBB code applicable to this activity.

NOTE: This code is used by electricians only.

Overtime Calculation Code

Code that allows identifying on which base the overtime calculation must be performed.

NOTE: The available list comes from the Define Overtime Calculation Parameters option. Furthermore, this field is only available if the Automatic calculation of overtime option is installed.

Change Order

Checkbox which allows identifying, for information purposes, if the activity is used for change orders.


Allows to identify whether the activity is active or completed.

NOTE: If the activity completed, the project amount will be equal to the real amount.


  1. Complete the Quantity to Fulfill section, if needed.




Indicates the measuring unit of an activity with a Unit type budget follow-up.

NOTE: For example, kilometre, hour, foot, etc.


Originally budgeted quantity.

NOTES: If a field is modified and the budget follow-up type is Unit, maestro* will pose the following question "Do you want to recalculate the budget amounts and quantities?". If the user answers Yes, the following columns (in the budget grid) will be recalculated to take into account the change made:

  • Budget (original)
  • Quantity (original)


Quantity to add to the original one.

NOTES: If this field is modified and the budget follow-up type is Unit, maestro* will ask the following question "Do you want to recalculate the budget amounts and quantities?". If the user answers Yes, the following columns (in the budget grid) will be recalculated to take into account the changes made:

  • Modification of the budget amount
  • Modification of the budgeted quantity

This field is not accessible if the Budget by Period mode (in the Parameters tab) is active.

  1. If applicable, complete the Construction Management Billing section if the invoicing mode is used.



Billable Activity

When checked, this box indicates the activity is billable.

NOTE: This section only appears if the construction management billing option is used. This box is not checked by default.

  1. Validate the information in the Accounts section.
  2. If maestro*MOBILE is used, complete the fields in the Available in *MOBILE section.

The Budget sub-tab oversees a breakdown grid which allows entering the budget allocated to highlighted project activity. The explanations are available further on in this document, in the section titled Integrate an Initial Budget to a Project.

  1. Click on the Save icon.

Complete the Fields in the Groups Tab

  1. Check the Restrict access to certain groups if you wish to limit access to expense or revenue groups for all activities in the project.
  2. If that is the case, check the groups that must remain accessible.

  1. Click on the Save icon.



View the Content in the Project Total Tab

  1. The Project Total tab will allow, once the budget completed and the work started, viewing the total amounts of activities, both real (according to the transferred transactions for the project) and budgeted, by expense group and including change orders.

View the Content in the Default Values by Trade Tab

  1. Click on the Default Values by Trade tab to define, by trade code, the shift, sector, appendix, and union code that will be displayed, by default, in the different hour entry windows, when the transactions will be entered for the current project. Read document PAYROLL02 for more information.

  1. Click on the Save icon.

View the Content in the Certificates Tab

  1. Click on the Certificates tab to enter the required certificates to work on the project. By indicating a certificate for a project, maestro* will validate, during project dispatch (if used, of course), if the technician has the required certificates to perform the work.

  1. Click on the Save icon.
  2. Click on the Quit icon.



Integrate an Initial Budget to a Project

Entering a project budget in maestro* makes the follow-up of costs easier but also allows to make sure amount charged to projects affect the good activities and the right groups. As quotations are at the origin of multiple projects, it is relatively quick to enter amounts that make up the budget of a project. What's more, three methods allow user to integrate a budget to a project, all in the Project Management option:

  • the manual entry method, by activity;
  • budget import from an Excel file;
  • using budget templates, which remains by far the preferred method for large and/or repetitive projects.


If you do not have access to the Budget sub-tab breakdown grid,displayed in the lower part of the Activities and Budgets window, in the Project Management option, or if you cannot enter values, it is possible that your user security profile has restructions to this effect.

Budget Grid Detail




Expense or revenue group available for the activity.


Expense or revenue group description.

Type of Follow-Up

Budget follow-up type for the activity and the group, being Lump Sum or Unit.

NOTE: If a Budget Type is selected by default in the field to this effect, in the upper part of the window, the type will systematically be displayed in the grid.


If applicable, measuring unit of the expense group.

NOTE: To use only if the same measuring unit applies to all group expenses.


This field is no logner used.


Activity selling budget, for the specified group.

NOTE: It is only possible to enter a selling budget if the group is of type 2 - Revenue, this type being defined in the Define Cost Groups option.


The activity selling budget modification amount for the specified group. Can also come from the activity extras selling price, such as change orders. For example, if the initial budget was $100 and the new budget is $400, we must enter $300 in the Modification field. Furthermore, the amount can be negative if there is a decrease in the budget.

NOTE: The modifications made to revenue budgets following the import of modified budgets from Excel are entered in this column.


Activity cost budget, for the specified group.

NOTE: It is possible to enter a cost budget for all groups, except for type 2- Revenue groups, this type being define in the Define Cost Groups option.


Modification made to the activity cost budget for the specified group. Can also come from the cost price of activity extras, such as change orders.

NOTE: The modifications made to cost budgets following the import of modified budgets from Excel are entered in this column.


The budgeted activity quantities for the specified group.


Modification to activity quantity budget for the specified group.

NOTE: The modifications made to quantity budgets following the import of modified budgets from Excel are entered in this column.





In Budget by Period mode, maestro* displays in the Total Budget tab the sum of all budgets defined by period in the Budget by Period tab.

Manually Entering a Budget by Activity

As its name indicates, it is possible to manually enter information in the grid and therefore enter the selling or cost budget for each group. Since the number of activities for a project generally has a significance, manually entering budgets can require a lot of time, in addition to increasing the risk of errors. And... do not forget to frequently save your work! 

Importing an Excel File

If a cost estimate is available in an Excel file, it is possible to import data directly in maestro*. Read the Importing Data to maestro* Using an Excel File section of the MAES02 document or perform the following steps:

  1. In the Project Management window, make sure to select the Activities and Budgets tab.
  2. Click on Tools, in the menu bar. From the scrolldown menu, hover over Import and select Import an Excel File.
  3. Select the Excel file from the File Selection window (the columns in the file must match those in the grid).

The data is automatically displayed in the maestro* window. Furthermore, the software displays a warning message, in part if some data is not valid (or missing).

  1. In the Import Activities and Budgets from a Standard Format File window, select the import option that must be applied, under the Existing Budgets label:
    • All budgets for all companies and activities will be initialized and the values in the file will be imported.
    • The values in the file will be added to existing budgets.
    • The values in the file will replace existing budgets.
  2. Make the necessary modifications and/or corrections, then click on the Validate the Table icon to check if there are any errors.
  3. If there are no error, maestro* will display the Valid data message. Click on Ok.
  4. Click on the Apply icon.
  5. A message appears to confirm the end of the import. Click on Ok.

The Import Activities and Budgets from a Standard Format File window systematically closes and the budgets are not imported in the Budget grid, for all project activities previously entered in the Excel file.

  1. Make the necessary validations and click on the Save icon.
  2. Click on the Quit icon to close the option.


When a budget is entered in the project and a project purchase (or even a stock order from catalogue) is generated linked to this project, activities, and groups, maestro* checks if the budget is exceeded when saving the said project purchase if the Validate option is selected for the Check Budget Overspending parameter in the Configuration option (Projects module, General tab, Budget Overspending section).



Creating a Master Project 

As mentionned in the document Concept - Project Management in maestro*, a project can be linked to another project, called master project, that oversees the first project. A master project is therefore a project in itself, to which other projects are linked, becoming sub-projects. Indentifying a project template to a master project and/or entering a budget is not required from the outset.

Grouping sub-projects under a master project allows, in part, to view the information of those projects, in the Project Inquiry option, either separately or as a whole. A company could therefore decide to group all their individual individual equipment projects under an Equipment master project. The individual equipment projects would become the sub-projects of the Equipment master project. It would then be possible to view their budgets separately or as a whole.

Multiple sub-project and master projects examples and scenarios are possible. It can also be, for example, sub-projects that make up housing units, that are part of a development phase for a habitation project, aka the master project. Parameters can also be set so the predetermined percentage of a master project expense or revenue be redistributed to the sub-projects. That way, promotional expenses can be affected to the master project and a single entry will be required, instead of having to make five 20% entries to apply the expense to five condominium towers.

Linking Projects to a Master Project

to link a preexisting project to another project, aka to the master project:

  1. In the Project Management window, select the project that will become a sub-project by entering its Number.
  2. In the Master Project field, select the desired project.
  3. Click on the Save icon.
  4. Repeat these steps for all the projects that require it.


It is also possible to create a master project and then create the sub-projects that must be linked to it. This method has the advantage of systematically linking the following fields of the sub-project with the content of the corresponding fields in the master project, if they are completed:

  • Project Desc tab
    • GL Accounts
    • Budget by Period
    • Overtime Calc.
  • Activities and Budgets tab
    • Project activities
    • Activity Type
    • Status of every expense type (Accounts section)
    • W/C-CSST
    • Budget Type
    • PBB
    • Overtime Calculation Code
  • Groups tab
    • Restrict Access to Certain Groups

To copy other information from the Description tab (in addition to the fields mentionned above), check the Copy Information from the Master Project option, available via the Configuration icon.



Creating Project Types, Categories, and Departments

As previously mentionned in the P02 training document, phases, sections, and divisions can be integrated to a project in order to compartmentalize and/or group activities. But it is also possible to group projects as well. These groups allow to classify projects according to criteria that meet the needs of the company, such as the activity sectors, the work type to be performed, project site, project manager, etc. Being all linked to accounting transactions, they allow, and then facilitate, the production of reports and statement of accounts, for analytical purposes. Grouping projects by type, category, and project departments, though optional, allow the extraction of maestro* data, according to groups, and generating reports facilitates, for example:

  • identifying the more lucrative project types;
  • expense analysis;
  • comparison of project costs according to project managers;
  • obtaining the project values according to their nature;
  • etc.

Creating project types, categories, and departments allow not only to classify them but also to assign characteristics and/or attributes to these project groups that make up one of these groupings.

The following table displays the possibilities that the groupings allow, according to their nature.


Project Types

Project Categories

Project Departments

Limit access to projects by user groups




Assign a projection calculation method by default to projects




Specify the default project progress percentage entry precision level




From the outset, create project dispatches for projects




Generate reports and financial statements for project groupings




In sum, it is important to know the manager's needs for data in order to correctly define, if applicable, project types, categories, and departments. Though the creation and settings of these groupings can be done in their specific options, it is during the creation of the project that they will be assigned.





The Accounting module Configurations allow to define the detail level to keep for the general ledger but also to render mandatory the identification of a project type, category, and/or department when creating projects in maestro* (in order for all projects, no exception, be taken into account when generating reports). However, if this setting is active, it will be necessary to create, if used, the Internal or Administration project categories and departments to list the more atypical projects or those not related to a construction project as such.


Creating Project Types

Project types are the first possible grouping level. The Define Project Types option allows to set them up before even creating projects.


maestro* > Projects > Maintenance > Projects > Define Project Types


It is important, when creating project types, to spend some time on the codification since it is the user and the combination of these codes (masks) that will filter the projects when generating reports and financial statements in maestro*. The masks will allow to filter the transactions to only take into account the data corresponding to the requested project groups.

For example, a company could decide to classify their projects in the following project types and assign the codes displayed below:

Project Type






Civil Engineering and landscaping


Appartment building - Light residential sector


Appartment building - Heavy residential sector


Appartment building - commercial sector


Residential renovations


Commercial renovations




Project type codes can be made up by a maximum of 10 characters.

As previously mentionned, assigning logical and well thought-out codes to project types will be very important when generating financial statements. Indeed, maestro* allows using and combining of masks and symbols used to generate cumulative data for some project types, or even data excluding specific project types. The appendix of the online help document (F1) Financial Statement Configuration gives more on these symbols and combinations. While on this subject, here are a couple of combination examples that could be used to generate the following project date: 


Data Taken into Account


Residential projects (R), appartment buildings - light residential sector project (RML), appartment buildings - heavy residential sector project (RMO), sesidential renovations project (RH)


Residential renovations (RH) and commercial renovations (CH) projects.


Commercial projects (C), appartment building - commercial sector projects (CM), and commercial renovations projects (CH)


All residential projects excluding those linked to appartment buildings: residential projects (P) and residential renovation projects (RH)




Online Help (F1) - Define Project Types


  1. To create a new project type, click on the New icon in the Define Project Types window.
  2. Enter the desired code in the field to this effect.
  3. Enter a description.
  4. Fill in the other fields if needed.



Type of Projection

Scrolldown menu allowing to select a projection calculation method by default for this type of project.

Entry Level of Progress %

Scrolldown menu that allows indicating the precision level of progress percentage by default for this project type.

NOTE: This level can be modified directly in the Project Management option.

Create Dispatch Project

Scrolldown menu allowing to create, or not, dispatch projects for these project types in the Dispatch Model Management option. The available values are: 

Yes with confirmation

The Dispatch Model Management window will open upon saving a project of this type in the Project Management option.

Yes without confirmation

A dispatch project is automatically created upon the creation of the project in the Project Management option.


No dispatch project will be created upon the creation of this type of project in the Project Management option.

  1. Complete the Payment Discount if needed, to define a Project, an Activity, and a Group to which will be charged, by default, the discounts when transferring receipts for this type of project, such as a project created simply to manage this discounts or to define the sale Activity - Project and the sale Group-Project used to charge the project discount to the sale.
  2. Click on the Save icon.
  3. Repeast these steps for every project type to create or import the codes and description from an Excel file.
  4. Click on the Quit icon.
Importing Project Type Descriptions and Codes

As is the case for multiple other data types (please read section Importing Data to maestro* Using an Excel File in the MAES02 training document for more information), it is possible to accelerate the creation of project

To do so:

  1. In the Define Project Types window, click on the Tools menu in the taskbar.
  2. Select Import an Excel File.
  3. In the Import Data window, click on the icon to select the Excel data file containing the information to import in maestro*.

The section to the left of the window contains all the field names in the original window, meaning the fields in the Define Project Types window in this case. The section to the right of the window now displays the column names imported from the Excel file, the Code and the Name.

  1. In the left section of the window, click on the Imported Field for which you wish to import information.
  2. In the right section of the window, make a double-click on the column name containing the information in the Excel file.

This column name then disappears from the right section of the window and appears in the Imported Fields column, in the left section of the window.

  1. Repeat these steps for all desired information.


If the information to be imported is a date, select the date format beforehand by clicking on the scrolldown menu of the Date Format field.

  1. Click on the Transfer icon.
  2. A warning message will indicate whether the information was successfully imported and/or display a list of errors. Click on Ok.

  1. Click on Quit to close the window.
  2. Back in the Define Project Types window, click on the icon to view all the available codes, including the newly imported ones.



Creating Project Categories

Just as the project types, categories can be created to add a second project grouping level. A company could decide, for example, to create a project category for every project manager, so as to be able to generate comparison reports by categories and, therefore, by project manager.


Though a field titled Project Manager is displayed in the Project Management window, the latter is used for security management reasons but is not a parameter which allows to generate a report according to the entered value, hence the use by some companies of project categories to identify project managers.



maestro* > Projects > Maintenance > Projects > Define Project Categories



Online Help (F1) - Define Project Categories


  1. To create a project category, click on the New icon in the Define Project Categories window.
  2. Enter the desired code (for ecample, the project manager's initials, if that is the purpose of the category).
  3. Complete the Description field (by entering the full name, for example).
  4. Click on the Save icon.
  5. Repeat these steps to create all project categories or use the Excel import functionality, as previously described to creating project types.
  6. Click on the Quit icon.





Project categories, just like project types and departments, are linked to transactions. Also, if a category is replaced by a new one, only transactions generated after the modification will display the new category. A utilitary is available, if needed, to convert the original category to the new one.


Creating Project Departments

It is in the Define Project Departments option that can be created departments which will allow, in part, to group projects in financial statements. These departments can be created just like project categories and types.


maestro* > Projects > Maintenance > Projects > Define Project Departments



Online Help (F1) - Define Project Departments


  1. To create a project department, click on the New icon in the Define Project Departments window.
  2. Enter the desired code.
  3. Complete the Description field.
  1. Click on Save.
  2. Repeat these steps to create every project departments or use the Excel file import functionality, as previously described to create project types.
  3. Click on the Quit icon.



Closing a Project

The Close a Project option allows to close a project, meaning that this project will no longer be used anywhere. In fact, it is not possible to dispatch costs to the activities of a closed project but closing a project does not impact having access to the latter's information. That being said, it is impossible to close a project if purchase orders linked to the former are still open.


maestro* > Projects > Maintenance > Projects > Close a Project



Online Help (F1) - Close a Project


  1. To close one or multiple project(s)1, check the Close box for the project(s) you wish to close.

Be default, maestro* enters to current date as the closing date. However, this date can be modified.

  1. Click on Save.

The closing date is automatically entered in the Project Management and Project Inquiry options and the project is displayed as Closed.


The Allows selection of one or many cells icon makes it possible to select multiple projects by using a work completion date range, or by using the Time in days since the last expense functionality or the Include projects with no costs checkbox.

Furthermore, when a use tries to close a project, a warning message is displayed and maestro* prevents saving when there is an order linked to the project and it is not closed. However, if only one or some order lines are linked to the project and these are closed, it will be possible to close the project, even if the other lines in the order are not closed. As long as the lines linked to the project are closed then the project can be closed.

It is possible to prevent closing a project for which some quantities in the inventory site remain, if the Refuse to clsoe a project if there are items in the Inventory Site box in the Configuration option is checked. In that case, maestro* displays a message indicating that quantities or values remain in the site inventory and cannot allow the project to be closed.


Project End Notions

It is important to distinguish the End a Project and Close a Project options.

The end of a project allows to enter, in maestro*, a project end date, while leaving the project active. This option is mainly used for projects that are actively managed in the Project Mangement window. When closing periods, maestro* reverses works in progess for projects with an end date to then charge them.

The end of a project is irreversible. It is however to possible to modify the project end date. Furthermore, it is possible to perform a project end even if there are still orders in progress for the former.

In sum, it is not necessary to use the End a Project option before closing a project to manage expenses. For projects managed as active, it is necessary to end a project before closing the project orelse no reversal of totals for works in progress will be possible.


maestro* > Projects > Maintenance > Projects > End a Project



Online Help (F1) - End a Project


  1. To end one, or more, projects2, check the End box of the project(s).

By default, maestro* enters the current date as the end date. However. this date can be modified.

  1. Click on Save.

The end date will automatically be entered in the Project Management and Project Inquiry options.



Reopening a Project

The Reopen a Project option allows to reopen a project that was previously closed. Maestro* then removes the project close date and the latter will once again be available to enter transactions.


maestro* > Projects > Maintenance > Projects > Reopen a Project



Online Help (F1) - Reopen a Project

Reopening a closed project is relatively simple in maestro*: simply select the project to reopen in the option window. Maestro* will then ask if we really wish to erase the project close date, then voilà! The project has been reopened!



Deleting a Project


maestro* > Projects > Maintenance > Projects > Delete a Project


It is generally recommended to never delete a project. However, if a situation justifies it (for exmaple, during testing and the implementation), it is first necessary to close the project using the Close a Project option (maestro* > Projects > Maintenance > Projects > Close a Project). It is only once the project is closed that it will be possible to delete it using the Delete a Project option.


Note that the Delete a Project option will delete the project file but not the transactions linked to the project. Also, if a deleted project number is reused, all transactions issued from the initial project will be linked to the new one.



Online Help (F1) - Delete a Project








Configurations to be completed


Approval or meeting with management


Tests and trial runs


P03 Unit





Due Date




Synchronizing projects linkeed tp a template when modifications are made to the former (functionality explained in unit P02).






Creating the necessary projects in maestro*, from a project template:

  • for each cutomer project;
  • for the balance sheet;
  • for the financial statement;
  • for internal departments, if needed;
  • for loans, equipment, and others.






Integrating initial budgets to projects through an Excel file:

  • Enter budhets, by activity, in Excel files;
  • Import these budgets to the applicable projects.





T or C

Link, if needed, a project to a master project so it becomes a sub-project.






Setting up project tyypes, if applicable, and linking them to the different projects.






Setting up project categories, if applicable, and linking them to the different projects.






Setting up project departments, if applicable, and linking them to the different projects.






Closing a project.






Reopening a project.






Ending a project.






Deleting a project.