Define Templates


The Define Templates option is used to prevent duplicate entries of the same information when creating a new estimate. Templates contain the same fields as Estimating.





  1. Basic Estimate Information
  2. Creating a Template for a Construction Estimate
  3. Creating a Template for a Distribution Estimate




maestro* > Projects > Estimating > Processing > Define Templates


Basic Estimate Information


This information is taken from saved estimates. The information is completed automatically when a new estimate is saved.





Counter to identify the estimate.

Estimate Number

Number of the estimate.

Project Number

Project number identified in the estimate.


Summary description to identify the estimate.


Status of the selected estimate.

Date Submitted

Does not apply because this date is not registered for a template.

Date Limit

Does not apply because this date is not registered for a template.

Time Limit

Does not apply because this time is not registered for a template.


Creating a Template for a Construction Estimate

  1. Click on New Entry.
  2. Click on the Construction Estimate tab.
  3. Keep the Transaction Type as Template.
  4. Select an Estimate Type and Project Template according to the specific requirements for the template.


You can select the estimate type and project template after creating the estimate.

  1. Click on Lock.


Lock mode ensures that no other user can modify the estimate at the same time. The estimate can be consulted by other users, but it cannot be modified.

This icon is only displayed if the Record Blocking option is set to Manual. The lock mode is configured in Configuration, General, Record Blocking.

  1. Enter the required information:


The Define Estimate Types function is used to define entry options for the Estimate Number field and identifies forms by estimate type.




Description of the template.

NOTE: This description is available when searching the Estimate Selection grid.

Estimate Number

Template number.


Template status.

NOTE: The default status of a template is Template and this cannot be changed.

This information is provided for information purposes:

Cost Amount

Cost amount of the estimate.

Total amount

Total amount of the estimate.

NOTE: This amount is calculated based on the amounts entered in the Detail tab and in the Summary section of the Closing tab.


Profitability percentage calculated for the estimate.

NOTE: Productivity is calculated using the profit calculation method selected in the Closing tab.


Amount of profit calculated.

  1. Enter the required information in the ClosedDetail tab: these icons are used to create an estimate document that contains costs by division, section, module, resource and item.


All estimates must include at least one division and one section.

The right mouse button provides access to a number of functions based on the position of your cursor in the estimate.



Used to add, remove or insert a division in the estimate.

Used to add, remove or insert a section in a division.

NOTE: A section must be part of a division. The inverse is not possible.

Used to add or remove an item from Catalogue Management or from the Catalogue tab of the estimate.

Used to add or remove a sub-contractor from Supplier Management.

Used to add or remove a resource from Resource Management.

NOTE: Adding a Resource linked to an Item lets you use the scenarios set up in Resource Management.


Used to add or remove a module from Define Modules.

NOTE: A module is a reusable unit that represents the production of a certain unit of measure as defined for a job.

NOTE: The quantity of elements required to create the module is calculated based on this unit (for example, a module for creating an 8-foot wall could have linear feet as the unit). A module is actually a mini estimate that can be reused in estimates.

These icons are used to navigate through the estimate and to present the information in the most appropriate manner for the user.

  1. Enter the required information in the ClosedInformation tab:
  1. ClosedCustomer Information section:
  1. ClosedSite Information section:
  1. ClosedMain customer's Information section:
  1. ClosedContacts section:
  1. ClosedDates section:
  1. ClosedOther section:
  1. Transfer Information section:
  1. ClosedProject sub-section:
  1. ClosedContract sub-section:
  1. Enter the required information in the ClosedResources tab: this tab lets you view the list of resources available for the estimate.


If resources are selected in the estimate, they are displayed automatically in the Resources tab.



Resource Type






Fix Cost

Tells the system that the buyer has negotiated the price and that it must not be changed.

NOTE: Even if the Recalculate the Entire Estimate, Get Updated Prices, Get Updated Table Information functions are used, the system does not assign products for which the Fix Price column is checked.

Cost U.P.


Excel Cell Price

Price from a cell in the Calculation Sheet tab.



Nbr of Resources


Quantity Used




Adjusted Quantity


Nbr of Hrs


Nbr of Hrs on Site


Rounded Nbr of Hrs


Rounded Nbr of Hrs on Site


  1. Enter the required information in the ClosedVariables tab:


You can adjust variables that are populated by calculations. Variables save values and can be used anywhere in the Quantity fields by double clicking on the field and selecting the variable to be used.




Used to name the variable.


Quantity entered manually or from a worksheet based on the cell entered in the Calculation Sheet column.


Calculates a value based on functions supported in VBScript language.

NOTE: Available operators include:

+ addition

- subtraction

* multiplication

^ power

/ floating division

\ integer division

mod modulus - remainder of a division

< less than

<= less than or equal to

> greater than

>= greater than or equal to

<> not equal to

Notlogical not

and logical and

or logical or

xorlogical xor

eqv equality

imp implication

& concatenation


Abs(nbr) return absolute value

Atn(nbr) return arc tangent

Cos(nbr) return cosinus

Exp(nbr) return power

Int(nbr) return integer

Fix(nbr) return integer

Log(nbr) return naperien log

Sqr(nbr) return square root

Tan(nbr) return tangent

Sgn(nbr) return sign

Round(expr,[numdecimalplaces]) return rounding

Sin(nbr) return sinus


IF(Expr, true portion, false portion): Displays 'true portion' or 'false portion' based on the result of 'Expr'

Unit(nbr,integer): Displays a multiple of 'integer' based on 'nbr'

SUM: Calculates a quantity based on a 'SUM' formula. SUM{<variable to be added>, <division>, <section>, <module>, <item type> ,<filter>}

<variable to be added>: variables in the sum. Possible values include: QTY, COSTAMOUNT, UP, SELLAMOUNT

<division>: divisions to be browsed. Possible values include: CURRENT (default), ALL, a division code.

<section>: sections to be browsed. Possible values include: CURRENT (default), ALL, a section code.

<module>: modules to be browsed. Possible values include: CURRENT, ALL (default), a module number.

<item type>: types of items to be included. Possible values include: M, S, R. All combinations are possible. None of the values equal all the values.

<filter>: filters to be applied: Possible values include: UNIT, ACTIVITY, GROUP, CODE, QTY, COSTAMOUNT, UP, SELLAMOUNT and must be written between <>. Possible operators include: =, >, <, NOT, AND, OR, /, \, *, +, -. Parentheses are also allowed.

The value must be between quotation marks ("value") if the filter is not numeric (UNIT, ACTIVITY, GROUP, CODE).

Below are some examples:







SUM {QTY,ALL,ALL,ALL,MS,(<UNIT>="u" or <UNIT>="un.") and NOT(<ACTIVITY>="400")}


Calculation Sheet

Identifies the cell used for the calculation.

NOTE: If only the cell is specified, the system displays 1 by default, followed by the cell number (for example, 1:C1). This tells the system that the identified cell is from the 1st Excel sheet. If the reference is in another sheet than the 1st, the worksheet must be identified (for example, Test:C1).


Identifies the unit of measure for the variable.


Used to enter a more detailed description of the variable for information purposes.

  1. Enter the required information in the ClosedCalculation Sheet tab: this tab provides access to all Excel functions.


This tab is optional.

These icons are used to modify, open or import an existing Excel worksheet and create links to fields in the Detail tab of the estimate.

  1. The ClosedLocal Catalogue tab enables two functions:
  • The first creates a catalogue of products specific to the estimate based on products created in Catalogue Management or on new items that are not in the catalogue. The items can be created individually or in batches. These items are displayed in the Catalogue tab of the template when an item is selected.
  • The second displays a summary of parts selected in the Detail tab of the estimate and lets the user quickly see the parts used.
  1. ClosedProduct sub-tab:
  1. ClosedProduct Type sub-tab:
  1. Enter the required information in the ClosedItems Transfer tab:



Used to create specific items for the estimate (local catalogue).

Used to create a batch of items in the Batches of Items section.

Used to add items to a batch.


If the price of the batch is entered, the system recalculates the unit price for each of the items based on the quantity and unit price relationship on the batch price (weighting) to define the new unit price.

  1. Enter the required information in the ClosedQuotation Proposals tab: this tab is used to save and consult estimate submission information.
  1. Enter the required information in the ClosedPlans and Addenda tab: This tab is used to save and consult information related to plans and addendas used to create the estimate.
  1. Consult the information in the ClosedProject Activities tab: this tab provides a detailed view by activity according to the project template selected.


The checkbox is used to select activities that affect the budget.

  1. Consult the information in the ClosedClosing tab: this tab provides an overview of the contents of the estimate. It is also used to determine a percentage for administration expenses and the percentage of profit to be applied to the estimate or to enter other costs in the estimate, such as permits, insurance, and others, which are not in the Detail tab.


The percentage of profit can be set manually or by selecting from a menu. Many methods for calculating profit are also available: Quotation, Basic Group, Group, Division, etc.

  1. Enter the required information in the ClosedCustomers tab: this tab is used to identify and consult the list of customers to which the estimate has been sent.
  1. Click Save.


You can save estimates automatically by activating this function with the Configuration icon.


Creating a Template for a Distribution Estimate

  1. Click on New Entry.
  2. Click on the Distribution Estimate tab.
  3. Keep the Transaction Type as Template.
  4. Select an Estimate Type according to the specific requirements of the newly created estimate.
  5. Enter the required information:


The Define Estimate Types function is used to define entry options for the Estimate Number field.




Description of the template.

NOTE: This description is available when searching the Estimate Selection grid.

Estimate Number

Template number.


Template status.

NOTE: The default status of a template is Template and this cannot be changed.

This information is available for information purposes:



Total amount

Total amount of the estimate.

NOTE: This amount is calculated based on the amounts entered in the Detail tab and in the Summary section of the Closing tab.

  1. Enter the required information in the ClosedDetail tab:


If the product has an inventory code, all information for this is retrieved from Catalogue Management.



Inventory Code

Inventory code of the product.


Description associated with the product.

NOTE: The description can be changed manually.


Product unit.


Characteristic of the product defined in the catalogue.


Identification of the product.


Expense activity from the catalogue.

Qty Ord. Invt.

Required quantity based on the inventory unit.

Inv. Unit

Unit of measure associated with the inventory quantity.

Qty Ord. Cust.

Required quantity based on the customer unit.

Cust. Unit

Unit of measure associated with the quantity for the customer.

U.P. Invt

Unit price based on the inventory unit.

U.P. Customer

Unit price based on the customer unit.

Disc %

Percentage discount applicable to the price.


Amount for the product line.


Tax applicable to the sale of the product.


Tax applicable to the sale of the product.

Cost Price

Cost calculated based on the quantity and unit price.

  1. Enter the required information in the ClosedOther Information tab:
  1. ClosedCustomer section:
  1. ClosedDelivery section:
  1. ClosedOthers section:
  1. Enter the required information in the Detailed Description tab: this tab is used to enter a detailed description that is printed on the Print Quotation Details report by default. You can also insert the detailed description variable on the forms.
  1. Enter the required information in the Calculation Sheet tab: this tab provides access to all Excel functions.


This tab is optional.

These icons are used to modify, open or import an existing Excel worksheet.

  1. Enter the required information in the ClosedCustomers tab: this tab is used to save and consult the list of customers to which the estimate has been sent.
  1. Enter the required information in theClosed Quotation Proposals tab: this tab is used to save and consult estimate submission information.
  1. Enter the required information in the ClosedPlans and Addendas tab: this tab is used to save and consult information related to plans and addendas used to create the estimate.









  1. Click Save.


See also