These documents are aligned with the course outlines and are designed to support your learning! The lessons to know and remember are listed step by step; in short, How Tos for almost all of maestro*'s functions... and more!


Maestro 101*

  1. Maestro* Overview and Customization



  1. Accounting Transactions


Project Management

Concept - Project Management in maestro*

  1. Creating Project Templates in maestro*
  2. Creating Projects and Importing Budgets


Accounts Payable

  1. Preliminary Analysis and Configuration Related to Accounts Payable
  2. Creating Suppliers in maestro* and Settings
  3. Posting and Paying Purchase Invoices in maestro*


Accounts Receivable

  1. Preliminary Analysis and Configuration Related to Account Receivable
  2. Customer Accounts 101


Contractual Billing

Concept - The Different Invoicing Methods in maestro*

  1. Preliminary Analysis and Configuration Related to Contractual Billing

